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Calculation of cantilever-rotary crane - PTM

  • Added: 03.11.2014
  • Size: 478 KB
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Course design for PTM calculation of cantilever-rotary crane
In the creation of the material and technical base, a significant role is assigned to lifting and transportation mechanisms, which are tasked with the wide implementation in all areas of the national economy of integrated mechanization and automation of production processes, the elimination of manual loading and unloading and the elimination of manual labor in the performance of basic and auxiliary production operations. Modern technological and automated lines of loading and unloading operations are associated with the use of various lifting machines and mechanisms that ensure the continuity and profitability of production processes. The correct selection of lifting equipment is the main factor of normal operation and high production efficiency. It is impossible to ensure a stable regime at the present stage of its intensification without the coordination and failure-free operation of modern mechanization tools. The transition from the use of certain types of lifting and transportation equipment and the introduction of high-performance complexes is being intensively carried out. Fundamentally new mechanisms of lifting machines are being created for the complex mechanization of loading and unloading operations. Electric and forklift trucks, various unloading machines, as well as various lifting equipment and elevators have been created, which made it possible to carry out complex mechanization at many enterprises.

Project's Content

icon Копия Мех-м подъёма 19-8.cdw
icon Общ вид 19-8.cdw
icon птм 19-8.doc
icon спецификация птм 19-8.cdw

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1 Selection of cargo suspension system and preliminary preparation of kinematic diagram

2 Calculation of maximum tension of flexible member and selection of its design

2.1. Determination of breaking force on the cable

3 Determination of dimensions of cargo drum and blocks

3.1. Determining Drum Length

4 Determination of required static power of lifting mechanism drive and pre-selection of engine

5. Determination of cargo drum speed

6 Calculation of static moments on the load drum shaft and on the engine shaft

6.1. Determination of design static moment on the load drum shaft

7. Determination of gearbox total gear ratio and selection of standard gearbox

8. Calculation of brake torque and selection of standard brake

8.1.Define brake torque

8.2. Determination of brake pulley shoe pressure

8.3. Determination of pressure on brake pads

9. Cargo Hook Selection

9.1. Hook Selection

9.2.Compute hook suspension

9.2.1 Determination of nut dimensions

9.2.2Selection of bearing for load attachment

9.2.3 Determination of cross-arm parameters

9.2.4Selecting bearings of the unit

9.3Selecting the profile of the unit stream

9.4Elect Coupling

10 Check of selected engine for possibility of mechanism acceleration

10.1Electric motor check for development of maximum moments

10.2Define engine start time

11Selection of cargo rope attachment structure and its strength calculation

11.1Selection of dimensions of attachment beam

11.2Check of attachment reliability

12Development of cargo drum design and performance of strength check calculations

12.1Selecting Drum Material

12.2Reel Strength Check

12.3Compute drum drive

12.5Assembly of bearings for drum supports

13Development of motion mechanism structures

13.1Selection of trolley support wheels

13.2Defining Wheel Travel Resistance

13.3Compute turning mechanisms

13.4Determination of total moment of turning mechanism resistance

14 Development of steel structure of crane



In the creation of the material and technical base, a significant role is assigned to lifting and transportation mechanisms, which are tasked with the wide implementation in all areas of the national economy of integrated mechanization and automation of production processes, the elimination of manual loading and unloading and the elimination of manual labor in the performance of basic and auxiliary production operations.

Modern technological and automated lines of loading and unloading operations are associated with the use of various lifting machines and mechanisms that ensure the continuity and profitability of production processes.

The correct selection of lifting equipment is the main factor of normal operation and high production efficiency. It is impossible to ensure a stable regime at the present stage of its intensification without the coordination and failure-free operation of modern mechanization tools. The transition from the use of certain types of lifting and transportation equipment and the introduction of high-performance complexes is being intensively carried out. Fundamentally new mechanisms of lifting machines are being created for the complex mechanization of loading and unloading operations.

Electro and forklift trucks, various unloading machines, as well as various lifting equipment and elevators were created, which made it possible to carry out complex mechanization at many enterprises.

Drawings content

icon Копия Мех-м подъёма 19-8.cdw

Копия Мех-м подъёма 19-8.cdw

icon Общ вид 19-8.cdw

Общ вид 19-8.cdw

icon спецификация птм 19-8.cdw

спецификация птм 19-8.cdw

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