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ATP project for 500 medium-capacity vehicles

  • Added: 09.07.2014
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Course project. Drawings, Explanatory Note

Project's Content

icon А1-Генплан.bak
icon А1-Производственный корпус.bak
icon А1-Слесарно-механический участок.bak
icon А1-Генплан.cdw
icon А1-Производственный корпус.cdw
icon А1-Слесарно-механический участок.cdw
icon ПЗ 06.06.docx
icon ПЗ 06.06.doc

Additional information




1.1 Technical characteristics and scope of the assigned IR

1.2 Calculation of planned annual cargo turnover


2.1 Selection and correction of maintenance periodicity standards and MS resource, generation of cycle schedules

2.2 Determination of technical readiness factor, annual MS mileage, annual and daily production program

2.3 Determination of labor intensity of RM, maintenance, TR, calculation and distribution of annual scope of work by their types

Standard capacity values are set for typical operating conditions, namely:

2.4 Calculation of ATP number

2.5 Calculation of number of EO, TO, TR posts

2.6 Calculation of areas of ECU, maintenance, TR areas, warehouses, auxiliary and technical rooms

2.7 Equipment selection for ATP zones and sections

Process equipment will be selected by process equipment timesheets

Electrical section


3.1 Development of the planning solution of the production building

3.2 Brief description of works performed in divisions

3.3 Design of ATP production area, detailed description of production process on site

3.4 ATP General Plan, Calculation of Area for Construction and General Plan Indicators

3.5 Description of general plan and route of IR movement in the territory






The main task of road transport is to fully, qualitatively and timely satisfy the needs of the national economy and the population in transportation with the lowest possible material costs and labor resources.

The solution of this problem requires the predominant development of road transport, the strengthening of the material and technical base and the concentration of vehicles in large motor transport enterprises, and the improvement of maintenance and repair of rolling stock.

To a certain extent, high maintenance and maintenance costs are associated with the lack of a production and technical base of vehicles or a lag in its growth from the growth rate of the rolling stock fleet. An analysis of the production and technical base of motor transport enterprises shows that its condition in many cases does not correspond to the normative level: the low level of provision of motor transport enterprises with production premises, the level of mechanization of maintenance and repair processes. The production and technical base of motor transport enterprises in its development lags behind the requirements determined by the change in the structure of the fleet of rolling stock.

In addressing the issue of improving the production and technical base and adapting it to the needs of dynamic vehicles, the issues of improving the design of motor transport enterprises, including the construction of new ones, the expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing motor transport enterprises, should occupy an important place. Therefore, the theme of this project is the development of a comprehensive road transport enterprise for 500 medium-capacity vehicles with a detailed locksmith and mechanical section.

3 development of planning solutions atp

3.1 Development of the planning solution of the production building

ATP layout refers to the layout and relative location of production, storage and administrative-household premises in the plan of a building or separate buildings assigned for maintenance, maintenance and storage of rolling stock.

Significant overall dimensions and reduced maneuverability of trucks complicate the organization of traffic, both on the territory of the enterprise and inside the building, increase the importance of relationships between the main zones, justify the use of large spans and a large grid of columns in order to reduce the number of supporting columns. This is due not only to the large overall size of the rolling stock and its limited maneuverability, but also to the desire to increase the economic efficiency of the structures. However, single car repair posts can be made dead end. Since their overall dimensions allow you to make maneuvers, check-in and exit from the post, without difficulty .

With the modern industrial development of construction, buildings are mounted from unified, mainly reinforced concrete, structural elements of factory manufacture (columns, trusses, beams) on the basis of a unified column grid.

For single-story buildings of large enterprises, a grid of columns measuring 1212, 1218, 1224, 1230,1236 m is common, for buildings of small enterprises it is allowed - 69, 612, 615 m (the first number is the pitch of the columns, the second is the span). In multi-storey buildings, a grid of columns measuring 66, 69, 612 and 912 m was used, and in the upper floors 618 and 1218 m are allowed. The building should have, if possible, the same type of column grid.

Large column grids are required in maintenance and TR areas and truck storage areas for ease of manoeuvring. For production areas and technical rooms, a small-sized column grid is required, since with a large grid these rooms are narrow and long, which makes it difficult to arrange equipment and impairs the natural lighting of the rooms.

