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Bearing seat of drive cylindrical gear


Heading design on "Bearing Socket of Driving Cylindrical Gear, with Calculations, Drawings and Explanatory Note"

Project's Content

icon Курсовой проект.docx
icon маршрутная карта.frw
icon операционная карта.frw
icon чертеж.frw
icon эскиз Гнездо подшипника ведущей цилиндрической шестерни.frw

Additional information




1 General part

1.1 Characteristics of the part

1.2 Specification for Part Defectation

1.3 Defects of the part and their causes

1.4 Technical Requirements for Repaired Part

2 Process Part

2.1 Selection of rational method of part restoration

2.2 Selection of rational method of part restoration

2.3 Selection of process bases

2.4 Process diagrams of defects elimination

2.5 Definition of intermediate allowances, tolerances and dimensions

2.6 Part Recovery Process Route

2.7 Calculation of processing modes

2.8 Calculation of time standards

3 Design part

3.1 Purpose of device and operation principle of accessory

3.2 Calculation of accessory



During the operation of the car, its working properties are gradually deteriorated due to wear of the parts, as well as corrosion and fatigue of the material from which they are made. Failures and faults appear in the car, which are eliminated during maintenance and repair.

A car that meets all the requirements of the regulatory and technical documentation is considered serviceable. A workable car, unlike a serviceable one, must meet only those requirements that make it possible to use it for its intended purpose without a threat to traffic safety.

Damage is the transition of the car to a faulty, operable state, its transition to a functional state is called a failure.

The need and expediency of repairing cars are primarily due to the unequal strength of their components. Therefore, during operation, cars undergo periodic maintenance on ATP and, if necessary, TR, which is carried out by replacing individual parts and assemblies of the car. This allows you to keep the car in technical condition. With long-term operation, cars reach a state where their repair in ATP conditions becomes technically impossible or economically impractical. In this case, they are sent to a centralized current or RC to a car repair enterprise (ARP). Current repairs should ensure the guaranteed operability of the car during mileage to the next scheduled repair. Overhaul should ensure the serviceability and full life of the car or unit by restoring and replacing any assembly units and parts, including basic ones.

The cost cost of a car and its components usually does not exceed 6070% of the cost of new similar products. At the same time, large savings of metal and energy resources are achieved.

In KR of full-packaged cars, they drop out of their operation for a long time. The desire to reduce vehicle downtime in repair has led to the practice of building ARPs in places of high concentration of the vehicle fleet in order to bring them as close as possible to the suppliers of the repair fund.

One of the progressive trends in the domestic repair practice was the distribution of method units for TR and cars.

Drawings content

icon маршрутная карта.frw

маршрутная карта.frw

icon операционная карта.frw

операционная карта.frw

icon чертеж.frw


icon эскиз Гнездо подшипника ведущей цилиндрической шестерни.frw

эскиз Гнездо подшипника ведущей цилиндрической шестерни.frw

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