Calculation of feed production line for 2000 cattle heads with development of loose feed dispenser
- Added: 09.07.2014
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Additional information
1 Project justification
2 Process Line Calculation
2.1 Determination of the farm's need for feed and storage facilities for feed
2.2 Calculation of process line for fodder preparation
2.3. Distribution of feed
3 Design part
3.1 General Information
3.2 Designs of existing feed dispensers
3.3 Design of the proposed dispenser
3.3 Dosing unit calculation
4 Life safety
5 Assessment of economic efficiency in animal husbandry
5.1 Technical and economic indicators
5.2 Determination of the amount of capital investments
5.3 Calculation of direct costs
5.4 Calculation of annual economic effect
List of literature
Animal husbandry is the second branch of agriculture, the importance of which cannot be overestimated. The level of development of animal husbandry determines the degree of saturation of the market with high-calorie foods - meat, dairy and other products. The development of animal husbandry is directly related to the production of woolen fabrics, leather and shoe products, etc. Animal husbandry does not develop in isolation from agriculture, but with it. Agriculture (crop production), in particular, is actively involved in the creation of the feed balance of livestock. In turn, animal husbandry is a source of valuable environmentally friendly organic fertilizers.
Animal husbandry, like crop production, is distinguished by the complexity of its structure. Its most important industries are dairy and meat cattle breeding, pig breeding and poultry breeding. The base of the feed base is formed by field fodder production, natural fodder lands, by-products and wastes of the food industry, and the feed mill industry. It is especially necessary to say about field fodder production. It has great opportunities to create a powerful feed diet for animals.
Cattle breeding is the first largest livestock industry. Cattle breeding is of great economic interest, primarily because it receives the most valuable high-calorie food.
Pig breeding is an important industry, it is characterized by increased labor intensity, but the short duration of fattening animals to established conditions, their fertility and growth energy. The latter circumstance is one of the decisive factors in the rapid restoration and replenishment of meat resources. For their fattening, grain, beets, and compound feed are widely used. Widespread sebaceous, semi-sebaceous, meat and bacon types of porcine fattening.
An important structural sector of animal husbandry was poultry farming, a source of valuable food products characterized by a rapid payback of meat and egg production costs. Modern poultry farming is a rapidly growing economy on an industrial basis.
The purpose of this project is to develop a feed line for fodder of full-scale mixtures for 2000 cattle heads with the development of a dispenser of concentrated feed.
1 Project justification
Feeding has a decisive effect on the growth, development, health and productivity of farm animals. Therefore, the main task in intensive animal husbandry is to improve the use of nutrients at its minimum cost per unit of production. In the farm, in addition to grain components, mixed coarse fodders (hay, straw) are fed and enriched with protein-vitamin and mineral additives (BVMD).
The feed processing industry plays a decisive role in the implementation of the programmes and in obtaining the planned volumes of livestock products. Balanced feedstuffs make the most use of the genetic potential for livestock growth, increase productivity and reduce feed consumption. Due to the fact that feed determines the cost of production by 60-75%, the successful development of livestock is largely due to the effective development of the feed processing industry.
When producing feedstuffs, deviations from the recipe composition are allowed within the range of not more than ± 1.5%, juicy feeds ± 3.5%, liquid feeds, ± 2.5%, mineral additives ± 1%, the amount of feed dosing by weight.
When preparing wet loose feed mixtures, deviations according to the recipe are allowed for coarse feed ± 1.5%, concentrated ± 5%.
4.1 Characteristics of injuries and working conditions in animal husbandry. Personnel requirements
According to the degree of injury, animal husbandry occupies one of the first places in agro-industrial production. The largest group of victims are pig farmers, technical examiners (they account for 39.1% of livestock accidents). The second group (33.8%) includes workers related to transport work and maintenance of agricultural equipment (manure removal units, steam and hot water boilers): machine operators, drivers, locksmiths for servicing equipment of livestock farms and complexes. Among the victims are also many watchmen who die when in contact with animals, in fires, etc. About 45% of all injuries in livestock are due to alcohol intoxication of victims. The main causes of injuries include an unsatisfactory organization of work (67%); operation of faulty machines (3.15%); violation of labor safety rules (7.84%).
