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Atelier with office space



The initial data for the development of working drawings  are architectural, construction and technological drawings.  

The norms of water consumption and the calculation of water supply and sewerage systems are made according to SNiP 2.04.01-85 *. installation of the water supply system, sewerage should be carried out in accordance with the chapters of SNiP 3.05.01-85 and CH 478-80.

    Production of sanitary and technical works, testing and acceptance into operation should be carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.05.01-85 and CH 478-80.


The source of water supply is the projected on-site networks.  The project provides for one input with a diameter of ∅40 with the installation of a water meter for household needs. To supply water to the required head in the network above the meter. 0.000, requires the installation of a household water pump with parameters Q=3.0 m³/h, H=25,5 m, N=0.55-0,75 kW

Pump (Calpeda MGPM 403) Water supply network is installed from reinforced-plastic pipes.



Hot water supply is decentralized. For the preparation of hot water there are electric water heaters of the company ARISTON. The system is adopted with lower piping, dead-end.

With a hidden gasket, provide a hatch for access to the fittings.  



The project provides for a system of household sewerage.

The household sewerage system is designed to drain wastewater from household appliances.The domestic sewerage network is used to collect wastewater from the san. devices and subsequent drainage into external networks.

 The internal sewerage network is made of plastic sewer pipes according to GOST 22689.2-89

Installation of risers is carried out according to the scheme "from the bottom up".

Conventional designations are adopted in accordance with GOST 21.205-93.

During the operation of the building, it is necessary to periodically inspect the place of entry of the water supply and sewerage outlets and restore tightness.

Against revisions on the risers with a hidden gasket, hatches of size should be provided.

not less than 30×40 cm.  


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