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Calculation of chain conveyor drive

  • Added: 09.07.2014
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8 sheets + DBE + specifications

Project's Content

icon 1 - Общий вид.bak
icon 1 - Общий вид.cdw
icon 2 - Редуктор_лист1.bak
icon 2 - Редуктор_лист1.cdw
icon 3 - Редуктор_лист2.bak
icon 3 - Редуктор_лист2.cdw
icon 4 - Приводной вал.bak
icon 4 - Приводной вал.cdw
icon 5 - Фрагмент_деталировка.bak
icon 5 - Фрагмент_деталировка.frw
icon рассчетка.doc
icon спец_прив_вал.spw
icon спец_привод.spw
icon спец_редуктор.spw

Additional information


Specification 3 Kinematic diagram of the mechanism

Determination of the total efficiency of the drive. 5 Electric motor selection

Determination of total gear ratio

Determination of power, speed and torque for each shaft

Material selection and definition of permissible stresses of high-speed stage

Load factor calculation

Design calculation of closed cylindrical transmission of high-speed stage

Material Selection and Definition of Intermediate Stage Allowable Stresses

Calculation of load factors

Design calculation of closed cylindrical transmission of intermediate stage

Material selection and definition of allowable low-speed stage stresses

Calculation of load factors

Design calculation of closed cylindrical transmission of low-speed stage

Calculation of traction chain sprockets

Defining Shaft Diameters

Selection of rolling bearings

Check calculation of low-speed shaft (most loaded) for fatigue strength and endurance

Calculation of Keyway Connection

Calculation of threaded connection

Selection of couplings

Selection of gears, bearings

Lubrication of gears and bearings

Gearbox assembly

List of literature

23. Selection of gears, bearings fits.

The CMEA standard recommends the use of mainly fits in the hole system and in gears in the shaft system. The use of a hole system is preferable, since this reduces the range of expensive tools (calibers) for the hole. The shaft system is used in case of technological expediency of using smooth shafts coupled with parts having different deviation limits.

As per recommendations we will accept the following bearing fits:

- for external rings H7/l6

- for inner rings L5/k6

To install the key in the shaft slot, use the recommended P9/h9 adapter seat PT CMEA 5773, and to install the gear attachment keys, use the clearance fit Js9/h9, respectively.

24. Lubrication of gears and bearings.

Lubricants in machines are used to reduce wear intensity, reduce friction forces, remove heat from friction surfaces, and also to protect parts from corrosion. The reduction of friction forces due to lubrication provides an increase in the efficiency of the machine, in addition, dynamic loads are reduced, smoothness and accuracy of the machine are increased. We accept the most straightened liquid industrial oil I40A.

Depth of gear wheels immersion in oil must be not less than 10 mm from teeth tops.

25. Gearbox assembly.

The radial assembly of the selected gear box design is applicable. Reduction gear case consists of 2 parts with connector in plane of gear wheels axes. Body parts are fixed one relative to another by control pins. This design is characterized by the complexity of machining. Mounting hole for shafts bearings is machined in assembly at body halves connected along pre-machined joint surfaces, or separately in both halves, with subsequent finishing of joint surface.

Drawings content

icon 1 - Общий вид.cdw

1 -  Общий вид.cdw

icon 2 - Редуктор_лист1.cdw

2 - Редуктор_лист1.cdw

icon 3 - Редуктор_лист2.cdw

3 - Редуктор_лист2.cdw

icon 4 - Приводной вал.cdw

4 - Приводной вал.cdw

icon 5 - Фрагмент_деталировка.frw

5 - Фрагмент_деталировка.frw

icon спец_прив_вал.spw


icon спец_привод.spw


icon спец_редуктор.spw
