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Bus Belt Tension Check Devices

  • Added: 12.06.2019
  • Size: 830 KB
  • Downloads: 7
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Devices for checking the tension of bus belts consists of a rod, which moves when a force is applied to the tip. The pipe is a body part inside of which there are: a pipe; gripping device in the form of a bar. The device also consists of a spring, inside of which there is a rod installed on a thread into the tip. The accessory is attached to the belt by means of a bar. The accessory operates as follows. Initially, the accessory is fixed on the belt. Then force is applied and belt deflection is determined. At the same time, the rod rushes down and when the support reaches the pipe 8, deflection measurement will take place. Thus, after several measurements, the value of the deflection of the belt is determined. This arrangement makes it possible to significantly increase labor productivity and improve working conditions of employees. Graphic part: 1. Adaptation (A1) 2. Detail (A1) PP: 3 p. + specification, business case (5 p.), Job Instructions.

Project's Content

icon Диагностика ГАП-4 печать.doc
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icon Спецификация Д-1.doc

Additional information

2 Job Instructions

2.1 Process of replacement of friction straps of clutch driven disk

A process plan is part of a production process that is designed to change the state of a repair object.

A process operation is a complete part of a process that is performed at one work center.

The essence of disassembly of the technological process consists in selection and description of technological operations that make up the part restoration process, which provides the established efficiency and quality of restoration with the lowest cost of labor, energy and materials, and the restrictions on the part restoration quality are specified by the values ​ ​ of technical requirements for the parts.

Several versions of the technological process are made based on production experience, scientific recommendations and modern ideas about the methods of energy conversion, materials and information used in the process.

2.2 Roadmap

The route chart is the technological document containing the description of technological process of production or repair on all operations of different types in the technological sequence with the indication of data on the equipment, the equipment, material and labor standards according to the established forms. The roadmap is a required document. It is allowed to develop roadmaps for all types of work.

In this project, the technological process of replacing the friction linings of the MAZ5551 car has been developed.

The letter designation has the following meaning:

A - card operation

B - equipment

M - material used

A - Transaction Content

T-tool used

Drawings content

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