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Boarding School IC Project

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Water supply and sewerage project of the reconstructed boarding school. All sheets, BOM

Project's Content

icon ПЗ_ВР.doc
icon спецификация.xls.doc
icon ОД.dwg
icon планы_ВК.dwg
icon схема пож.dwg
icon схема_вод.dwg
icon схема_кан.dwg
icon opis.txt
icon спецификация.xls

Additional information


xxx.SP Project Composition

xxx.C Contents

xxx.PP Explanatory Note

1. General part

2. Design solutions


xxx-BK.1 General data

xxx-BK.2 Plans. Basement. M 1:

Plans. 1st floor. M 1:

Plans. 2nd floor. M 1:

Plans. 3rd floor. M 1:

xxx-BK.3 Scheme B1, T3, T4. Distributing

Diagram B1, T3, T4. Risers 1-

Diagram B1, T3, T4. Risers 4-

xxx-BK.4 Scheme B

xxx-BK.5 Scheme of the sewerage. Release

Sewerage diagram. Release

Sewerage diagram. Release


1.1. Basis for project development.

The basis for the work is: state contract No. 0806/RK for the performance of design work for the reconstruction of boarding school No. 60 at the address: Red-rural district, ul.Letchika Pilyutova, 11, building 2 dated August 28, 2006 with the State Customer Committee for Construction.

1.2. Source data.

Initial data for steel design:

- terms of reference for the development of the project approved by the administration of the Krasno-rural district;

- specifications (connection of the capital construction (reconstruction) facility to engineering and technical support networks) dated 22.01.07 issued by the State Unitary Enterprise "Vodokanal of St. Petersburg";

- connection conditions (specifications for connection) to utility networks dated 06.03.07 issued by PMT "Vodokanal of St. Petersburg."

1.3. Issues under consideration.

The design provides for the installation of the following systems:

• water supply for household, industrial needs and internal fire extinguishing;

• sewage of domestic and industrial wastewater.

1.4. Regulatory documentation.

The project was completed in accordance with the current norms and rules:

• SNiP 2.04.0185 * "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings";

• SNiP 2.08.0289 "Public buildings and structures."

2. Design solutions.

2.1. Water supply for household, industrial needs and internal fire fighting.

The water supply of the building is provided from two inputs ø100 mm from the water supply network with a diameter ø200 mm.

The second flow rate is determined in accordance with SNiP 2.04.0185 * and is 4.41 l/s (see Table No. 1).

Selection of water meter.

The diameter of the conditional passage of the water meter is selected based on the average hourly flow rate of water for drinking and technological needs for the consumption period equal to 5.97 m3/h and equal to Dn = 50 mm.

Water losses in the water meter for household and drinking needs are:

, m

where S is the hydraulic resistance of the counter, for Dn = 50 mm S = 0.143 m/( l/s) 2;

h = 0.143 x 4.412 = 2.78 m

Since in the boarding school building there is a combined network of drinking and fire-fighting water supply, a fire reserve line with a counter Dn = 85 mm is provided to pass fire flow equal to 5 l/s (2 jets of 2.5 l/s).

Water losses in the water meter for fire and drinking needs are:

= 0,00264 x 9,412 = 0.23 m.

A water metering unit with VKSM50 counter on the domestic drinking line and with VKSM80 meter on the fire reserve line in accordance with the standard design of TSIV 02A.00.00.00. The binding of the water metering unit is presented in the annexes.

2.2. Sewerage of domestic wastewater.

For the discharge of domestic wastewater, existing releases with a diameter of 100 mm to wells 151, 192 are used .

The second waste water flow is calculated in accordance with SNiP 2.04.0185 * and is 5.94 l/s (see Table 1).

The internal sewer system is installed from polypropylene pipes. The required locations shall be audited and cleaned.

Ventilation of the network is carried out through ventilation risers brought out 0.3 m above the roof of the building.

2.3. Sewerage of industrial wastewater.

Wastewater from the canteen, characterized by high fat content, is combined into a production sewer. A fat trap is installed at the production sewage outlet from the building.

Calculation of fat catcher is given in Table 3.

After treatment, the production waste water is discharged to the domestic sewage system. For the connection of the fat trap, refer to project 0608/RKNVK.

The production sewage system is installed from polypropylene pipes, and inspections and cleaning are installed in the necessary places.

Drawings content

icon ОД.dwg


icon планы_ВК.dwg

icon схема пож.dwg

icon схема_вод.dwg

icon схема_кан.dwg

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