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Block-section 9-storey 45-apartment in Perm


The projected building is 9 storey 45 apartment block - ordinary section. According to the peculiarities of the location of the load-bearing elements, the structural type of the building is frameless (with load-bearing walls) in the form of a  system of cells formed by walls and ceilings. Constructive scheme on the signs of placement in space of the main load-bearing walls - with longitudinal and transverse placement.

Course project.

Architectural and construction section, Calculation and structural part of the WRC.

2 sheets of A1 format

Project's Content

icon kursovaya (7).dwg
icon pz_1.docx

Additional information


Design Input

Architectural Solutions

Description of land plot planning organization scheme

Characteristics of the designed building

Characteristics of the space-planning solution of the building

Design Solutions

Analysis of Building Structural Layout and Building Materials Selection

Heat Engineering Calculation of Enclosing Structures

Engineering Equipment Brief

Technical - economic indicators and coefficients

Specifications of precast reinforced concrete structures and filling of openings

List of sources used


Monolithic construction structures, concrete and reinforced concrete, the main parts of which are made in the form of a single whole (monolith) directly at the site of construction of a building or structure.

The method of erecting buildings from monolithic and prefabricated monolithic reinforced concrete allows you to obtain various forms of buildings, any shapes and sizes of openings, various storeys, etc.

The main advantage of monolithic ceramic concrete construction is primarily the insignificance of the structure pitch index. The increase in the pitch of structures compared to large-panel construction from 12 to 1516 m, and often up to 20 m, caused the emergence of completely new planning solutions for apartments. In addition, with an increase in the width of the building, it is possible not only to save materials, but also to reduce heat consumption for heating a monolithic house by 2030%. The monolithic building has practically no seams, which also increases its heat and sound resistance. Combined with the use of efficient insulators, this allows you to improve the operation of the house in winter, reduce the mass and volume of enclosing structures

Another important advantage of monolithic construction is that its entire production cycle is carried out directly on the construction site

Design Input

The course project was developed on the basis of the design task: Block-section 9-storey 45 apartment.

Perm Construction Area

Optimal air temperature in the living room in the cold season tint = 20 ° С (GOST 3049496).

Duration of heating period with average daily outside air temperature of 8 ° С is zht = 229 days (SP 131.13330.2012).

Average ambient temperature for the heating period

tht = 34, ° С (SP 131.13330.2012).

Humidity mode - dry (SP 50.13330.2012).

Operating mode - A (SNiP II379).

Architectural Solutions

2.1. Description of land plot planning organization scheme

The draft general plan - planning, improvement and landscaping of the territory of the microdistrict and individual sections of residential development is compiled in accordance with SP 42.13330.2011. The site is a fragment of a rectangular residential microdistrict with a side size of 100 * 120 meters .

The road is 6 meters wide, the driveways inside the microdistrict are 4.5 meters wide and 3 meters wide, the sidewalks are 2.0 meters wide, the roads and sidewalks have asphalt concrete pavement .

To protect against dust and noise along roads and inside the microdistrict, planting trees, shrubs, lawns are provided.

The terrain is calm with an interval of 0.5 meters.

The slope of the site to ensure the removal of precipitation is 0.003.

Vertical layout gives the projected surface slopes that provide: drainage of rain and meltwater; favourable and safe traffic conditions for transport and pedestrians; preparation of the developed area for development, laying of underground networks and improvement; giving the relief the greatest architectural and compositional expressiveness. Vertical reference of the building is made with determination of actual and design elevations of the building corners and determination of absolute elevation of the ground floor level

Technical and economic indicators of the general plan.

Plot area 2400 m2

Building area 347 m2

Landscaping area 347 m2

Building rate 4.1%

Greening percentage 16.8%

2.2. Characteristics of the designed building

The designed building is a 9-storey 45 apartment block - an ordinary section. The apartment section is an apartment in which a person has to spend most of his time in different periods of his life, the apartment is not only a place to satisfy the physiological needs of the family (sleep, food, personal hygiene, intra-family communication and parenting), but also carries the function of personal development (self-education, professional activity).

The entrance to the building is designed on the north side.

The most important requirements for the design of dwellings are ensuring the correct ratio of areas of residential and utility premises and rational mutual location of premises, in accordance with their functional purpose and relationships.

3.3. Engineering Equipment Brief

Water supply - drinking water from city networks. Design head at main risers 35 meters.

Hot water supply - from external networks, carrier temperature 10570 С.

Sewerage - household - from releases to the city network.

Heating - central water, single-tube system, coolant parameters 96 - 70 С.

Ventilation is natural, 8.9 floors of kitchens are forced.

Gas supply - from the external network to the cookers.

Power supply - from city networks, voltage 380/220V.

Lighting - filament lamps.

Communication devices - radio broadcasting, collective television antennas ,

telephone inputs.

Kitchen and bathroom equipment - gas stoves, washes, toilets, baths, washbasins.

Waste water - with a camera on the 1st floor with a replaceable container.

Elevator - passenger lifting capacity 400 kg.

Drawings content

icon kursovaya (7).dwg

kursovaya (7).dwg