Atmospheric Pipe Unit for Crude Oil Processing
- Added: 01.07.2014
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Diploma project of an atmospheric pipe plant with a capacity of 2.8 million tons of oil per year at Omsk NPZP explanatory note + drawings
Project's Content
1 Теоретический раздел 1.doc
2 Технологический раздел.doc
3 Автоматизация производственного процесса 1.doc
4 Стандартизация и аналитический контроль 1.doc
5 Строительная часть 1.DOC
6 Электротехническая часть.doc
7 Охрана окружающей среды.doc
8 Безопасность жизнедеятельности Свет Клапан правильное.doc
9 Организация производства и технико-экономические расчеты.doc
Введение 5.doc
Список использованных источников.doc
Additional information
Regulatory References
1 Theoretical section
2 Process section
2.1 Description of the process diagram
2.1 Characteristics of raw materials and auxiliary materials
2.2 Product Characteristics
2.4 Material calculation of production
2.5 Selection of process equipment
2.6 Steam, water, cold supply of production
3 Process Automation
3.1 General characteristics of automation systems
3.2 Composition of automation equipment
3.3 Process Automation
4 Quality assurance and analytical control of production
5 Construction section
6 Electrical section
6.1 General information about the designed object
6.2 Calculation of power and lighting loads
6.3 Transformer substation selection
6.4 Calculation of reactive power of compensating unit
6.5 Calculation of annual energy consumption
7 Environmental protection
7.1 Ecological justification of the construction site
7.2 Environmental justification of the process diagram
7.3 Air Pollution Protection
7.4 Protection of reservoirs from pollution and wastewater treatment methods
7.5 Processing and decontamination of production wastes
7.6 Output
8 Safety of life
8.1 Occupational Safety
8.1.1 Industrial sanitation and hygiene
8.1.2 Means of collective protection of workers
8.1.3 Individual means of protection of workers
8.1.4 Fire safety
8.2 Calculation of total artificial lighting of the control room
8.3 Protection of population and territory in emergency situations
9 Organizational and Economic Section
9.1 Economic and geographical characteristics of the region and
site construction sites
9.2 Organization of production and labor
9.3 Capital Investments in Production
9.4 Manufacturing Program and Marketing Policy
9.5 Production Operating Costs
9.6 Profit, profitability of production
9.7 Main technical and economic indicators of production
List of sources used
Appendix A (reference). Process calculation of the diagram in
"HYSYS.Process" program
Illustrative part of VKR
KTNE.240403.014.DP.T3. Process diagram on one sheet of A format
KTNE.240403.014.DP.BO. Rectification column K1. General view drawing on one sheet of format A
KTNE.240403.014.DP.A3. The scheme of automation on one leaf of format A
KTNE.240403.014.DP.P. Equipment layout plan on one sheet of A format
KTNE.240403.014.DP.RK. Section 1-1 on one sheet of A format
KTNE.240403.014.DP.MB. Material balance on one sheet of A format
KTNE.240403.014.DP.OE. Technical and economic parameters of production on one sheet of A format
The oil industry is an integral part of the fuel and energy complex - a multisectoral system, including the extraction and production of fuel, the production of energy (electric and thermal), the distribution and transport of energy and fuel. However, the condition of the oil complex's fixed assets (OFS) is characterized by a large proportion of wear and tear, and their technological level is backward. Depreciation of fixed assets in oil refining is 60%. The share of fully worn out fixed assets, for which depreciation is not accrued, amounted to 22% and 39% in oil production and refining, respectively. that is, the situation in oil refining is worse than in oil production, including from the point of view of environmental safety. Today, the refining depth is in the range of 6264%, and the life of the equipment has exceeded all possible limits (mainly more than 25 years). The main reason for this is that the financing of oil refining was always carried out on a residual basis, and all resources were allocated to oil production. But the unusually favorable conditions on world markets and the devaluation of the ruble created good conditions for investing in the oil complex. Oil companies need to increase capital expenditures and thereby increase production. Without a significant increase in investments in fixed assets, both in the industry and in individual oil companies, it is impossible to further develop and improve oil refining in Russia. It is important for companies to use all possible mechanisms to attract investments and implement them in order to renew and reconstruct existing production funds. The above measures must necessarily affect the efficiency of refining and ultimately increase the competitiveness of domestic petroleum products in world markets. Modernization will also improve the environmental friendliness of the total fuel used.
Oil distillation principles
Primary processing (direct distillation) is the process of producing petroleum fractions differing in boiling point without thermal decomposition of the components constituting the distillate. This process can be carried out in bottoms or tubes at atmospheric and elevated pressures or under vacuum.
The first oil refining plants in Russia were built in 1745 in Ukhta, then in Mozdok and Baku. These were batch cubes. By the end of the 1970s, there were several hundred such installations.
