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Autoparking by Ave. Hamidova in Makhachkala - warning system networks


Fire Alarm, Fire Extinguishing and Warning System Project

Project's Content

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Additional information


Explanatory note. General provisions

Purpose of AUPS, SOUE, AUPT

Description and characteristics of the object

Main technical solutions adopted in the project

Calculation of the quantity of WFP Buran

Algorithm of AUPT operation

Calculation of the delay time of WFP Buran

Arrangement, installation of equipment and electrical wiring

Power supply and grounding of equipment

Health and Safety

Project Definitions and Abbreviations

Conditional graphical symbols

Technical descriptions and switching-on diagrams of devices used in AUPS, AUPT, ECSS systems

Electrical circuits of detector actuation

Technical specifications of WFP Buran

Installation options for WFP Buran

Equipment Specification

Structural diagram of AUPS and AUPT

Auto Parking Fire Alarm Networks

Autoparking fire extinguishing networks

Autoparking Warning System Networks

Explanatory Note

1. General provisions:

This project is developed on the basis of Contract No., Technical Specification, Construction Drawings provided by the Customer and current regulatory documents.

To ensure fire safety of the commercial and office complex according to Ave. Hamidov in Makhachkala provides for fire prevention measures, in accordance with the current norms and rules:

The following documents are used in the development of this Project:

- Terms of reference,

- Construction drawings of the entire building, individual floors, room layout.

Technical decisions made in this Project shall be in accordance with

Basic guidelines and regulations.

The main guidelines and regulatory and technical documents for the development of the Project are:

- Federal Law of 22.07.2008 No. 123FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements."

- Code of Rules SP5.13130.2009 "Automatic fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations. Design Codes and Regulations. "

- Code of Rules SP3.13130.2009 "Fire evacuation warning and control systems. Fire safety requirements. "

- RD 25.953 - 90. Automatic fire extinguishing, fire fighting, security systems

and fire alarm. Symbols and Schematic Graphics


- SNiP 110195. Instruction on composition, procedure for development, approval and approval of design and estimate documentation of enterprises;

- NPB 11003. "List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment subject to protection by automatic fire extinguishing units and automatic fire alarm"

- NPB 882001. Fire fighting and alarm systems. Design Codes and Regulations.

- FERm, TERm, Price collectors for installation of equipment No. 8,10, 11 ;

- FERp, TERp, Commissioning Price Collectors.

- Quarterly indexation ratios of the value of CMR by the Ministry of Regional Development. development of the Russian Federation.

- VNTP 116 - 80 Wired communication means. Line-cable structures;

- Electrical Installation Rules (PUE);

- Other regulations and guidelines;

2. Purpose of AUPS, SOUE, AUPT

- Automatic fire alarm system (AUPS) is designed to detect signs (heat, smoke, flames) of fire in protected rooms and fire alarm at 24-hour duty stations.

- Automatic Warning and Evacuation Control System (ECMS) is designed to alert and manage evacuation of people from buildings in case of fire and other emergency situations.

- Automatic fire extinguishing unit (AUPT) is designed to localize and extinguish fires of class A, B, C on part of volume or extinguishing

total protected volume in offline mode and by commands from AUPS.

Alarm signals (notifications) about fire registration, fire and other emergency situations are provided to be taken to the checkpoint room with round-the-clock parking security.

3. Description and characteristics of the object

Commercial and office complex on ave. Hamidova in Makhachkala, the construction of which is planned according to an individual project, is a six-story building with an attic and basement.

On the basement there is an underground car parking, which consists of one compartment with an area of ​ ​ 565.8m2 and designed for 16 cars. Autoparking has one entrance and one emergency exit. The entrance to the parking lot and the spare exit are located dispersed .

The walls of the buildings are reinforced concrete, the internal partitions are stone. Floors and ceilings made of concrete slabs. The windows in the buildings are different types, plastic. Heating is an autonomous boiler house. Operating temperature limits from + 5С to + 30С.

On the basement there are also technical rooms.

Dust, smoke formations, vibration, aggressive media and significant electromagnetic interference in the premises of the shopping and office complex are absent. However, smoke formations and dust content may be present in the underground autoparking room.

4. The main technical solutions adopted in the project:

1) Automatic fire alarm installations

All fire alarm equipment shall be equipped

underground car parking rooms.

