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Modernization of UKPG metering unit of Koshehablskoe gas condensate field

  • Added: 12.11.2020
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Graduation qualification work on the topic: "Modernization of the metering unit of the UKPG Koshekhable gas condensate field."


The graduation qualification work contains 66 pages of typewritten text, including 7 tables and 14 drawings, a list of used literary sources, consisting of 11 titles, is also given.

This work presents the technological process of complex gas treatment, describes the process of separation of suburban gas, the measurement pipeline was calculated for strength, according to the obtained data, the device for quick change of diaphragms was selected and the technological and strength calculation of the narrowing device (diaphragm) was carried out.

Project's Content

icon Содержание Курков 1.doc
icon Диплом Выпускная квалификационная работа на тему «Модернизация узла учета УКПГ Кошехабльского газоконденсатного месторождения»..docx
icon диплом 2020.dwg
icon Содержание Курков 2.doc

Additional information






1.1. History of Koshehablsky gas condensate field

1.2. Process Description of the Integrated Gas Treatment Unit

1.2.1. Gas inlet manifold

1.2.2. Amine Purification Unit

1.2.3. Dew Point and Stabilization Setting

1.2.4. Fuel Gas System

1.2.5. Hot Oil System and Flare System

1.2.6. Thermal oxidizer and flare


2.1 Purification of natural gas from condensate and water, measurement of well products

2.2.Participation of feedstock

2.3. Gas Separation Process

2.4. Test Separator Control Functions

2.5 Problems of gas flow metering at the test separator of the complex gas treatment unit

2.6. Upgrade of Test Separator Gas Metering Unit


3.1. Design Task

3.2.Pipe strength calculation

3.2.1. Determining Pipe Wall Thickness

3.2.2. Define Calculated Load Values

3.2.3 Pipeline strength check

3.3 Determination of gas parameters

3.4. Orifice plate calculation

3.4.1. Calculation of environment parameters

3.4.2 Determination of the relative diameter of the constriction device

3.4.3. Calculation of diaphragm parameters


4.1 Cost effectiveness of modernization of gas metering unit of test separator

4.2. Calculation of gas losses

4.3. Work Calculation

4.4. Calculation of implementation costs

4.5. Calculation of payback period and cost-effectiveness factor


5.1.Performance of the process in terms of its explosion and fire hazard

5.2. Analysis of identified hazardous factors of test separator

5.3.Productive Safety Basics for Test Separator Operation

5.4. Organizational Security Issues

5.5.Security in emergency situations

5.6.Ecological Safety




Graduation qualification work on the topic: "Modernization of the metering unit of the UKPG Koshekhable gas condensate field."


The graduation qualification work contains 66 pages of typewritten text, including 7 tables and 14 drawings, a list of used literary sources, consisting of 11 titles, is also given.

This work presents the technological process of complex gas treatment, describes the process of separation of suburban gas, the measurement pipeline was calculated for strength, according to the obtained data, the device for quick change of diaphragms was selected and the technological and strength calculation of the narrowing device (diaphragm) was carried out.


Currently, most of Russia's gas fields are in the late stages of field development. Nor was Yuzhgazenerdzhi LLC, which is developing the Koshehablsky gas condensate field discovered back in 1972, an exception. A three-phase test separator is used to measure the flow rate of wells, which allows not only to divide the incoming mixture into components (gas, condensate and commercial water), but also to take into account the separated components.

The main problem when taking into account the raw gas at the test separator is a significant spread of the well flow rate from 44 to 160 tons/day, a decrease in the production rate during operation, an increase in the production rate after maintenance and repair of the well .

Measurement of the "raw" gas output from the test separator is carried out using a metering unit based on standard constriction devices (diaphragms). Replacement of the diaphragm is a gas hazardous work associated with depressurization of the gas pipeline, which requires it to be cut off by plugs, gas release, gas blowing, gas filling and pressing before starting. These operations require the involvement of a large number of specialists, and stopping the gas pipeline for a long time. In addition, there are losses of gas for release and blowdown, which leads to additional costs and has a poor impact on the environmental situation.

The relevance of this topic is that gas industry enterprises strive to increase energy saving at all stages of production. Thus, in accordance with the concept of energy saving 20112020, the main task of Gazprom OJSC is to maximize the realization of energy saving potential in all activities and, as a result, reduce the technological burden on the environment. This should be achieved through the use of innovative technologies and equipment, as well as improved energy conservation management.

Object of investigation: test separator of complex gas treatment unit.

Subject of investigation: Gas metering unit of test separator based on narrowing device.

The objective is to develop a recommendation for efficient use of the test separator metering unit, reduce labor costs and reduce gas process losses.


1. Analyze the gas separation process and problems encountered during operation of the test separator metering unit.

2. Submit a project to upgrade the gas metering unit of the test separator

3. Perform technical and economic calculation of the modernization project.

Chapter 2. process part

2.1 Purification of natural gas from condensate and water, measurement of well products

Gas condensate mixture is supplied from wells via gas pipelines - plumes to unit of inlet manifold of complex gas treatment unit. Input manifold unit provides for:

-connection of pipelines from each well to the measuring collector for gas supply to the test separator;

-connection of pipelines from wells to production header for gas supply to production separator.

Gas condensate mixture is supplied from wells to three-phase production separator. In production separator gas is cleaned from mechanical impurities and drip liquid, gas condensate mixture is separated into gas, hydrocarbon condensate and water-methanol mixture.

After the inlet manifold unit, the gas condensate mixture of one of the wells enters a three-phase test separator for measuring the well product (gas, liquid). In the test separator gas is cleaned from mechanical impurities and drip liquid, gas condensate mixture is separated into gas, hydrocarbon condensate and water-methanol mixture.

The separated hydrocarbon condensate in the separators is supplied to the production condensate separator. Condensate separator separates gas and water-methanol mixture from hydrocarbon condensate.

2.4. Test Separator Control Functions

The test separator has two main control points:



Pressure control in the separator

The gas capacity of the separator increases as the working pressure increases. Therefore, in order to ensure efficient separation, the pressure in the separator must be kept as high as possible. The pressure is controlled by a pressure controller which controls the gas flow rate. The pressure controller controls the pressure in the separator by adjusting the rate at which gas exits the top of the separator by means of a pressure control valve. The pressure is a variable control parameter for the effective operation of the separator. To optimize operation, operators can manually adjust pressure values if necessary. For normal operation, it is necessary to install a sufficiently high pressure in the separator to ensure better separation of gas, condensate and water. Pressure fluctuations can quickly disrupt the separation process. It is necessary to determine and eliminate the cause of pressure fluctuations. The main reason is fluctuations in the speed of the raw gas at the inlet.

Level control in the separator.

The point at which the water level in the separator is maintained can significantly affect the operation of the vessel, especially horizontal. The level of liquid must be sufficient to allow the volume of liquid in the vessel to provide the necessary time for unloading. If the liquid level is too high, the residence time of the liquid will be longer than necessary. This will not affect the quality of the liquid discharged from the vessel, but will reduce the space for separation of steam, which can lead to a liquid bypass into the gas flow at the outlet. Liquid bypass can lead to serious equipment malfunctions and foam formation in downstream units. In order to minimize the liquid content of the gas, the volume of the steam separator must be maximum. This is achieved by lowering the liquid level.

The separator is equipped with two level controllers, one for condensate discharge and one for water discharge. Level control in water and condensate separators is more important because water level control affects the residence time of both water and condensate. In addition, the amounts of water and condensate change dramatically during the operation of the separator. For the most efficient operation, the water level must be close to the lowest point.

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