The peculiarities of production processes in animal husbandry include the participation of not only people, but also animals, as well as the presence of feed of various physical and chemical composition and various equipment. In some processes, manual labor is still used, especially in auxiliary and loading operations. In this regard, production equipment is often located in adjacent non-production premises.
Only maintenance personnel and zoo specialists are allowed to work with animals. When servicing each animal, the personnel must know their nickname, gender, age, signs, habits, temperament, fixation methods. On the outside of the stall, where animals with an evil and turbulent disposition are located, inscriptions are posted warning of the need to be careful. They are allowed to work by physically healthy persons who have undergone a medical examination, who are well aware of production processes, have their duties, have knowledge in the field of labor protection and are perfectly proficient in industrial skills and safe working methods. Experts have to know technology of carrying out disinfection, disinsection, deodorization, deratization, deactivation.
4.2 General safety requirements for production premises, installations and equipment
Production buildings are built in accordance with the requirements of the technological process and the dimensions of the equipment. At the same time, one worker should account for at least 4.5 m2 of space and 15 m3 of volume. Production rooms shall have a width of passages between cabinets and racks of 1 m, height from floor to ceiling of 3.2 m, height of transport and storage facilities of 3.0... 3.2m, width of pedestrian galleries of 0.3... 1.5m.
The floors are set 150mm above the surface of the adjacent area. They should be even, smooth, but not slim and have low thermal conductivity. Light openings shall have framugs or windows with devices for their opening from the floor of the room. In buildings for processing agricultural products per worker, 4m2 areas, 13m3 volumes are provided, the width of passages to single workplaces is up to 0.7 m, dust accumulation is not allowed.
The technological process should include safe and healthy working conditions, compliance with fire safety standards, sanitation and labor safety requirements. In creating safe working conditions, an important role is assigned to continuous production processes based on automation and robotization of operations and characterized by stability, high reliability, constant rhythm and mode. This organization of production reduces the possibility of errors by maintenance personnel during operation, which leads to a decrease in the likelihood of traumatic situations. The most important principle in the design of livestock complexes is the removal of equipment to individual adjacent rooms, the creation of special posts (consoles) equipped with process control and monitoring devices. To prevent emergency situations, the projects provide for the availability of backup (backup) equipment and equipment. So, if a malfunction occurs in compressors, vacuum pumps, they must be stopped immediately. The emergency lighting network allows, without suspending the main process, to complete the maintenance of Animals. Given the cost of backup equipment, it is put where it is economically profitable.
Healthy and safe working conditions should be provided in the process of designing and manufacturing machines and devices. The calculations performed shall ensure their strength in order to avoid damage and breakdowns that lead to accidents and accidents. If failures are detected, the machines and mechanisms stop and display the "Do not turn on. Dangerous. " Malfunctions are reported to the head of the department.
The commissioning of new premises is carried out by a commission with representatives of the relevant bodies and inspections.
4.3 Safety of operations in production premises, on gutter sites, pastures
The peculiarity of these works is due to the fact that animals require a special attitude to themselves, being in the environment (system) of a person - animal - machine. Safety measures depend on the type of animal (cattle, pigs, horses, etc.). In addition, the type (type) of equipment used, production technology, etc., should be taken into account. Trained, trained persons who know the nature of animals, their behavior and animal care rules are allowed to service animals. When servicing animals, such behavior of personnel is excluded that would cause irritation, embitter of the animal and its protective reaction to rough shouting, beating.
Maintenance of equipment installed in livestock premises shall be carried out in accordance with safety instructions for each type of work. The same applies to grazing grounds and pastures, including fenced fences. Special precautions require the process of moving animals to pastures and back. Pot areas for animals, as a rule, are fenced.
5. Assessment of economic efficiency in animal husbandry
5.1 Technical and economic indicators
For engineering and economic analysis of the efficiency of introducing new or modernized equipment in livestock breeding, comparative (with the base model) calculations of the following main indicators are carried out.
- design performance per hour of clean working time, shift, season;
- energy intensity of the process;
- material capacity;
- specific consumption of electric power .
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План разрез кормоцеха ЦПК-12 со стационарной подачей кормов.cdw
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