The signal reception and processing equipment is an address control device (PKP) Signal 20P SMD with a capacity of 20 loops, installed in the autoparking checkpoint room with round-the-clock security on the basement floor. The C20P device is integrated into the common system using the Signal2000 programming and control panel installed in the same room. Programming of S20P SMD receiver-and-monitor, C2000 KPB test and start-up units, S2000SP1 relay unit in order to establish individual addresses, selected parameters and modes, as well as control of the entire integrated system is carried out from the keyboard of C2000 panel. Programming is also possible from a personal computer using the Pprog and Uprog programs.

Fire alarm of autoparking consists of 6 fire loops connected to inputs of SCP C20P SMD (1) (14 standby inputs). Input 1 monitors the condition of fire detector loops in the checkpoint and technical rooms. Inputs 2-6 monitor condition of fire detector loops in auto-parking compartments.

Technical means of fire detection at an early stage of development are:

• Smoke optical fire detectors IP2donbass 4; (installed at the checkpoint and in other technical rooms, except for wet production rooms, stairways and toilets).

• Fire detectors of type "Spectron202" (installed in the car parking room in the basement, where there can be a high concentration of dust, the presence of exhaust gases of cars, through holes).

When choosing the type of fire detectors, environmental conditions, the purpose of the premises, the probability of a fire and the dynamics of its development are taken into account.

The facility uses Russian-made PS equipment with certificates of compliance in the field of fire safety.

Fire detectors are included in independent fire alarm loops, which are connected with "No disconnection right" function on C20P SCP. Fire loops in the premises where the AUPT installation is provided during programming are assigned type 1 (double operation with re-request). The output of alarm messages from the C20P device is carried out on an external light-and-sound annunciator of the MCS 1 type, installed in the checkpoint room with round-the-clock presence of personnel, as well as the possibility of displaying signals to the centralized monitoring panel (PCP) of the ROVD, the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

According to the signal from fire detectors, PKU S2000 generates signals for starting the fire warning system of the 2nd type as per SP3.13130.2009 "Fire warning and evacuation control systems, Fire safety requirements" and control equipment that enables the automatic installation of powder fire extinguishing. Automatic fire alarm installation is designed for 24-hour continuous operation.

2) Automatic fire warning and control system

evacuation of people

Fire Warning and Evacuation Management System (EPMS) is designed for timely warning of people about a fire in the initial stage of its development. EPSS complies with SP3.13130.2009 "Fire Warning and Evacuation Control Systems. Fire safety requirements. " EPSS is an integral part of the complex of technical means of fire protection .

To notify people about fire in accordance with SP3.13130.2009 (Table 2. item 17) in the auto-parking room of the shopping and office complex there is a type 2 warning system (sound warning) with installation of Blik12 "EXIT" light alerts above the exits of the premises on the escape routes at an altitude of 2.5 m from the floor.

Sound notification is performed on the basis of AC10 dual-tone annunciators. The number of annunciators is selected based on the need to ensure the audibility of alert signals in all rooms with people staying. EMSS sound signals shall provide a common sound level together with all signals produced by the annunciators at least 75db at a distance of 3m from the annunciator, but not more than 120db at any point of the protected room. AM are attached at a height of at least 2.3m from the floor level, but the distance from the ceiling to the annunciator must be at least 150mm.

ECSS control function is performed by C20P SCP via relay output 1. PKP C20P shall be programmed to issue to relay output 1 command to actuate ECSS when one fire detector or manual detector is activated.

To increase reliability of fire detection in C20P SCP it is necessary to program the function of reacquisition of fire detector actuation. During programming of SCP C20P relay 1, ECSS control function is assigned (program 3). EPSS shall operate for the time required for evacuation of people, but not less than the estimated duration of evacuation (26 seconds from auto-parking). Therefore, the switching time 35 seconds is programmed for relay 1 of SC20P (1) SCP device.

3) Automatic installation of powder fire extinguishing

According to the Code of Rules SP5.13130.2009 "Automatic fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations. Design rules and regulations "premises for storage of vehicles in basements and underground floors located in buildings of other purpose (Table A.3, item 25.1) shall be equipped with automatic fire extinguishing units (AUPT).

The project provides for the construction of AUPT based on Buran15I powder fire extinguishing modules (WFP). They belong to the pulse type of action - the time of powder release in these modules does not exceed 1 second. Due to this, the intensity of powder supply is 10 times higher than the standard - about 3 kg/m2 .

