Calculation of KE-25-14 boiler

- Added: 10.04.2021
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Exchange rate for boiler units, calculation of KE-25-14 boiler
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Additional information
1.1. Choice of capacity and type of boiler room... 5 1.2. Selection of boiler type and number
1.3. Boiler Room Layout
2.1. Determination of air volume required for combustion, fuel, composition and quantity of flue gases, their enthalpy
2.2. Heat balance of boiler unit and determination of hourly fuel consumption
2.3. Thermal calculation of furnace
2.4. Heat calculation of boiler gas ducts
3.1. Economizer calculation
3.2. Calculation of air heater
3.3. Thermal Balance Check
Source Data
Maximum steam consumption for process needs Dt.n.pot = 19 t/h;
Heating heat load Qo.v.pot = 15 MW;
Steam pressure P = 1.4 MPa;
Steam temperature t=185℃;
Fuel: Wood;
Quantity of return condensate qk = 90%.
A boiler plant is called a set of devices and mechanisms designed to produce water vapor or prepare hot water. Water steam is used to drive steam engines, for the needs of industry and agriculture and room heating. Hot water is intended for heating industrial, public and residential buildings, for the communal needs of the population.
By the type of coolant produced, plants with steam and water heating boilers are distinguished.
A hot water boiler is a heat generator; device, in which, as a result of fuel combustion, the necessary heat is generated, which is transmitted to liquid heat carrier. Structurally, all modern hot water boilers are arranged according to the same scheme: a metal body of a more or less modern design with a heat exchanger inside. Heat carrier heated in heat exchanger is supplied via pipes to heating devices. Independently of the manufacturer, the hot water boiler is the most complex and, as a result, the most expensive device of the entire water heating system. That is why the choice of the boiler must be taken seriously.
Boiler unit has frame with stairs and scaffolding for maintenance and consists in coating. Metal surfaces of boiler unit elements contacting flue gases and water, steam or air serve to transfer heat from flue gases to water, steam and air and are called heating surfaces. The modern boiler unit is serviced by a number of auxiliary mechanisms and devices, which can be individual and group.
Auxiliary mechanisms and devices include smoke and blast fans, feed and water treatment plants, dust preparation plants, fuel supply, ash collection and ash removal systems - when burning solid fuel, fuel oil - when burning liquid fuel, gas control station - when burning gaseous fuel. The smoke pumps are designed to remove flue gases from the boiler plant. Blast fans are installed in order to overcome the resistance of burners or fuel layer on the grid when air is supplied to the furnace, as well as the resistance of air heater. Thermal, hydrodynamic and aerodynamic processes in the boiler plant must be controlled and controlled. According to this, it is equipped with control devices, such as superheated steam temperature controller, shutoff control and safety devices, and instrumentation. At the same time, boiler plants carry out complex automation of regulation of all the main processes taking place in them. Boiler plants located in the same building or on a common site in conjunction with the entire complex of auxiliary mechanisms and devices are called a boiler room. In accordance with the purpose and nature of the heat carrier produced, there are energy, production, heating and production-heating boiler houses, as well as boiler houses with steam and hot water boilers.
Calculation of boiler room thermal diagram
1.1. Choice of capacity and type of boiler room
The design of the boiler house begins by identifying the nature of the consumers and determining the amount of heat or steam required for them, as well as the type and parameters of the coolant. At the same time, production boiler houses usually generate steam for technological needs, heating and ventilation of production workshops; heating boiler houses prepare hot water for heating residential and public buildings, as well as for household needs; production and heating boiler houses generate steam and prepare hot water for all the above types of consumption.
The need for heat for heating, ventilation and hot water supply of residential public and industrial buildings is determined by the projects of local heating, ventilation and hot water supply systems. In the absence of such projects, the need for heat can be calculated according to enlarged indicators. The release of steam for the technological needs of industrial enterprises and hot water is determined by the technological projects of these enterprises.
When the type and parameters of the coolant, as well as the complete heat or steam release, are detected, it is possible to set the profile and capacity of the designed boiler room. If all heat is released in the form of hot water, a boiler house with heating boilers is designed, if in the form of steam and in the form of hot water, then depending on the quantitative ratio of steam and hot water, a steam boiler house with a plant for heating network water or a combined boiler house can be designed.
