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Calculation of a continuous oil producer with a production capacity of 1000 kg/h

  • Added: 31.12.2021
  • Size: 2 MB
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The course project on the topic: "Calculation of a continuous oil producer with a production capacity of 1000 kg / h" consists of an explanatory note; assembly drawing and process flowchart.

Project's Content

icon Расчетно - пояснительная записка.docx
icon А1 - ОЛО - 1 Спецификация.jpg
icon А1 - ОЛО - 1 Спецификация.spw
icon А1-ОЛО-1 Сборочный чертеж.cdw
icon А1-ОЛО-1 Сборочный чертеж.dwg
icon А1-ОЛО-1 Сборочный чертеж.dxf
icon А1-ОЛО-1 Сборочный чертеж.jpg
icon Машинно - аппаратурная схема ТП.cdw
icon Машинно - аппаратурная схема ТП.dwg
icon Машинно - аппаратурная схема ТП.dxf
icon Машинно - аппаратурная схема ТП.jpg
icon Шнековый текстуратор Спецификация.jpg
icon Шнековый текстуратор Спецификация.spw

Additional information


ABSTRACT Introduction 1. General part 1.1. Selection, justification and description of butter production flow chart by continuous method 1.2. Characteristics of finished products 1.3. Characteristics of feedstock 1.4. A literary overview of existing equipment similar in purpose to the development object 1.5. Description of a masloizgotovitel of continuous action of A1 - OLO - 1 2. Process calculation 2.1. Calculation of material balance of workshop 3. Structural calculation of continuous oil manufacturer 3.1. Calculation of the downer 3.2. Calculation of texturizer 4. Kinematic calculations 4.1. Calculation of belt transmission of the downer drive 5. Technical - economic evaluation of project 5.1. Calculation of effective operating time of equipment Conclusion List of used sources


Calculated - explanatory note of the course project consists of 42 s. Printed text, 4 figures, 15 tables, 7 sources, 2 annexes; graphic part 2 of sheet A1.


The object of the course project is a continuous oil manufacturer. The purpose of the project is to develop a project for a continuous butter production workshop. The project describes the existing equipment for knocking cream into oil, its advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. The results of technological, kinematic and technical-economic calculations of the design object are presented.


Butter is considered to be a product consisting mainly of milk fat, having a specific characteristic taste, smell, plastic consistency (at a temperature of 10-12 ° C), is a complex structured emulsion suspension consisting of two phases, fat/plasma. It may contain flavors and aromatics. Butter is usually classified depending on the chemical composition and features of taste and smell, which determine the characteristic species indicators of the product. There are two main methods for the production of butter: knocking down cream in batch and continuous oil producers. The oil manufacturer is considered to be a technological unit designed to produce butter by the method of knocking down cream of normal fat content (30-40%). In oil producers, cream is knocked down and oil grain is treated to give it uniformity and corresponding structure. At the same time as creating the structure, the composition of the oil is also regulated (by the mass fraction of water in the oil). Thus, when the cream is knocked down, the oil is formed as a result of mechanical action on the cream of normal fat. In this course design, the existing equipment of continuous oil manufacturer A1 - OLO - 1 is taken as the basis. The purpose of the calculation of this course design is to calculate the continuous operation of the oil manufacturer's knock-off and texturizer required for the production of 1000 kg/h of butter.


In this course project, a continuous workshop was developed for the production of butter with a capacity of 1000 kg/h, a material balance was calculated confirming the operability of the workshop.

Calculations of a continuous oil manufacturer were made, on the basis of which the selection of a continuous oil manufacturer of grade A1 - OLO - 1 was carried out, which provides the necessary specified productivity of the workshop.

Based on kinematic calculations, the required power of the electric motor for the belt drive is determined, according to which a 250M2 electric motor is selected.

Drawings content

icon А1 - ОЛО - 1 Спецификация.spw

А1 - ОЛО - 1 Спецификация.spw

icon А1-ОЛО-1 Сборочный чертеж.cdw

А1-ОЛО-1 Сборочный чертеж.cdw

icon А1-ОЛО-1 Сборочный чертеж.dwg

А1-ОЛО-1 Сборочный чертеж.dwg

icon Машинно - аппаратурная схема ТП.cdw

Машинно - аппаратурная схема ТП.cdw

icon Машинно - аппаратурная схема ТП.dwg

Машинно - аппаратурная схема ТП.dwg

icon Шнековый текстуратор Спецификация.spw

Шнековый текстуратор Спецификация.spw

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