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Complex mechanization of work at the unit cargo warehouse with a cargo flow of 45000 × 103 kg/year

  • Added: 12.06.2019
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Coursework in the discipline Complex mechanization, complete warehouse design completed

Project's Content

icon (2) задание.docx
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icon 4Введение.docx
icon 5Расчётно-пояснительная записка.docx
icon Заключение.docx
icon клад.dwg
icon Литература.docx
icon олдлод.pdf

Additional information




1 Calculation of cargo storage area

2 Determination of area of unloading (loading) site

3 Determination of mechanization requirements

4 Need for mechanization in the cargo receiving area

5 Need for mechanization in the cargo delivery area

6 Mechanization and automation of auxiliary works

7 Unit cargo warehouse layout and general mechanization diagram

8 Economic part



Assignment for coursework in discipline

"Integrated Mechanization and Automation of PRTS Works"

On the topic: "Comprehensive mechanization of work in a unit cargo warehouse with a cargo flow of 45000 × 103 kg/year"

Source Data:

- cargo flow Q, kg/year 45000 103;

- overall dimensions of the cargo, m:

length, a 0.385;

width, b 0.385;

height, c 0.225;

- cargo density, kg/m3 1500;

- rack storage method;

- type of pallet container;

- shelf life of the cargo, [xr], day 25;

- warehouse operation mode, shift 2;

- Mode of transport:

arrival of the railway;

rail dispatch


The most effective direction in improving the warehouse of trade is to increase the level of technical equipment of warehouses and the transition to integrated mechanization and automation of warehouse trade and technological processes.

The introduction of integrated mechanization of warehouse trade processes provides for the use of crane equipment in loading, unloading and storage operations in combination with electric loaders, electric stackers, various kinds of conveyors and other means that allow mechanizing all the main labor-intensive work in warehouses.

The main task of organizing automated warehouses is to automate the main technological processes in warehouses using a complex of lifting and transportation machines and storage equipment without using manual labor.

The successful implementation of integrated mechanization and automation of warehouse processes involves equipping warehouses not only with the necessary lifting and transportation equipment of progressive types, but also with modern rack equipment, as well as the use of packaging of a significant part of the cargo.

In recent years, the search for a solution to the problem of organizing automated and semi-automated warehouses has noticeably intensified in our country and abroad.


In the course of this course work, a scheme was developed for mechanization of loading, unloading and transportation and warehousing operations in a unit cargo warehouse with an annual cargo flow of 45,000 tons/year.

As a result, a complex of machines was selected, including 3 electric loaders, 3 shelving cranes - stackers. This combination of machines allows you to significantly improve the working conditions of warehouse workers, and also eliminates the use of manual labor in the warehouse when processing goods. In addition, the warehouse area Fsk = 720 m2 was calculated, the number of warehouse employees per shift mp = 18 people.

In the final part of the course work, the costs of depreciation, technical repairs and maintenance, the costs of wages, as well as power energy were calculated. Labor productivity was G = 2.250,000 kg/year.

Drawings content

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