The width of the production premises shall be such that it is possible to place the equipment at least at one of the walls in accordance with the regulated distances between the equipment, equipment and elements of the building, as well as the width of the passages and driveways, and there shall be no columns within the driveways. Preferably, the ratio of the length and width of buildings having a rectangular plan shape is within 1.5: 2.0.

In the case of a parallel-zone layout of the building, in which the entry into and movement into the maintenance and TR zones are carried out in parallel flows, the width of the production building and, respectively, the column grid and the direction of spans (across or along the length of the building) are selected based on the length of the maintenance flow lines, so that at the beginning and at the end of the flow lines there are no excess areas. At the beginning of the flow lines, support posts are provided to ensure the rhythmic operation of the flow lines. In winter, they are used to heat cars before they enter the flow lines. The width of the driveways in the TC and TR areas shall be minimum but sufficient for all manoeuvring operations.

A number of requirements must be taken into account when determining the overall dimensions of production units and their arrangement.

1. Cleaning, washing and drying stations for cars of all categories shall be located in a room isolated from other production units.

2. The EO zone, as mentioned earlier, can be placed in a separate building.

3. It is recommended to perform post operations TO1, TO-2, general diagnostics, as well as assembly and adjustment operations of TR in a separate room isolated from other production departments.

4. Dead-end posts TO-1 and TO-2 are located in the room of TR posts. TO-1 or TO-2 flow lines (or TO-1 and TO-2 together) are organized in a separate room. They are not separated from the TP zone by a partition if the latter is adjacent .

5. Flow lines along their entire working length shall be equipped with inspection ditches. The conveyor must serve both work stations and support posts of maintenance lines.

6. The height of the tunnel (distance from the floor to the bottom of the floor structures), as well as the distance to the load-bearing structures above the pits (trenches) at the places of passage of people should be at least 2 m, the width of the tunnel - 1 m. Stairs are provided to enter the tunnel from the side of inspection ditches and exit it to the maintenance zone.

7. To provide access to the units, assemblies and parts located at the bottom of the rolling stock, during maintenance and maintenance work, floor mechanized devices should mainly be used - hydraulic and electric lifts, mobile racks, rollovers, etc. The installation of inspection ditches is allowed in some cases in accordance with the requirements of the technological process.

8. When designing inspection channels, observe the following requirements. Working length of inspection ditch shall be not less than overall length of rolling stock. Width of inspection ditch is selected based on track width of rolling stock taking into account arrangement of external or internal flanges.

9. A splitter shall be provided at the entrance of the inspection ditch to guide the wheels 0.150.2 m high

10. Depth of inspection ditch shall provide free access to units, units and parts located at the bottom of rolling stock. It is accepted equal to 1.11.2 m for trucks and buses.

11. The width of the driveways in the areas with dead ends TO and TR posts is determined by a graphical method or using a template, believing that cars come to the posts only in front, cars enter the posts with additional maneuvering (one-time turning on the reverse); In the process of maneuvering during installation at posts, cars should not enter the protective areas of cars, building elements and stationary equipment at posts; before starting the car movement when its front wheels are installed on the post on turns must be turned by the maximum angle.

12. The TP area is closely linked to all production areas by the nature of the production processes. Therefore, the production areas are located near the TP zone, usually around the perimeter of the building to provide them with better natural light.

13. Each production site, according to the nature and technology of the work performed, is preferably located in a separate room. Small areas with a uniform nature of work can be located in one room.

Taking into account fire and sanitary requirements, it is recommended to perform the following types of maintenance and maintenance of rolling stock in separate rooms isolated from others:

- washing, harvesting and other operations of the RO complex, except for fuelling of cars;

- post works TO1, TO-2, general diagnostics;

- assembly, locksmith, electrical and radio repair works, works on tool repair, repair and manufacture of process equipment, accessories and production equipment;

- engine test;

- repair of diesel engine power supply system devices;

- repair of storage batteries;

- busbars and vulcanization works;

- forging, copper-radiator, welding and reinforcement works;

- woodworking and wallpaper works;

- painting works.

Repair works of power supply system devices can be performed in one room of category "D" together with works of aggregate, mechanical, electrical, radio repair, repair of tools, repair and manufacture of process equipment, accessories and production equipment.

In motor vehicles, separate storage facilities shall be provided for each of the following material groups:

- engines, units, assemblies, parts, non-fire hazardous materials, metals, tools, valuable waste (non-ferrous metal, etc.);

- automobile tires (tires and chambers);

- lubricants;

- paint materials;

- solid combusted materials (paper, cardboard, rags).

