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Boiler Unit Calibration Heat Calculation

  • Added: 29.11.2016
  • Size: 2 MB
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The course project presents: 1. Characteristics of heat generator design and its elements. 2. Calculation of fuel combustion products. 3. Heat balance of boiler unit. 4. Thermal calculation of the furnace. 5. Calculation of heat exchange in convective heating surfaces. Graphic material: drawing of steam boiler DE-25-14GM-250 (AUTOCAD)

Project's Content

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Table of contents

1. Characteristics of heat generator design and its elements

2. Calculation of fuel combustion products

2.1. Fuel characteristics

2.2. Calculation of theoretical volumes of air and combustion products

2.3. Calculation of actual volumes of air and combustion products

2.4. Calculation of enthalpy of air and combustion products

3. Heat balance of boiler unit

4. Thermal calculation of furnace

5. Calculation of heat exchange in convective heating surfaces

5.1. Calculation of heat exchange in gas duct No. 1 of steam boiler

5.2. Calculation of heat exchange in gas duct No. 2 of steam boiler

5.3. Economizer Thermal Calculation

5.4. Check of heat generator thermal balance convergence

List of used literature

Drawings content

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