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Automatic Warehouse Alarm Installation Project

  • Added: 03.08.2014
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Object: Production and storage complex. Project developer: SOKLA LLC. Year of project release: 2006. Systems: Security alarm

Project's Content

icon АУОС.doc
icon Комм. пред. 012 Кофемания-ОС-Твардовс.xls
icon Твардовского_план1и2эт.dwg
icon Титул АУОС.doc

Additional information


1. Explanatory Note

2. Installation Schematic Diagram

3. Specification of equipment, products and materials

1 General part

The working design of the automatic security alarm installation (hereinafter AUOS) of the production and warehouse complex of the Kofemania retail network was developed on the basis of architectural and construction drawings issued by the Customer, and was carried out in accordance with the regulatory and technical documents of RD 78.14392 "Security alarm systems and complexes. Elements of technical strengthening of facilities. Design Standards., "RD - 78.145 - 93" Systems and complexes of security, fire, security and fire alarm. Rules for the production and acceptance of works. "

2 Installation Purpose

AUOS is designed to protect at night from unauthorized entry into the premises of the station wagon.

3 Basic technical solutions and plant operation

To prevent unauthorized entry into the premises of the production and storage complex, the project provides for the automatic installation of security alarms.

The working drawings contain solutions for equipping the AUOS premises made on the basis of the GrandMasters acceptance and control device. The device is designed to work with 30 alarm loops, fully displays the events that occur on the light display. Reception device - control is installed in the security room with round-the-clock staff duty.

AUOS in this building is divided into 21 separate zones.

AUOS is designed to block all possible methods of unauthorized penetration through the entrance doors and windows of the complex.

AUOS loops are made on the basis of detectors:

• passive IR security detector "Reflex";

• passive IR security detector "FotonSh";

• passive "Astra" security IR detector;

• "Harp" glass breaking sensor

• protective magnetic contact detector of type IO - 102 - 6.

Reflex detectors responsive to movement are installed to protect the volume of premises specified by the customer and the main entrance vestibule;

FotonSh detectors responding to movement are installed to protect the space behind the refrigerating chambers of the warehouse, and glazing in the axes of G-D.

The Astra detector, which responds to movement, with an angle of 360 degrees, is installed in the office room of the 1st floor specified by the customer.

"Harp" glass breaking sensors are installed to protect glazing along the perimeter of the 1st floor complex.

Magnetic contact detectors are installed directly on the entrance doors and doors of the premises specified by the customer.

4 Unit composition

AUOS consists of:


• "GrandMasters 24" instrument;

• passive "Reflex" IR security detectors;

• passive "FotonSh" IR security detectors;

• passive "Astra" security IR detector;

• Harp glass breaking detectors;

• magnetic contact detectors IO - 102 - 6;

• backup power supply unit "Birp 12/2.5";

• battery "EP 7A/h."


• mounting devices.

electrical part of AUOS includes:

• circuit breaker;

• connecting cables and wires.

5 Power supply

The security alarm systems according to the degree of reliability of the power supply belong to electrical receivers of category 1 and are provided with power supply according to PUE (ed. 6, 7).

Provision of 1 category of reliability of power supply is provided by the Customer. The instrument is powered by 220V + 1015% AC power supply. When the main power supply is disconnected, the provision of the 1 category of reliability is solved by automatically connecting the 12V ± 15% standby power supply.

Backup power supply shall ensure system operation during

not less than 24 hours in standby mode and for not less than 3 hours in alarm mode.

6 Earthing

All metal parts of electrical equipment that are not normally energized, but which may be energized, are subject to grounding as a result of insulation failure. Protective grounding resistance shall be not more than 4 ohms. Grounding shall be performed in accordance with "Electrical Installation Rules."

7 Installation of the unit

Installation of the plant must be carried out by a specialized organization in strict accordance with the measures developed in this working project.

8. Information on organization of production and maintenance of installation works

Installation is recommended in the following sequence:

• laying of cables, their marking;

• installation and connection of detectors;

• installation and connection of the security alarm station.

Installation of equipment shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of technical documentation of manufacturers.

9. Professional and qualification composition of persons working at the facility for maintenance and operation of fire alarms

For maintenance of the designed security alarm system, it is recommended to involve specialized organizations with licenses for the right to carry out this type of work. The personnel on duty shall be trained in the operating rules of the installed equipment.

Drawings content

icon Твардовского_план1и2эт.dwg
