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Biogas plant - exchange rate

  • Added: 26.05.2014
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Course project. Drawings and note.
In the course work, the power of the heating and plenum ventilation system of the feedlock and the fuel costs for heat supply were determined. The parameters of the biogas plant operating in the mesaphilic mode were calculated, as well as the useful output of biogas. Energy saving indicators were determined in the system of supply air heating and hot water supply of the cow due to the use of biogas produced on the farm. Course work includes a calculation explanatory note of 21 pages of typewritten text and two sheets of the graphic part of A1 format.

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1. Initial data for proxying

2. Calculation of heating and ventilation plant parameters and

Power consumption for the heat supply of pig

2.1. Calculation of air exchange and thermal power of the system


2.2. Determination of annual fuel consumption for

heat supply of pig

3. Calculation of biogas plant parameters

3.1. Selection of process diagram

3.2. Calculation of process parameters

4. Calculation of indicators and energy efficiency of biogas





In the course work, the power of the heating system and at-precision ventilation of the feedlot and the fuel costs for heat supply are determined.

The parameters of the biogas plant operating in the mesaphilic mode were calculated, as well as the useful output of biogas. Energy saving indicators were determined in the system of supply air heating and hot water supply of the cow due to the use of biogas produced on the farm.

Course work includes a calculation explanatory note of 21 pages of typewritten text and two sheets of the graphic part of A1 format.


In connection with the depletion of organic fuel reserves and its rise in the cost of production, alternative ways of providing energy to consumers are being sought. One of these areas is the introduction of energy-saving systems using local energy resources.

Livestock facilities require significant consumption of fuel and electricity, because it is energy-intensive. Animal manure according to a certain technology can be used to produce biogas and organic fertilizer. In many cases, this method of energy self-sufficiency of livestock farms has several advantages.

On livestock farms, a large amount of manure is accumulated, which can be usefully used by the consumer, while reducing environmental pollution. Anaerobic fermentation ensures the neutralization of manure and its preservation as a fertilizer while obtaining a local energy source - biogas. The obtained biogas can be used in heat supply systems of various objects. After additional cleaning, biogas can be used to operate gas electric generators that generate electric energy.

The efficiency of biogas plants depends significantly on the choice of the manure processing process scheme, as well as the method of heating and thermostating methane tanks .

In course work, the parameters of the biogas plant for a fattening pig for 1000 heads were calculated. The main parameters and power efficiency of the plant are determined. Technical-operational and energy parameters have been calculated. The indicators of energy saving from the use of the biogas plant have been determined.

Process Diagram Selection

The modern level of development of anaerobic fermentation of manure effluents allows to cover 3035% of the needs of livestock farms for thermal energy due to biogas. In modern designs of biogas plants, thanks to heating by built-in heat sources, reliable heat insulation of methantenes and continuous supply of heated fresh substrate, a constant temperature is provided during fermentation. Mechanical mixing of the substrate is provided for intensifying fermentation and biogas removal.

Most biogas plants are based on the flow principle of action, that is, the raw materials supplied to them immediately displace the spent. Fresh dung is supplied continuously (210 times a day), and biogas and sludge removal are performed as required (2.4).

The biogas plant consists of the following elements: a receiving vessel, a fermentation chamber (methantank, reactor), a heating device (heat exchanger), a device for mixing a substrate, a gas holder and a gas water heater.

The process diagram of the biogas plant is shown on sheet 2 of the graphic part.

The feedstock from the charging hopper is fed to the metantank where it is fermented, resulting in the formation of biogas through the water gate to the gas holder. Part of the biogas is sent to the boiler to keep the necessary temperature in the methane tank. The biomass is mixed by an agitator driven by an electric motor. Spent raw materials from methantank are supplied to the bio-fertilizer storage.


Based on the calculations, it was obtained that the use of a biogas plant allows saving 17.6 tons for the heat supply of pigs. Energy analysis showed that 34% of biogas is produced for their own needs.

In the cold period of the year, biogas is used for the operation of K-100 air heaters in the plenum ventilation system, as well as for the production of hot water for technological needs with extraction from the thermal circuit of the biogas plant. The underutilized portion of the biogas may be partially stored in the tanks in a compressed state for subsequent use as necessary. In addition, a significant amount of valuable organic fertilizer is produced as a result of anaerobic fermentation of the substrate. Its use allows increasing the profitability of agricultural production .

Thus, the biogas plant is a means of resource and energy saving in agricultural technologies.

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