Modular powder fire extinguishing installations can be used both to extinguish the entire area or the entire volume of the room to be protected, and to locally extinguish part of the area or volume. In the Buran fire extinguishing modules, the Phoenix ABS70 and VexonABS powder is used. Powders are chemically inactive, non-aggressive and do not have a poisonous effect on people.

8. Arrangement, installation of equipment and electrical wiring.

PKP C20P SMD, PKP C2000, uninterruptible power supplies RIP12/4 are located in the autoparking checkpoint room with round-the-clock presence of personnel.

Acceptance and control devices are fixed on the wall at a height of 1.5 m from the floor. C2000 KPB control and start-up units, AC10 sound annunciators (sirens) and UKVK relay amplifier are located in protected rooms on the wall in accordance with the diagrams. BLIK-12 annunciators with inscriptions "Go away powder!" are placed above doorways when leaving the protected area.

BLIK12 annunciators with inscriptions "Do not enter!" are placed above the doorways at the entrance to the protected area.

Manual fire detectors are placed at a height of 1.5 meters on the tracks

evacuation when leaving the premises according to the diagrams.

Location of WFP "Buran15I" is carried out on condition that the protected area is uniformly filled with fire-extinguishing powder. The installation of WFP is carried out on the supporting structures of the room on the bracket, which are fixed in such a way as to ensure the vertical location of the module (See annex 6).

The sounders of the IVS 10 are placed on the wall so that their upper part is not less than 2.3m from the floor level, but the distance from the ceiling to the upper part of the alert is not less than 150mm .

Fire alarm loops are made by fire-resistant KPSEngFRLS 1x2x0.5 wire at a height of 2.2m from the floor level. Fire alarm loops in protected rooms shall be laid separately from all

power, lighting cables and wires. In case of parallel open laying the distance between wires and cables of fire alarm loops and connecting lines with power and lighting wires shall be not less than 0.5 m. If it is necessary to lay these wires and cables at a distance of less than 0.5 m from the power and lighting wires, they should be protected from aiming.

It is allowed to reduce the distance to 0.25 m from wires and cables of AUPS loops and connecting lines without protection from aiming to single lighting wires and control cables.

The project provides for the laying of wires of loops and cables in plastic ducts.

Smoke detectors IP2donbass 4 are installed in rooms on the ceiling.

Fire detectors "Spectron202" are installed on columns and walls on brackets included in their set.

Smoke detectors in the rooms where the AUPS installation is provided are located at a distance of not more than 9 m from each other and not more than 4.5m from the walls. In the premises where the AUPT installation is provided, the above distances are halved.

In the premises of the object with floors having structures protruding by more than 400 mm (beams, runs, stiffeners of reinforced concrete slabs), detectors are installed in each zone of the ceiling. Manual fire detectors are installed on the wall and structures of the building at the exits of the room at a height of 1.5 m. from the floor.

The number of detectors included in one fire alarm loop is determined by the possibility of timely establishment of the fire source, and

also technical characteristics of SCP C20P. In one room where AUPS is provided, at least two fire detectors are installed.

Flame detectors shall be installed in such a way that any point of the protected area is controlled by at least two detectors, usually from opposite sides.

In the premises where the AUPT installation is provided, the detection range of the flame source specified in the technical documentation for detectors and the area of ​ ​ the controlled zone are reduced by half.

Warning system loops are made by fire-resistant wires KPSEngFRLS1x2x0.5, and KPSEngFRLS1x2x1.0. Fire extinguishing module loops are made by KPSEngFRLS1x2x1.5 fire resistant wire, and RS485 interface line is made by KPSEngFRLS2x2x0.5 fire resistant wire. All plume and interface wires shall be laid in plastic ducts or corrugated pipe with a degree of fire protection for at least the estimated evacuation time.

9. Power supply and grounding of equipment

AUPS, EPSS, AUPT are consumers of the 1st category. In accordance with PUE, their power supply is provided from two independent power sources.

Main power supply - from the AC network 220V, 50 Hz through a separate automatic circuit breaker of the existing panel. The backup power is supplied from the rechargeable batteries built into the power supply units RIP12/4 with automatic recharging and battery discharge monitoring.

To protect the personnel to be serviced against dangerous stresses that may occur on metal housings of the SCP and electrical equipment as a result of electrical insulation damage, the housings are provided for

metal connection of the housings to the neutral of the power supply network is provided by AUPS, at least two fire detectors are installed.

object. The resistance of the grounding device must be not more than 4 Ohm. Connection of grounding and zero protective conductors shall be made by bolting.


Drawings content

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