Building sanitation - water supply and sewerage

- Added: 06.04.2022
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1. Internal cold water supply
1.1. Selection of the internal water supply system, its device and tracing...
1.2. Compilation of an axonometric scheme
1.3. Hydraulic calculation of internal water supply
1.3.1. Determination of estimated water consumption
1.3.2. Determination of pipe diameters and head losses at design sites
1.3.3. Selection of a water meter or water meter
1.3.4. Determination of the required pressure
2. Internal hot water supply
2.1. Calculation of supply pipes
2.2. Calculation of circulation pipelines
3. Internal sewerage
3.1. Installation and tracing of internal sewerage
3.2. Determination of estimated costs of waste water on sewer risers and sewage outlets
4. Hydraulic calculation of intra-block sewerage network
In the general complex of industrial and civil construction, engineering structures for the sanitary and technical improvement of individual facilities are very important, without them normal life and production activities of people are impossible.
Modern buildings and individual facilities are equipped with cold and hot water supply systems, sewerage, gutters, gas supply, which are a whole complex of engineering sanitary and technical equipment.
Competent design of sanitary systems and the correct solution of engineering problems largely determine the level of improvement of residential and industrial buildings and the culture of production of industrial enterprises.
In this course project, it is necessary to design cold and hot water supply networks of a residential building, a wastewater disposal network of a residential building and an external sewerage system.
Project's Content
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1. Cold Water Internal Water Supply
1.1. Select an internal plumbing system for its arrangement and routing
1.2. Preparation of the axonometric diagram
1.3. Hydraulic calculation of internal water supply
1.3.1. Determination of estimated water flow rates
1.3.2. Determination of pipe diameters and head losses in design areas
1.3.3. Water meter or water meter selection
1.3.4. Determination of the required pressure
2. Internal Hot Water Supply
2.1. Calculation of supply water pipelines
2.2. Circulation Piping Calculation
3. Internal sewer
3.1. Internal sewer arrangement and routing
3.2. Determination of estimated CB costs at sewer risers and sewer outlets
4. Hydraulic calculation of intra-quarter sewage network
In the general complex of industrial and civil construction, engineering facilities for sanitary and technical improvement of individual facilities are very important, without them normal life and production activities of people are impossible.
Modern buildings and individual facilities are equipped with cold and hot water supply systems, sewers, drains, gas supply systems, which are a whole complex of engineering sanitary and technical equipment.
The competent design of sanitary systems and the correct solution of engineering problems largely determine the level of improvement of residential and industrial buildings and the culture of production of industrial enterprises.
In this course project, it is necessary to design cold and hot water supply networks of a residential building, water disposal networks of a residential building and outdoor sewage.
Cold Water Internal Water Supply
1.1. Selects an internal running system for its arrangement and routing.
The water supply network in the volume limited by the external surfaces of the building enclosing structures and the water supply inlet, providing water supply to sanitary and technical devices, fire cranes and process equipment, is called the internal water supply. Internal water supply networks are: 1) dead ends, which are used in household and drinking water pipelines when arranging one input; 2) annular, which are used in internal water supply systems requiring continuous water supply; 3) combined, which are used in large buildings with a large dispersion of water collection devices; 4) zone, at which water is supplied to the building at least by two inputs, and to each zone - at least under two risers from the ring trunk network (in high-rise buildings).
Systems of internal water supply (domestic, industrial, fire-fighting) include: inputs to the building, water metering units, dilution network, risers, supplies to sanitary devices and technological installations, water collection, mixing, shutoff and control valves. Depending on local conditions and production technology, the internal water supply system should include pumping units and spare and regulating tanks connected to the internal water supply system.
Material of pipelines of internal water supply networks is selected depending on requirements for material strength and water quality. In domestic practice, steel, plastic and metal-polymer (metal-plastic) pipes are used. It is recommended to use Class A and B cast-iron pressure pipes as per GOST 958375 for water pipeline inputs.
Network routing is the placement on the water network of valves, shaped parts, water pits and other parts, which are shown in schematic symbols (see Appendix 1,2.). Pipes are laid over the shortest distances, taking into account the convenience of mounting pipes, the simplicity and reliability of their attachment to walls, the possibility of free access to pipes and fittings.
The input is a section of the pressure pipeline laid in the ground below the freezing depth and connecting the internal water supply to the network of the external city or industrial water supply. The length of the input is determined by the distance between the structure in which the input is connected to the external network and the water metering unit installed inside the building or in the external water metering structure. The water pipeline entry into the building consists of a connection node to the external network of the water pipeline, an underground section of the pipeline laid from the external network to the building with a slope of 0.003 towards the external network to allow its emptying. Wells with gate valves installed in them are arranged at the points of bushings connection to external networks of city and industrial water pipelines, at diameter of bushings 40mm and less - valves. Inlet is laid from cast iron pipes with diameter of 50 mm and more, from steel pipes with diameter of less than 50 mm .
To account for water consumption, various types of meters are used, which are installed at the entrance to the residential building. If the diameter of the inlet is up to 50 mm, impeller water meters are installed, if the diameter is more than 50 mm, turbine water meters are installed.