In 1885, A.F. Inchik in Baku built the world's first continuously operating cubic battery, later called the "Nobel." It consisted of more than ten horizontal cubes located in terraces, so that oil by gravity flowed from cube to cube. The distillation cube was equipped with flame tubes and a mother pipe for introducing water vapor into the raw material (up to 20% per distillate). In the cubes, oil fractions were distilled off, the vapors of which entered the condensers and refrigerators, where they condensed and cooled. Condensate by gravity entered the sorting compartment, where it was mixed with other condensates, forming commodity fractions that were sent for purification with sulfuric acid and alkali from undesirable components (unsaturated hydrocarbons, naphthenic acids and resins). In the last cube, the raw material temperature was maintained at about 320 ° C. A scrubber irrigated with cold water served to capture the lightest fractions and communicate cubes with the atmosphere. The clarity of the separation was low.
During the restoration period of the USSR oil industry, bottom units were reconstructed and equipped with rectification columns. Thanks to the latter, the clarity of the separation has improved, the quality of product has improved. However, low productivity, a large number of devices, their high cost, bulkiness and fire danger prevented the development of modernized cubic batteries at oil refineries [2].
The same was the case with the distillation of fuel oil to obtain oil distillates on oil bottoms. The design of oil batteries was first developed in. V. G. Shukhov and I. I. Edin. On these batteries, distillation was carried out in vacuo and with steam in order to reduce the distillation temperature, preventing the decomposition of hydrocarbons included in the oil distillates. The cube of the oil battery did not have flame tubes and the furnace was under the cube.
Oil distillate vapors and water vapour were routed through refluxers and condensers-coolers in the oil fraction tank of the receiving and sorting compartment. Non-condensed vapors, steam and gaseous decomposition products were fed to the barometric condenser. Water and oil vapors condensed and gaseous hydrocarbons were sucked by steam jet ejectors. In the receiving and sorting compartment, oil distillates were compounded (mixed) to obtain commercial oil distillates of a given viscosity. Purification of oil distillates from degradation products, resins and naphthenic acids was also carried out with sulfuric acid and alkali.
During the reconstruction of oil bottom batteries, they were equipped with "head" or "tail" tubes. Gas oil and other light fractions were distilled off in the "head" tube, and the residue flowed into distillation cubes. The raw material of the "tail" tubes was a hot tar (half-tar) from the last cube. It was pumped through a tube furnace to an evaporator. Here, highly viscous oil distillates were evaporated in vacuo and at a high steam flow rate.
The complexity of the equipment design, the high fire danger and the low quality of the oils obtained prevented the further development of the construction of oil bottoms. They, like kerosene cubic batteries, gave way to high-performance tubular installations - atmospheric and vacuum, discussed below. For the first time, such installations for distillation of oil were patented in 1890-1891. V. G. Shukhov and S. G. Gavrilov. However, their construction in the USSR began only in 1925 in Baku and Grozny.
In tubular plants, distillation was carried out on the principle of flash evaporation, which made it possible to reduce the heating temperature of the raw materials, and therefore, reduce the decomposition of the raw materials and improve the quality of distillates. In addition, tubular installations were distinguished by a large thermal value of p. d., less specific capital investments and operational costs.
At the present stage of oil refining, tubular plants are part of all oil refineries and serve as suppliers of both commercial oil products and raw materials for secondary processes (catalytic cracking, reforming, hydrocracking, coking, isomerization, etc.).
The widespread secondary methods of oil re-processing have increased the requirements for the clarity of the separation, for deeper extraction of medium and heavy fractions of oil. In connection with these requirements, oil refineries began to improve the design of fractionation columns, increasing the number of trays in them and increasing their efficiency, using secondary distillation, deep vacuum, spray-breaking agents, antifoam additives, etc. Along with the increase in the capacity of primary oil processing plants, they began to combine this process of oil with other technological processes, primarily with dehydration and desalination, stabilization and secondary distillation of gasoline (in order to obtain narrow fractions), with catalytic cracking, coking, etc. Some crude oil processing plants have a capacity of 6-7 million tonnes per year. Low-power crude oil refineries are being modernized or replaced by more productive, state-of-the-art oil refineries [2].
Depending on the pressure in the rectification columns, the tubular units are divided into atmospheric (AT), vacuum (VT) and atmospheric vacuum (AVT). By the number of evaporation stages, tubular units of one-, two-, three- and quadruple evaporation are distinguished. At flash units from oil in one distillation column at atmospheric pressure, all distillates are obtained - from gasoline to viscous cylinder. The residue of distillation is tar.
At two-fold evaporation plants, distillation to tar is carried out in two stages: first, at atmospheric pressure, oil is distilled to fuel oil, which is distilled in vacuum to obtain tar in the residue. These processes are carried out in two distillation columns; in the first of them atmospheric pressure is maintained, in the second vacuum. Two-fold evaporation of oil to fuel oil can also be carried out at atmospheric pressure in two distillation columns; in the first, only gasoline is taken and the residue of distillation is stripped oil; in the second stripped oil heated to higher temperature is distilled to fuel oil. Such two-column units belong to the atmospheric group (AT).
At three-fold evaporation plants, oil distillation is carried out in three columns: two atmospheric and one vacuum. A type of three-fold oil evaporation unit is an AVT unit with one atmospheric and two vacuum columns. The second vacuum column is designed to evaporate the tar, a deeper vacuum is maintained in it than in the main vacuum column.
