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Calculation and construction of monolithic reinforced concrete structures of a six-storey building in Tyumen



By discipline: "Reinforced concrete structures"

Subject: "Calculation and construction of monolithic reinforced concrete structures of a six-storey building in Tyumen"



Course Design Assignment____

  1. Layout of the structural scheme of the monolithic ribbed floor____
  2. Calculation and construction of floor slabs__
    1. Defining Loads__
    2. Definition of effort__
    3. Calculation of longitudinal reinforcement cross-sections____
    4. Constructing a Plate__
  3. Calculation and construction of a secondary beam__
    1. Design scheme__
    2. Determining the cross-section dimensions of a secondary beam______ 20
    3. Calculation of the strength of normal sections__
    4. Calculation of the strength of the secondary beam on obliques_____ 24


  1. Construction of the plot of materials of the secondary beam_______ 30
  2. Calculation and construction of the main beam__
    1. Design diagram, calculated spans and loads__
    2. Determination of bending moments and lateral forces_____ 39
    3. Checking the cross-section dimensions of the beam__
    4. Strength calculation for normal sections____
    5. Calculation of the strength of the main beam on inclined sections for the action of transverse force____
    6. Construction of the main beam____
  3. Column calculation and construction_____
    1. Determination of existing loads and forces__
    2. Column reinforcement calculation____
  4. Calculation of centrally loaded monolithic reinforced concrete foundation____
    1. Constructing a Columnar Foundation____
    2. Defining Foundation Sole Sizing____
    3. Determining the height of the slab part of a monolithic foundation___
    4. Calculation of the working reinforcement of the sole of the foundation__________



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