Water metering unit consists of water meter, shutoff valves and control and inlet valve. In addition, the water metering unit includes a bypass line with the installation of a valve, which is normally sealed and in a closed position.
In buildings, water meters are placed, open near the outer wall in basements in pits under staircases or under corridors.
Main pipelines are used to supply water to distribution pipelines (risers). Mains can be laid in the basement or under the floor of the first floor (lower wiring), under the ceiling of the upper floor or in the attic (upper wiring). The main network is usually arranged open under the ceiling of the basement with a slope of at least 0.002 towards the entrance.
Distribution pipelines (risers) are used to supply water to groups of water separation devices installed on different floors, and pipelines - to supply water from the riser to separate water separation devices. Risers and ducts are laid in two ways: with an open gasket (through columns, walls) or with a hidden gasket (in furrows and channels).
The pipelines are laid at a height of 0.3 m from the floor with a slope of 0.0020.005 towards the risers to allow air discharge from the network and water descent. Valves are installed on pipelines in places of their branch from risers.
The input is a section of the pressure pipeline laid in the ground below the freezing depth and connecting the internal water supply to the network of the external city or industrial water supply.
To account for water consumption, various types of meters are used, which are installed at the entrance to the residential building.
Water metering unit consists of water meter, shutoff valves and control and inlet valve. In addition, the water metering unit includes a bypass line with the installation of a valve, which is normally sealed and in a closed position.
The internal water supply schemes are selected taking into account the placement of water separation sections in the plans of each floor, water supply and consumption modes, reliability of supply of water to consumers, as well as technical and economic feasibility.
For normal operation of the internal water pipeline, a head (required) must be created at the building inlet to ensure the supply of water of the normal water flow to the highest located water separation device, and cover the head loss to overcome the resistances in the water path.
The minimum head in the external water supply at the point of connection of the input is called warranty.
The choice of the internal water supply scheme depends primarily on the ratio of the Ntr value, for the supply of water to the water collection valves and Ngar, to the connection point of the city external water supply network.
1.2. Preparation of the axonometric diagram
The axonometric diagram shows the inlet, water metering unit, pump units, all pipelines, valves. The design direction indicates the lengths, diameters and slopes of the design areas determined as a result of the hydraulic calculation. The diagram shall include elevations of floor, inlet, axes of pumps, mains, connections to instruments. It is necessary to provide for the installation of shutoff valves (valves and gate valves) in the following places:
- at each input;
- at the base of risers in buildings with a height of three floors or more;
- on branches supplying five or more water-sorting devices;
- on branches to each apartment;
- on connections to flush tanks, to flush cranes.
In addition, absolute marks should be placed: the surface of the ground, the floor of the basement and floors, the axes of the entry pipes, the water meter, the main line (taking into account the slope) and the dictating water disassembly device. In the diagram it is necessary to identify the calculated areas and show their diameters determined as a result of hydraulic calculation. All risers should be signed (e.g. St. B11).
In cases where close risers in the drawing overlap, one of them should be assigned to a free space, as if cutting off the riser at the base, connect the cut-off points with a dashed line. If the layout of the bathrooms on all floors is the same, you can limit yourself to drawing all dilution pipelines on the nodes only on the upper floors, on the remaining floors in the diagram you can show only the places and directions of pipe branches from the risers to the first shutoff valve.
The axonometric scheme is built without scale, but still it is necessary to observe some proportionality of the lengths, sections and elements of the system.
1.3. Hydraulic calculation of internal water supply.
Hydraulic calculation of internal water supply system consists in determination of required diameters of pipes for passing of design water flow rates, head losses, required head, if necessary in selection of pump unit.
The internal water supply shall ensure the supply of the required amount of water with the specified head to any water discharge device inside the building, therefore the calculation is carried out for the water discharge device (dictating point) farthest from the input and highly located. The direction (path) along which the water moves to the dictating point is calculated. It includes: access to the dictating device, riser, part of the main line and input.
Having completed the axonometric diagram of the internal water supply, we begin to determine the estimated costs. To do this, we select the calculated direction, which we divide into calculated sections. The design section is a section of the network where the water flow rate does not change.
In this course project, an internal water supply system for cold water supply, internal sewerage, and a yard sewerage network for a residential building were designed.
The internal cold water supply system is a centralized domestic and drinking water supply system. Diagram of cold water supply with lower wiring. The required pressure was determined for this system Ntp = 0.345 MPa. The required head for hot water supply Ntr = 0.315 MPa was also determined.
A domestic sewerage system has been designed - for the removal of sewage from sanitary devices. Internal sewage scheme - gravity, providing self-cleaning speeds of sewage. They determined the estimated costs on the risers of Art. No. 1 and Art. No. 6 - q = 2.503 l/s, Art. No. 2 and Art. No. 5 - q = 2.6 l/s, Art. No. 3 and Art. No. 4 - q = 2.47 l/s. Intra-quarter sewer network was calculated, wastewater flow q = 4.03 l/s was determined and hydraulic calculation of intra-quarter sewer network was performed.

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