The quadruple evaporation unit is an AVT unit with a stripping atmospheric column in the head part and a post-evaporation vacuum column for a tar to the end part. Let's take a closer look at the piping diagrams.
Process Diagram Description
Oil flow with temperature of 20 0С by pump H1 is pumped through the network of recuperative heat exchangers T1T5 and heated by streams leaving the plant to 180 0С. Heated oil is supplied to K1 stripping column on the 21st tray. The products of column K1 are stripped oil and light gasoline. Column K1 has 25 valve trays, column pressure 350 kPa; temperature of column top and bottom 140 and 185 0С, respectively. To heat the bottom of column K1, a "hot jet" of stripped oil is provided. The vapors from the top of column K1 condense in coolers ABO1 and X1, then with a temperature of 40 0C enter the separator E1. Part of the gasoline fraction from separator E1 is supplied to the reflux of column K1, the rest is withdrawn to the stock. The gas from separator E1 is discharged to the fuel network. The stripped oil from the bottom of column K1 is supplied by pump H3 to furnace P1, where it is heated to a temperature of 360 0C and supplied to 31 trays of atmospheric column K2. Column K2 is intended for production of heavy gasoline fraction, kerosene fraction, diesel fraction and fuel oil. Column K2 has 36 valve trays. Column pressure 190 kPa; temperature at the top and bottom of column 150 and 342 0C, respectively. Superheated water vapour in amount of 0.32% per raw material is supplied under the lower tray. The vapors from the top of column K2 condense in coolers ABO2 and X2, then at a temperature of 400C enter the separator E2, where water is separated from the gasoline fraction. Part of the gasoline fraction from separator E2 is supplied to the reflux of column K2, the rest is withdrawn to the stock. The liquid phase from the 8 tray enters the strippingsection E3 on the top tray. Superheated water vapor is supplied under the lower tray of strippingsection E3. A kerosene fraction is removed from the bottom of the strip section E3, which is pumped by the pump H5 through the heat exchanger T1 and the water cooler X3, as a result of which its temperature is reduced to 40 0C. The liquid phase from the tray 21 enters the strippingsection E4 on the top tray. Superheated water vapor is supplied under the lower tray of strippingsection E4. From the bottom of the strip section E4, the diesel fraction is removed, which is pumped by the pump H7 through the heat exchanger T3, the air cooler ABO3 and the water cooler X4, as a result of which its temperature is reduced to 40 0C. From K2 column bottom the pump H9 selects fuel oil and pumps over it via the T5 heat exchanger, the air ABO4 fridge and the water X5 fridge. The obtained gasoline, kerosene, diesel fractions and fuel oil are supplied to the commercial fleet. Column K2 is also provided with circulation reflux circuits. Liquids from 11 and 24 trays are taken in amounts of 110 and 109 m3/h, respectively, and cooled to 110 and 200 0C in recuperative heat exchangers. The streams are then returned to tray 9 and 22, respectively.
Calculation and
selection of process equipment
Material and thermal calculations of the designed equipment, as well as the main geometric characteristics, are carried out using the HYSYS computer program.
HYSYS is designed for design and research work when analyzing existing and projected chemical and technological industries. The HYSYS program fund combines subsystems of material and thermal balances of chemical-technological systems, calculation of physical properties of substances, modules for calculating chemical-technological processes, modules for calculating equipment, hydraulics of devices. The HYSYS program is a powerful and convenient interactive tool for calculating and optimizing technological processes.
With this program you can build a detailed and reliable model of the process unit. The interactive nature of the program allows you to analyze in detail the parameters of any apparatus, allows you to accumulate a bank of mathematical modules of the investigated productions.
The equipment is planned to be used for domestic production. Requirements will be developed for non-standard equipment.
Automation of the production process
Automation of the production process is a prerequisite for increasing labor productivity. Another important function of automation is the elimination of the human factor - the first cause of industrial accidents. Automation also implements the following production tasks:
product quality control;
compliance with the technological regime;
optimization of the production process;
ensuring safety of production;
increase of equipment service life;
reliable operation of the object.
Automation refers to a set of devices, devices and control machines that, without the direct participation of a person, control the technological process according to a given program.
General characteristics of the automation system
Column K2 is selected as the automation object. Column K2 is intended for production of light oil products from stripped oil. The quality of automation of the K2 column directly affects the stability and controllability of the entire oil refining process as well as the safety of the process.
For the efficient operation of the plant, it is necessary that the automation system being developed be centralized and based on the latest advances in technology and provide:
protection of process equipment and process at deviation of parameters from maximum permissible values;
automatic remote control of all electric drives of process equipment (opening and closing of shutoff and control valves, switching on and off of pumps, backup and other equipment);
measurement and display of current values of main process parameters;
signalling (warning) of deviation of parameters from the norm with output of both a signal on the operator's display and a light signal.
The degree of automation should allow to control the installation with a minimum number of maintenance personnel [12].
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