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icon ПЗ газа Экстроймонтаж.doc
icon проект газового АУПТ.dwg
icon титульный газа Экстроймонтаж.doc

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Part 1: Automatic fire alarm installation

Automatic Fire Fighting Installation

Fire Evacuation Warning and Control System

Part 2: Automatic Gas Fire Extinguishing Plant

Characteristics of protected premises

The protected room is located on the 2nd floor of the building. Category of protected rooms according to explosion and fire hazard - B (according to NBP 10595), area class according to PUE86 - B2a. space settings:

-a total area of 30.7 m2.

there is no false floor.

There are no dust, smoke formations, vibrations and aggressive media in the protected rooms above the permissible limits.

The combustible load in the premises can be: insulation of cable wires, linoleum, furniture. Class of possible fire as per GOST 27.33187 - "A."

Air temperature in rooms is not lower than + 5 * С. With natural ventilation, relative humidity - no more than 70% at T = 20 * С, dust - up to 2mG/m3, air flow rate - up to 1 m/s, aggressive medium - absent.

In order to increase the level of fire protection of premises and tighten possible combustion centers at the facility, manual fire extinguishing devices are used.


The working design contains solutions for installation, installation of the automatic gas fire extinguishing system equipment, the premises of the server station located on the second floor of the Maple Production and Storage Complex.

The automatic gas fire extinguishing system, modular type, is made on the basis of the PPKP device "Poc2SL" (TU PL36.00.00.000TU), and the gas fire extinguishing modules MGP1640 (TU 48540013307508896PS) produced by ZAO ARTSOK (Chekhov).). Chladone 318C ("IGMER") is used as a fire extinguishing agent. The layout of the system equipment is shown on sheet 6.

The automatic fire extinguishing system has one direction and is designed to detect the fire source in the protected room, followed by a signal for starting the gas fire extinguishing module. Signals about fire and failure of fire extinguishing installation are output to base station inputs and further via service channel - to the price control room with round-the-clock stay of personnel.

Duplicate signals "Fire" and "Fault" from "Poc2SL" device are output to the fire control room of the building to the existing fire alarm station PPKOP "Signal20." Structural diagram of the system is given on sheet 5, electrical connection diagram is given on sheet 9.

Poc2SL is a 1-zone controller providing fire extinguishing in the 1st direction. In this direction, control of the fire alarm loop, control of the condition of the entrance doors, light and sound alarms about the fire, as well as the launch of the gas fire extinguishing module is provided.

To prevent false start of the fire extinguishing system, it is provided to actuate it from two sensors in the fire alarm loop or from the remote launch panel (RMP).

Principle of fire extinguishing system operation

In the standby mode of operation, the "Poc2SL" device constantly monitors the condition of the fire alarm loop in the protected room. In case of fire detection (operation of at least two sensors in the fire alarm loop), the "Poc2SL" device checks the signal validity by resetting the loop. At repetitive reception of "FIRE" signal, the device sets to "FIRE" mode. At the same time:

• on the device itself, the light and sound alarm about the fire is activated, a "FIRE" signal is output to the "ALARM" input of the base station and to the fire control room of the building;

• signals for ventilation shutdown (closing of air dampers) and process equipment shutdown (if necessary) are output;

• audible warning and "GAZ _ LEAVE" annunciators are ON inside the protected room;

• start of pre-start delay countdown;

• at the end of the pre-start delay (30 s. is installed during commissioning) the condition of the entrance doors of the protected room is checked. If the doors are open, restart the pre-start delay counter until the doors close at the end of the pre-start delay (30 s. set at commissioning) if the room doors are closed - start of gas fire extinguishing modules with + 24V, 4F pulse;

• solenoid shut-off valves of IHL modules from the starting current pulse open the heads - gates and discharge fire extinguishing gas through the distribution pipeline to the room volume

• when gas enters the distribution pipeline, the pressure switch (SDU) operates and outputs a signal about the plant actuation and fire extinguishing agent supply to the protected room;

• the fire extinguishing agent, entering the protected room through the nozzle, creates a fire extinguishing concentration with its vapors, which leads to the elimination of the fire.

If a fire has started in the room, which cannot be extinguished using improvised means, and the fire extinguishing system has not yet detected it, it is possible to start the system by remote start-up of the RDP installed outside, at the front door of each protected room.

In case of alarm loopback, failure of alarm sensors, break of fire extinguishing modules starting line, on "Rosa2 SL" device the light-and-sound alarm of alarm loopback or starting line failure is activated.

In case of loss of power supply voltage of main network 220V 50Hz, "Rosa2 SL" device automatically switches to power supply from built-in accumulator is sufficient for system operation during 24h in standby mode and not less than 30 min in fire mode. When restoring the voltage of the main network, "Rosa2 SL" automatically switches to power from the network, the battery goes into recharge mode.

In all cases, the system goes into the automatic start off mode when opening the entrance doors in the protected room. After closing the doors, the automatic start mode is restored by laying the corresponding Touch Memory key from the set of "Rosa2 SL" device to the reader installed on the STP.

PPKP device "Rosa2 SL" is installed in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 4.22 - 4.27 of SNiP 2.04.09 - 84 in the protected room, the installation place is given on the equipment position plan. It is allowed to specify the installation place during installation in place.

The PDP device is installed in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 4.22 - 4.27 of SNiP 2.04.09 - 84, outside the protected room, the installation place is shown on the location plan in place. The remote start-up panel of the RMP shall be installed at a height of 1.5 m from the floor in the place providing constant monitoring of it by the persons responsible for this room. In order to prevent unauthorized fire extinguishing, the RMP must be sealed by the operation service, and be under constant monitoring.