The relative location of production areas and warehouses in the building of the main production building is determined by their production links with the maintenance and maintenance zones.

Accumulator, electrical, busbar and oil storage areas gravitate to the TO-1 zone. To the TO-2 zone, the oil warehouse and the same areas as to the TO-1 zone, as well as the aggregate, welding, tighter sections and warehouses of spare parts and units, gravitate. The same sections are connected with the TR zone as with the TO2 zone, as well as the locksmith, blacksmith-spring, painting, body, wallpaper, material warehouse and tool-dispenser storeroom. Near the EO zone there is a pump room, a room for drying working clothes, a ventilation chamber and treatment facilities.

The lubricant warehouse is located in close proximity to the maintenance line lubricant stations, usually at the exterior walls of the building, to ensure the convenience of draining oils in the storage tank and directly leaving the room.

Mechanical and aggregate sections are arranged adjacent to warehouse of spare parts and units and tool-dispenser storage room. Adjacent to the aggregate section, it is desirable to place the washing section of the units, assemblies and parts removed from the vehicles before entering the aggregate section and warehouses. The unit and the engine section separated into a separate room are placed next to the specialized posts for replacing the corresponding units, the bus assembly and vulcanization sections are located next to the tire warehouse and tire maintenance posts.

Forge-spring, welding and copper sections are arranged adjacent or in one room and separated from other rooms by non-burning walls. Painting, woodworking, wallpaper sections must be adjacent. The site must be provided with entry from the maintenance zone or from the territory of the enterprise. In ATP trucks with a fleet of dump trucks, the performance of tin and welding body work is provided in one room with the provision of car arrival.

The acetylenogenerator shall be located next to the welding area, isolated from other rooms and have an entrance only outside the building.

All production and storage rooms (except acetylenogenerator) shall have communication with each other along the internal passages of the production building. If you cannot provide a convenient internal entrance to the storage rooms (except for the oil warehouse), external gates are provided.

Direct connections are required between the busbar and vulcanization facilities and the tyre warehouse, battery repair room and charging room, oil pump room and lubricant warehouse.

All production rooms shall have natural lighting. Storage rooms may not have it. The tire warehouse is located in a darkened room.

At room depth up to 12 m are limited by side lighting through window openings in walls, at greater room depth

combined lighting is required through window openings in walls and lights in the roof of the building.

Rooms located in the interior of the building and without natural lighting through windows must have lights. In this part of the building, it is not advisable to place areas that should be isolated from other rooms (welding, copper, battery, as well as a tires warehouse and bathrooms).

The number of gates in car maintenance and repair buildings, in car storage buildings, as well as for the entry (exit) of cars into the premises located in the first, basement or basement floors depends on the number of cars in the room: up to 25 cars - one gate, from 26 to 100 - two, and with more than 100 cars - one additional gate for every 100 cars. If you can exit individual spaces outside and through adjacent spaces, you can reduce the estimated number of gates by one. At the same time, the above premises should have at least one gate.

The gates accept typical ones. Their height should exceed the maximum height of rolling stock of any category by at least 0.2 m, and the width - the width of the rolling stock: when passing perpendicular to the plane of the gates of cars of category I - by 0.7 m, category II and III - 0.9, category IV - by 1.2 m; when passing at an angle to the gate plane of category I cars - by 1.0 m, category II - 1.3 m, category III - 1.5 m, category IV - by 2.0 m.

When developing planning solutions, the finally accepted area of ​ ​ production and warehouse premises may differ from the calculated area by ± 10%.

The company has 1 production building. According to the task, we accept for development the production building No. 1, in which the following rooms are located:

- TO-1 and TO-2 zone;

- TR zone;

- busbar compartment;

- rubber warehouse;

- compressor room;

- electrical panel;

- transformer;

- OGM;

- electrical section;

- accumulator section;

- vulcanization section;

- blacksmith-spring section;

- power supply system repair area;

- welding section;

- aggregate section;

- mechanical section;


- tools;

- intermediate storage of spare parts and materials (production completion and preparation area);

- spare parts, operational materials;

- car tyres new, repaired and to be restored.

Drawings content

icon А1-Генплан.cdw


icon А1-Производственный корпус.cdw

А1-Производственный корпус.cdw

icon А1-Слесарно-механический участок.cdw

А1-Слесарно-механический участок.cdw

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