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Calculation of stuffing machine of LPK1000F type


Calculation of stuffing machine of LPK1000F type

Project's Content

icon Вал. 2.cdw
icon вал.1.cdw
icon Дежа сборочный чертёж.cdw
icon Звёздочка ведомая.cdw
icon Курсовая работа по ТОПСХП.doc
icon Технологическая схема.cdw
icon Чертеж общего вида лист 2.cdw

Additional information




1 Status of the question and literary review

2 Overview of modern structures

3 Patent study of the project

4 Description of the developed project

5 Operating rules and safety requirements

6 Process calculations

6.1Technological calculation of mince mixer

6.2 Kinematic calculation of mixer drive

6.3. Calculation of chain transmission parameters

6.4 Gear Calculation


List of sources used



Mixing is the process of producing homogeneous systems. The need for agitation arises in production when it is desired to intensify thermal processes. Mixing can be a basic and concomitant process.

Mixing methods, selection of equipment for its implementation are determined by the purpose of mixing and the aggregate state of the mixed media. The most common mixing methods are by means of stirrers of various structures (mechanical), compressed air, steam or inert gas (pneumatic), by means of nozzles and pumps (circulating), continuous mixing due to close contact in a stream of two or more heterogeneous liquids (in-line), etc.

In the meat industry, mechanical mixing was the most used. It is used as the main process in the production of sausages, mince preserves, semi-finished products; as a companion - in the production of salted and smoked meat products, food and technical fats, blood processing, glue, gelatin, organ preparations, etc.

For mixing, batch and continuous equipment is used. The first group includes mince mixers, and the first and second groups include mince mixers. The mixing process in mince grinders and mince mixers takes place both when in contact with ambient air (open) and during vacuum (vacuum).


In the course of the course project, on the basis of a literary review and patent studies, trends in the development of modern meat raw material processing technology were determined and new technical solutions for mince cutter designs were proposed.

Calculations were carried out confirming the reliability and operability of the designed units and machines. Measures have been developed to ensure the environmental cleanliness of production and the safety of servicing this equipment in production conditions.

Drawings content

icon Вал. 2.cdw

Вал. 2.cdw

icon вал.1.cdw


icon Дежа сборочный чертёж.cdw

Дежа сборочный чертёж.cdw

icon Звёздочка ведомая.cdw

Звёздочка ведомая.cdw

icon Технологическая схема.cdw

Технологическая схема.cdw

icon Чертеж общего вида лист 2.cdw

Чертеж общего вида лист 2.cdw