Type, number and places of fire detectors installation are given on the equipment layout plan (Sheet 6). When installing sensors, their position must be clarified taking into account local conditions, as well as the requirements of SNiP 2.04.09 - 84.

The door monitoring sensor is installed in accordance with the requirements of RD 78.145 - 93. The distance from the magnetic contact sensor to the vertical solution line of the door shall not exceed 20 cm.

"GAZ - LEAVE!" and "GAZ-DO NOT ENTER!" light-signalling devices are installed inside and outside the protected room, respectively, above the front door. The installation locations of the annunciators are set in accordance with the equipment layout (Sheet 6).

IHL gas fire extinguishing modules are installed in accordance with the equipment position plan (sheet 8) and attached to the floor with anchor bolts and to the walls with clamps.

After completion of installation and commissioning works, the system is presented for commissioning. Acceptance is carried out with the participation of representatives of the State Supervision Service, the Customer, the operation service of the facility and the developers of the ASPT.

This documentation contains detailed drawings for the AFP systems to be installed, developed on the basis of the Customer's terms of reference, regulations for the repair work of the Developer and current regulatory documents.

Requirements for laying of cable communication lines

Cable communication lines are laid in accordance with the layouts agreed upon by the parties.

Cable communication lines were laid taking into account the requirements of:

• VSN60081 - Installation instructions for communication, broadcasting and television facilities and devices;

• SNiP 3.05. 06 85 - Electrical devices;

• PUE - Electrical Installation Rules.

When laying the system cables, the following procedure was followed:

• lay pipes and cables, for one cable - one pipe;

• Make the cables wiring and marking;

• cut the cable strands and connect them to the equipment in accordance with the installation and electrical diagrams.

External insulation shall not be damaged when laying cables. The curvature of the white wire shall be made with an inner radius of at least 4d (d-diameter of the outer cable shell).

When laying the cable to the equipment components, reserve at least 800 mm for the installation board and at least 200 mm for the rest of the equipment.

At parallel laying of low-current and power networks the distance in light between them is not less than 300 mm.

When crossing low-current network cables with power network cables, the intersection angle shall be 90 degrees.

All electrical connections are made using terminal blocks or soldering. Cable twisting is not allowed.

Cables and wires shall be attached to construction structures by means of braces or clamps made of galvanized steel, polyethylene elastic clamps.

It is allowed to reduce the distance to 0.25 m from wires and cables of APS loops and connecting lines without protection from aiming to single lighting wires and control cables.

Installation Instructions

Installation of equipment shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents "Rules of electrical installations devices," this as-built documentation and instructions for installation of communication systems, instructions for arrangement of grounding networks in electrical installations and factory technical documentation for equipment.

All installation and installation of equipment shall be carried out subject to mandatory compliance with the safety requirements set out in the "Safety Rules for the Construction and Operation of Radio Enterprises" and "Rules for Electrical Installation Devices" PES Edition 7.

Automatic fire alarm loops are made by wires and cables with copper cores with a section corresponding to the specification for detectors. Fire alarm loops in protected rooms and along routes shall be laid separately from all power cables, lighting cables and wires.

Placement and installation of automatic fire detectors shall be carried out in accordance with the design, requirements of NPB 882001, process charts and instructions.

WFP module (p) 12 is installed on rigid structures of the supporting frame. The "URSCP (bn)" PCCP and the backup power supply unit are attached to the wall at a height of 0.81.5m from the floor level convenient for maintenance.

Placement of instruments shall prevent their accidental fall or movement along the installation surface, in which the connected wires and cables may be damaged. When placing instruments it is necessary to ensure normal illumination of instrument panels.


Installation and commissioning works were carried out in accordance with the regulatory and technical documents and requirements valid on the site, for which the Customer was obliged to familiarize the Contractor's team with the relevant documents.

To perform installation and commissioning works, the Customer shall provide the Contractor's team with a closing room for instrument and equipment storage;

Portable ladders and ladders complied with GOST 12.2.01275 "Devices for ensuring safe performance of work. General provisions. "

The Contractor's Head of Installation and Commissioning shall inform the Customer about the need to use lifting mechanisms not later than one day before the start of high-rise works.

The Customer shall ensure the possibility of unimpeded installation and commissioning of the Contractor's team in the places specified on the system equipment layout for installation of equipment during the working day installed at the Customer's enterprise.

When laying networks, follow the provisions of SNiP 2.04.09 - 84, RD 78. 145-93 and PUE-86.

Cables shall be laid in electrical ducts or on existing steel structures. Power cables of the system and fire extinguishing modules starting are laid in metal tanks and in boxes. Cable routing routes are shown on sheet 17.

When routing networks are laid, the routing and length of cable pieces shall be specified in place.

Power supply and earthing

Power supply of the fire extinguishing system shall be carried out according to category I (in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.09 - 84 and PUE - 86)

Power supply of "Rosa2 SL" device is performed from a separate circuit breaker of ~ 220V 50 Hz power supply board. The total power consumed by the instrument does not exceed 0.2 kW.

To provide 1 category of power supply, the "Rosa2 SL" device provides a backup power source for 12V, 12A * h batteries. According to the manufacturer, the battery capacity is sufficient to ensure the system's operability for 24 hours. in standby mode and 30 minutes in fire mode.

All equipment of the fire extinguishing system, steel structures and steel equipment shall be grounded using the common loop of the existing grounding. Connection to grounding is performed on ~ 220V 50 Hz power supply board via the third wire of "Rosa2 SL" instrument power supply cable

Power redundancy is provided from the backup power supplies installed on the Site.

Grounding of station equipment is performed through grounding device with resistance value not more than 30 ohms.

Connection of grounding protective conductors to parts of equipment shall be performed by bolting.

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