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Comparative analysis and calculation of characteristics of bulldozer DT-75B

  • Added: 08.12.2015
  • Size: 862 KB
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Introduction. 4 1 Structural and operational analysis of DT-75B bulldozer.. 5 1.1 Purpose, classification, scope of bulldozers.. 5 1.2 Comparative analysis of process equipment.. 11 2 Determination of the main parameters of the bulldozer.. 14 2.1 Determination of working equipment mass.. 14 2.2 Determination of geometric parameters of dump.. 15 2.3 Main parameters of the lateral profile of the dump.. 15 2.4 Resistance at the end of the soil cutting process.. 16 2.5 Bulldozer operating capacity during cutting and moving of soil.. 20 3 Construction of traction characteristic.. 22 Conclusion. 29 List of literature... 30 Appendix A - General view of bulldozer DT-75B Appendix B - Traction characteristic of bulldozer DT-75B

Project's Content

icon ДТ-75Б.docx
icon Общий вид бульдозера ДТ-75Б _ 02068025.151000.12-3.031.cdw
icon Тяговая характеристика бульдозера ДТ-75Б _ 02068025.151000.11-3.031..cdw

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1 Structural - operational analysis of DT-75B bulldozer

1.1 Purpose, classification, scope of bulldozers

1.2 Comparative Analysis of Process Equipment

2 Determination of the main parameters of the bulldozer

2.1 Determination of working equipment weight

2.2 Determination of geometric parameters of dump

2.3 Main parameters of dump cross-section

2.4 Resistance at the end of the cutting process

2.5 Bulldozer operating capacity during soil cutting and displacement

3 Construction of traction characteristic


List of literature

Appendix A - General view of DT-75B bulldozer

Appendix B - Traction characteristic of bulldozer DT-75B


Earth-moving machines are designed for layer-by-layer separation of soil from the massif and its transportation to the place of laying, as well as for planning works. This group of cars includes bulldozers, staplers, graders, auto graders, elevator graders and plows.

In this course work, we will consider the purpose, classification and scope of the DT75B bulldozer, determine the mass, geometric parameters and the main parameters of the transverse profile of the dump. We also calculate the resistances arising during cutting of the soil, the operational productivity of the bulldozer during cutting and moving of the soil and build a traction characteristic.


During this course work, the bulldozer excavation and transport machine was considered, they got acquainted with its purpose and classification. Resistance arising during cutting of soil and its components, such as resistance to cutting of 15.52 kN, resistance to moving of soil up the dump of 0.93 kN, resistance to moving of drawing prism of 4.6 kN, resistance to moving of bulldozer as trolleys of 28.02 kN, resistance to moving of drawing prism before dump, operating capacity of bulldozer during cutting and moving of soil 14.14 m/h, were also calculated. In addition, the traction characteristic of the bulldozer was built in order to determine the optimal modes of its operation.

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icon Общий вид бульдозера ДТ-75Б _ 02068025.151000.12-3.031.cdw

Общий вид бульдозера  ДТ-75Б _ 02068025.151000.12-3.031.cdw

icon Тяговая характеристика бульдозера ДТ-75Б _ 02068025.151000.11-3.031..cdw

Тяговая характеристика  бульдозера ДТ-75Б _ 02068025.151000.11-3.031..cdw

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