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Medium Pyro -TM - RUS - Pot Instruction Medium Piro in Russian.

  • Added: 12.06.2017
  • Size: 826 KB
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This material describes the operation and assembly of the pyrolysis boiler up to 500 kW. The material may be of interest to boiler developers as an example of UpGrade old models of solid fuel boilers, the emissions of which no longer met the new environmental requirements. In this case, the old solid fuel boiler, by diversifying and controlling the multipoint supply of primary and secondary air from class 3, immediately moved to class 5 according to EN 303-5. In addition to improvements in emissions emissions, the effect of extending the burn time from one firewood filling was achieved thanks to two functions in control: Adjusting the power by heat consumption. "No flame" mode when heat is required below 30% of maximum power. The uniqueness of the upgrade is also that looking at the chimney was impossible to determine whether the boiler was burning or not. So clean burning turned out. Developer UpGrade Dipl. Ing. Dimitar Dimitrov - Vienna - Austria - DISTAND GmbH

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