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Boring mandrel with micrometric cutter feed unit

  • Added: 18.12.2014
  • Size: 42 KB
  • Downloads: 3
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Boring mandrel consists of: mandrel, block with micrometric feed, boring cutter. Initially, with the help of a special bracket, the limb nut does. poses.4. is screwed on the cutter, then the washer is mounted. poses.2. Bushing pos. 3 is glued into the cutter body, then the limb nut and cutter are installed into the body, fixed with screws. pos. 7. The cutter is adjusted to the size when the nut limb is turned, the cutter moves along the key slot and extends, when turning by one division, the cutter extends by 0.02 mm. When the required size is reached, the cutter is fixed by fitting the radial end of the clamp. pos. 5.

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