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Automatic fire alarm of bank archive


Working project. Composition:
General data. List of working drawings of the main set.
General data. List of referenced and attached documents.
Explanatory Note
Plan of wiring of PS and CO loops in protected rooms
External connection diagrams to the instrument.
Attachment of detectors.
Equipment Specification

Project's Content

icon архив банка.bak
icon архив банка.dwg
icon З н П.doc
icon Пояс.записка.doc
icon Приложение подвод 220.doc
icon Спецификация банка.doc

Additional information


General data. List of working drawings of the main set

General data. List of referenced and attached documents

Explanatory Note

Plan of wiring of PS and CO loops in protected rooms

External connection diagrams to the instrument

Attachment of detectors

Equipment Specification

Equipment placement

4.1 Installation and installation of the control and receiving device, fire detectors

perform in accordance with NPB 882001and RD 78.14593, technical documentation

for used equipment and PUE.

"Granit8" 1 pcs be placed in the existing security room at a height of 1.8 from the floor level.

Power supply

5.1 Electrical receivers of automatic fire alarm and warning and evacuation systems in case of fire to ensure reliability of power supply belong in accordance with PUE and item 14.1 of NPB 882001 * to consumers of category 1. Power supply of the safety fire control device from the 220V AC network. The 220V connection is provided by the customer.


6.1 Design elements of electrical equipment for automatic fire alarm and warning and evacuation systems in case of fire meet the requirements of GOST 12.2.007 for the method of protecting a person from electric shock.

6.2 Protective grounding of electrical equipment of the automatic fire alarm system shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of PUE, SNiP 3.05.06, GOST 12.1.030. all metal parts of equipment that are not formally energized, but which may be under it due to insulation violation, fire automatics devices and panels, electrical equipment cabinets, are subject to grounding. Protective grounding resistance shall not exceed 4.0 Ohm.

Connect all grounding wires to the common grounding circuit of the building, refer to RD 78.14593. Protective grounding (grounding) of automatic fire alarm electrical equipment is performed in accordance with PUE, SNiP 3.05.06, GOST 12.1.030 and technical documentation of the manufacturer.

6.3 Grounding of control and receiving devices shall be performed by copper wire section. 1.5 mm2 by connecting to the internal ground loop of the building.

Fire warning system.

7.1. In accordance with NPB 10403, a fire warning system is provided in the premises, determined according to Tables 1 and 2 of the type, which includes NBO "Exit" light annunciators, Oriole sound annunciators installed on escape routes from protected premises according to the layout of CO equipment. For light-and-sound warning, the Mayak12K combined sound and light signalling device is also used, installed on the outside of the wall of the warehouse at a height of 2.5 meters. All annunciators are connected by the KSPV 4 × 0.5 mm wire strictly in series according to the CO loop wiring plans.

7.2. Organization of fire warning zones.

Organization of EMSS warning areas is carried out taking into account the support

safe evacuation of people in case of fire, structural features of the building,

functional assignment of rooms.

7.3. When fire alarm detectors of "FIRE" alert are activated, as well as the command to start: light annunciators of "Exit" NBO, sound annunciators of "Oriolga" in the corresponding warning area, as well as to the combined device of sound and light signalling "Mayak12K."

7.4. In case of alarm detectors actuation, the control and receiving device outputs "ALARM" signal.

Performance Information

General provisions

- Perform works on installation of signalling equipment in accordance with the approved working documentation, SNiP, PUE, RD 78.14593, manual to RD 78.14593, current state and industry standards and other current regulatory documents;

- Deviation from working documentation during installation of alarm equipment is not allowed without coordination with the Customer, with the project development organization, with the state fire supervision bodies;

- The installation and commissioning organization shall consider the design and estimate documentation in advance and, if incorrect design and technical solutions are identified, provide the Customer with reasonable comments.

- Products and materials used in the performance of works shall comply with the project specification, state standards, technical specifications and have appropriate certificates, technical passports and other documents certifying their quality.

- Storage conditions for products and materials shall meet the requirements of the relevant standards and specifications, as well as the requirements of manufacturers.

- Labor safety and fire safety standards, rules and measures shall be observed during installation.

Requirements for organization of works on installation of signalling equipment

- The installation and commissioning organization shall notify the monitoring body of the state fire supervision about the beginning of work on the installation of alarm equipment at the facility.

- Author's supervision of the works is carried out by the design organization according to the requirements of SP 11110, and technical supervision - by the state fire supervision bodies. If deviations from the design documentation are identified during installation works, appropriate entries are made in the author's supervision log.

- Signalling equipment is allowed for installation after incoming inspection.

- Installation of signalling equipment shall be carried out in three stages. At the first stage, the works specified in item 1.17 of the manual to RD 76.14593 shall be performed. The first stage works shall be performed simultaneously with the main construction works. At the second stage, work should be carried out on the installation of protective pipes of electrical wires, detectors, alerts, boards, receiving and control devices, signal-starting devices and the connection of electrical wires to them. The second stage works shall be performed after completion of construction and finishing works. At the third stage, electrical inspection and adjustment of the installed alarm equipment shall be performed.

- Commissioning works shall be performed by the installation and installation organization in accordance with the requirements of RD 76.14593 and with mandatory Appendix 1 to SNiP 3.05.05, SNiP 3.05.06 and SNiP 3.05.07.

- Prior to commissioning in the course of production of installation works, individual tests (control, adjustment, an adjustment of components of installations) according to technical specifications, instructions, PUE have to be carried out.

- Commissioning works are performed in the following sequence: preparation works, commissioning works, individual tests, complex equipment adjustment.

- Commissioning works are considered to be completed after receiving parameters and modes provided for by the design and technical documentation, ensuring stable and stable operation of alarm equipment (without false alarms).

Maintenance and Maintenance

At the facility, all types of maintenance and maintenance works shall be performed under the contract by organizations licensed by the Federal Licensing Body in the field of fire safety for the right to perform work on the installation, repair and maintenance of fire safety facilities for buildings and structures .

The main purpose of maintenance is to carry out measures aimed at maintaining the serviceability of automatic fire alarm systems and fire warning systems for people, preventing faults and premature failure of component devices and elements.

The maintenance and repair structure includes the following activities:

- maintenance;

- scheduled maintenance;

- planned overhaul;

- unscheduled repair.

Observation of planned work of installation, elimination of the found defects, adjustment, control belongs to maintenance.

The scope of ongoing repairs includes measurements and tests of equipment and elimination of detected defects.

The scope of overhaul, in addition to the work provided for by the current repair, includes the replacement of worn-out plant elements.

During maintenance works, refer to requirements of RD 0090196 "Fire Automation Units. Technical Content Rules "and RD 0090296" Fire Automation Units. Maintenance and preventive maintenance. "

Drawings content

icon архив банка.dwg

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