Boiler Room Layout
In the layout of the boiler room, the goal is to most rationally place the main and auxiliary equipment, so that it is convenient to operate it and at the same time that the boiler room turns out to be the minimum volume of the building that is easy to build.
Boiler rooms are located in separate rooms that meet the requirements of the Rules of State Gortekhnadzor, "Construction Norms and Rules," "Fire Standards for Construction Design and Populated Places" and "Sanitary Standards for the Design of Industrial Enterprises." Boiler rooms shall not be adjacent to residential buildings. Adjoining production spaces is not desirable.
Boiler plants are designed only with individual smoke pumps, blast fans and ash traps. Fuel supply, feed pumps, water softener, deaerators and other equipment, as well as a chimney, are usually designed common to the entire boiler room.
Each boiler unit is placed in a separate construction cell; auxiliary equipment of the waterway path, as a rule, is placed in the construction cell, moreover, the auxiliary equipment room may not be separated by a wall from the boiler plant room. A heat shield is installed here, and blast fans are often installed with boiler units without air from superheaters; in some cases, feed and network pumps, water treatment plant, deaerators are placed in front of the boilers.
Boiler room equipment is arranged so that its building can be made of unified prefabricated reinforced concrete structures of the nomenclature and standard sizes used in industrial construction.
The span of the boiler room assignment can be taken equal to 6, 9, 12, 18, 24 and 30 m, pitch, columns 6 and 12 m. The height of the rooms from the level of the clean floor to the bottom of the supporting structures on the support should be taken equal to 12 m during the span; at inclusive - a multiple of 0.6 m; from 7.2 to 10.8 inclusive - a multiple of 1.2m; at high altitudes - a multiple of 1.8 m; with a span of 30 m; from 12.6 to 18 m.
In addition, for a span of 18 m, altitudes of 4.8 and 5.4 m are allowed, and for a span of 24 m - a height of 5.4 m.
The rooms in which the boilers are installed provide on each floor two exits to the outside located on opposite sides of the boiler house. Exit doors shall be opened to the outside by pressing the hand. The distance from the front of the boilers or protruding parts of the furnaces is taken to be at least 3 m, and in the case of installation of auxiliary equipment, the width of the free passages in front of the boilers remains at least 1.5 m. However, this equipment should not interfere with the maintenance of the boiler. The width of the remaining passages between boilers and sienes shall be at least 1.3 m. The distance from the top elevation of the boiler or from the elevation of the top maintenance area of the boiler to the lower parts of the boiler room coating structures shall be at least 2 m.
To service boilers, stairs and platforms made of non-combustible materials are installed. Not less than two stairs with width not less than 600 mm with inclination angle to horizon not more than 50 ° are installed to platforms with length more than 5 m. Sites intended for maintenance of reinforcement, control measuring, instrumentation, etc. are made with width of at least 800 mm, other sites - with width of at least 600 mm.
The boiler room is equipped with proper ventilation and artificial lighting, which creates illumination within 5.. 50 lk. Emergency lighting is provided from an independent power source. Fire extinguishing equipment is placed in the boiler room according to fire safety rules
Boiler Heat Calculation
In this course design, the boiler unit is checked. Boiler elements are calculated sequentially, starting from the furnace, with the subsequent calculation of convective heating surfaces. Preliminary summary of boiler unit design characteristics is made; determining the amount of air required for combustion, the amount of flue gases from the boiler gas ducts and their enthalpy; heat balance of boiler unit is made.
As a result of the project, two boilers KE2514 operating on wood are to be installed in the heating and production boiler house. The steam capacity and heat capacity of the boiler house fully meet the needs of production and auxiliary needs.
Calculations of solid fuel (wood) combustion processes were made, the heat balance of boiler units was compiled, fuel consumption for the boiler Vr = 4131.1 kgh was calculated. The boiler efficiency is calculated to be 88%. Auxiliary equipment was selected.
Heat calculations of furnaces, boiler flues were also made, the economizer was designed, the air heater was designed (calculation of the tail surfaces of the boiler unit) and the thermal balance was checked.

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