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Beer production

  • Added: 09.07.2014
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Design of a gas flow measurement device with standard constriction devices in the food processing industry.

Project's Content

icon EXEL.xls
icon Введение.doc
icon Гистограмма.doc
icon задание.doc
icon курсоваяМСС.doc
icon Расчет.doc
icon Содержание 1.doc
icon Содержание 2.doc
icon Тех.линия.doc
icon Дифманометр ДСС_А1.bak
icon Дифманометр ДСС_А1.cdw
icon Кольцо.bak
icon Кольцо.cdw
icon Сопло.bak
icon Сопло.cdw
icon Спец 2.bak
icon Спец 2.cdw
icon Спец.bak
icon Спец.cdw
icon схема2.bak
icon схема2.cdw
icon Фланец.bak
icon Фланец.cdw
icon Штуцер.bak
icon Штуцер.cdw
icon Заключение.doc

Additional information


Job for Course Project


1 Description of beer production line

1.1 Characteristics of products, raw materials and semi-finished products

1.2 Characteristics of production and consumption of finished


1.3 Process Steps

1.4 Characteristics of equipment complexes

1.5 Line Arrangement and Operation

1.6 Device and principle of operation of differential pressure gauge

bellows type DSS

2 Calculation of the narrower when measuring gas flow rate

2.1 Determination of basic parameters of measured flows


2.2 Determination of pipe parameters

2.3 Calculation of narrower parameters

2.4 Final check of calculation correctness

2.5 Selection of measuring set

2.6 Calculation of required lengths of straight pipe sections

narrower device

2.7 Industrial and laboratory flow measurement

differential pressure gages

2.8 Determination of the approximate error of the flowmeter

3 Determination of error distribution parameters


3.1 Calculation of total error

3.2 Determination of error distribution parameters

flow measurements


List of sources used


The purpose of the course project is to design a device for measuring gas consumption with standard constriction devices at food processing enterprises.

Accurate measurements of the flow of gases and liquids are of great importance for the economy of any state. In this regard, accurate cost measurements represent an important task in metrology and standardization, the solution of which is based on a number of fundamental ones, such as physics, mechanics, electrical engineering, electronics, heat engineering, chemistry and other related and derivative scientific disciplines.

By the term flow rate is meant a value equal to the amount of liquid or gaseous substance flowing through the pipeline per unit time. There are volumetric and mass flow rates, which are expressed in m3/s and kg/s, respectively (or in derivative units: m3/h, t/h, l/min, etc.).

The measurement method is based on the fact that the flow of substance flowing in the pipeline is inextricable and at the place of installation of the narrowing device its speed increases. At the same time, there is a partial transition of potential energy into kinetic energy, as a result of which the static pressure before the narrowing point will be greater than behind the narrowed section. The pressure difference before and after the narrowing device - pressure drop - depends on the flow rate of the flowing substance and can serve as a measure of flow.

Instruments indicating the instantaneous flow rate are called flowmeters. Measurements are based on converting a parameter into a value that is convenient for further use. Depending on the output value, this conversion is achieved by various types of transducers.

1. General provisions

1.1. Objectives of the course project

The goal of the course project is to consolidate the theoretical knowledge obtained during the study of the above disciplines, to use the material of related and other subjects of the general professional cycle (in particular, processes and apparatus of food and chemical industries), as well as to prepare students for the upcoming production, engineering, design and research activities and is aimed at ensuring the successful work of a young specialist in modern production conditions.

The purpose of the course project is to design a device for measuring the flow of gases or liquids with standard constriction devices at food and chemical enterprises.

During the course project, the student must complete the following tasks:

- study the design of devices for measuring gas and liquid flows;

- study the types, arrangement and operation principle of differential pressure gauges;

- calculate the desired value of the diameter of the orifice of the narrowing device;

- calculate the structural elements of the narrowing device (diaphragms, nozzles, pipes) and all the necessary dimensions for the execution of working and assembly drawings;

- make drawings of narrowing device, differential pressure gauge, diagram of connecting pipelines during flow rate measurement and process diagram of the enterprise with indication of the flowmeter location.

To reduce the accumulated rounding error in numerous consecutive calculations, intermediate results should be written with five, six, and in some cases nine decimal places. To perform inequality.

1.3. Structure of the graphic part of the project

The graphic part should reflect the main content of the design development of the project and be drawn up in accordance with the ESKD standards.

The graphic part of the project generally includes drawings:

- part of the process diagram of food or chemical production - 1 sheet;

- diagram of the differential pressure gauge installation to the narrowing device - 1 sheet;

- detailing of the differential pressure gauge -4 sheets;

- histogram -1 sheet.

Drawings are recommended on A1, A2 and A4 sheets.

The conclusion is presented on a separate sheet. It contains a short list of the technical solutions performed in the course design. The main features of the developed object are specified, and their own assessment of the author's creative contribution is given.

The completed course project is presented to the manager. After checking and correcting errors, the exchange project signed by the head is allowed to be protected in the co-mission. When protecting a course project, students should say:

Methods and methods for measuring the flow rates of gases and food liquids;

- content and objectives of metrological production support;

- processing of measurement results by statistical methods;

- value of error during measurement and selection of required measuring means;

- the ability to independently analyze technical literature and patent sources, as well as make original technical decisions based on this analysis.

During the defense, the student outlines the content of the course project in a sequence of 5-6 minutes:

- Project relevance;

- the purpose of the developed object;

- analysis of existing technical solutions and their justification;

- description of design and operation principle of designed or upgraded equipment;

- evaluation of the results of equipment modernization and possibilities of its use in industry.

The report is illustrated by the graphic part of the project, so the drawings should be arranged according to the described material.

In the course of the student's research work within the framework of the course project, the report describes the experimental installation, the method of conducting experiments and processing the results, as well as the design solutions developed on their basis.


During the course project, the following tasks were solved:

- study of the device and principle of operation of the bellows differential pressure gauge - DSS;

- calculation of the required value of the orifice diameter of the narrowing device;

- calculation of structural element of narrowing device - nozzle of standard;

- execution of diagram of production line of beer, assembly drawing of narrower device and differential pressure gauge.

The following calculations were made in this exchange rate project:

Calculation of the narrower when measuring gas flow rate, including:

- determination of basic parameters of measured medium flows;

- determination of pipe parameters, namely:

- calculation of narrower parameters;

- verification of the correctness of the calculation, as a result of which the deviation of the design value of the limit flow from the given one is 0.14419%, which does not exceed the permissible value (d < 0.2%);

- selection of measuring set including primary instrument - standard nozzle, and secondary instrument - bellows type differential pressure gauge - DSS;

- calculation of required lengths of straight sections;

- determination of the extreme error of the flowmeter, which should not exceed 5%;

Determination of measurement error distribution parameters including:

- calculation of total error, which amounted to 0.162%, namely:

- determination of parameters of distribution of flow measurement errors.

Drawings content

icon Дифманометр ДСС_А1.cdw

Дифманометр ДСС_А1.cdw

icon Кольцо.cdw


icon Сопло.cdw


icon Спец 2.cdw

Спец 2.cdw

icon Спец.cdw


icon схема2.cdw


icon Фланец.cdw


icon Штуцер.cdw

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