Conical gearbox with horizontal shaft arrangement

- Added: 04.05.2019
- Size: 1 MB
- Downloads: 2
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Project's Content
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Additional information
Mechanical engineering is the basis of mechanical re-armament of all public production. The scale and pace of the introduction of modern progressive equipment, the level of mechanization and authorization of production in all sectors of industry, agriculture, transport depend on the development of mechanical engineering.
In the national economy, mechanical engineering replaces the leading position. This can be judged by the ever-increasing specific gravity of the industry.
The emergence of mechanical engineering as an independent industry and its sectoral differentiation are directly related to the social division of labor. Under the influence of the frequent division of labor in mechanical engineering, new industries are constantly being revived.
Modern trends in the development of mechanical engineering. Challenges facing mechanical engineering.
Modern mechanical engineering represents many interconnected industries and industries. A particular production becomes a separate industry of mechanical engineering with certain technical and economic prerequisites.
Currently, the engineering industries are combined into a single engineering complex, which includes nineteen large industries and about a hundred specialized industries, sub-sectors and industries.
The engineering complex has the main role in the implementation of the scientific and technical revolution. The mass production of new generations of machinery capable of increasing labor productivity many times, opening the way to automation of all stages of production, requires significant structural types.
In the period up to 2000, it was planned as a matter of priority to carry out a radical reconstruction of the machine-building complex, primarily machine-tool engineering, computer engineering, instrument engineering, electrical and electronic industry.
This period is characterized by structural shifts not only between engineering industries, but also within each industry.
The pace of development of industries and changes in intersectoral relations of mechanical engineering is determined primarily by those tasks that are set in the field of mechanization and automation of production, the development of energy economy, electrification and chemization. Currently, the share of workers engaged in manual labor in industry, construction, and agriculture is still large. It is planned to accelerate the pace of integrated mechanization of production, especially the mechanization of auxiliary, transport and warehouse operations, production processes in agriculture.
Thus, the main direction of structural changes in the national economy, including in the machine-building complex, is associated with accelerating scientific and technological progress and improving the efficiency of public production on this basis.
The role of a mechanical specialist in solving the problems facing mechanical engineering in scientific and technical progress.
Workers are the most important element of productive forces, determine the growth rate of production and labor productivity, the number of products and the success of the industry.
An important role in mechanical engineering is played by engineering workers or mechanical specialists. We include persons who conduct research, as well as perform the functions of office management, supply, maintenance.
A characteristic feature of changing the structure of workers in industry is a decrease in the share of workers and an increase in the share of engineering workers. Such changes are a consequence of scientific and technological progress.
This structure is a consequence of an increase in the level of technical equipment of the main production with an increase in the cost of maintenance and repair of complex automatic equipment, automatic process control systems.
Design Objectives and Objectives
The purpose of the course design in the discipline "Machine Parts" is to systematize, consolidate, expand theoretical knowledge, train students in the practical calculation and design of parts and assembly units of mechanical drives, develop calculation and graphic skills, as well as prepare for the performance of diploma design and subsequent production work. The main requirements for the machine are high productivity, reliability, processability, minimum weight dimensions, ease of use and economy.
The main objectives of the course project are:
familiarization with scientific and technical literature on the topic of the course project;
study of known designs of similar machines and mechanisms with analysis of their advantages and disadvantages;
selection of the simplest design option taking into account the requirements of the technical specification for the project;
performing the necessary calculations to ensure the specified technical characteristics of the designed device;
selection of materials and required accuracy of manufacturing of parts and assemblies of the designed device, surface roughness, required tolerances and fits, feature and location tolerances;
execution of the graphic part of the course project in accordance with the ESKD standards;
preparation of necessary descriptions and explanations for the course project.
General information about the gear box.
A reduction gear is a mechanism consisting of gear or worm gears, made in the form of a separate unit and serving to transfer rotation from the shaft of the engine to the shaft of the working machine.
The purpose of the reduction gear is to reduce the angular speed and, accordingly, increase the torque of the driven shaft compared to the driving one.
Reduction gear consists of housing accommodating transmission elements:
gears, shafts, bearings, etc.
Gearboxes are classified according to the following main characteristics:
- gear type (toothed, worm, chevron)
number of degrees (single-stage, two-stage, etc.)
- type of gears (cylindrical, conical, etc.)
- relative location of gear box shafts in space (horizontal, vertical).
- peculiarities of kinematic scheme.
Preliminary Shaft Calculation
Select Shaft Material
We choose the material for the shafts: as a rule, the material is steel of the same grade and hardness as the gear and gear.
Drive shaft - 40X steel, HV 245, driven shaft - 40X steel, HV 270.,
A1_red (1).cdw

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