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Calculation of a continuous distillation unit for separation of binary methanol-water mixture with a capacity of 14 t/h

  • Added: 17.03.2024
  • Size: 861 KB
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Introduction. 3

Terms of Reference. 5

Material Balance and Finding the Conditionally Optimal Phlegm Number  6

Calculation of average mass flows, liquid and vapor properties. 11

Calculation of steam velocity and column diameter.  15

Calculation of Column Height (Calculation of the Number of Transfer Units) 17

Calculation of the hydraulic resistance of the nozzle . 22

Thermal calculation. 23

Calculation of the initial mixture heater. 24

Calculation of the boiler. 26

Dephlegmator calculation. 29

Calculation of the distillate refrigerator. 32

Calculation of the refrigerator cubic balance. 34

Thermal insulation of the column. 37

Calculation of condensate traps. 39

Calculation and selection of diameters of fittings and pipes. 40

Mechanical calculation. 42

Calculation of shell thickness. 42

Calculation of the thickness of the bottom and cover. 43

Calculation and selection of auxiliary equipment. 43

Calculation and selection of pumps. 45

Selection of control and regulation points. 50

References. 51

         The aim of this project is to calculate a continuous nozzle distillation unit for the separation of a binary mixture "methanol – water".

Project's Content

icon Чертеж колонны Афанасьев Артём К-41.pdf
icon Технологическая схема Афанасьев Артём К-41.pdf
icon ПАХТ Расчётно-пояснительная записка Афанасьев Артём К-41.docx
icon Технологическая схема.cdw
icon Колонна.cdw

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icon Технологическая схема.cdw

Технологическая схема.cdw

icon Колонна.cdw


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