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Aspiration of cement silos department of Belgorod cement plant - diploma

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Diploma project with elements of scientific work. This project provides for the reconstruction of the upper galleries of new silos located at the new grinding, with the replacement of hose filters

Project's Content

icon 0 Введение.doc
icon 00 содержание.doc
icon 1 Сведения о технологических поцессах.doc
icon 2 гидравлический расчет.doc
icon 2 Конструктор 2.doc
icon 2 Расчет аспирации.doc
icon 3 Автоматизация.doc
icon 4 Организация строительства.doc
icon 5 экономика.doc
icon 6 БЖД.doc
icon 7 Литература.doc
icon доклад.doc
icon Заключение.doc
icon Записка.doc
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icon таблицы.doc
icon gost_b.TTF
icon Рецензия.doc

Additional information




1.1 Brief description of the enterprise

1.2 Plant structure and composition of production shops

1.3 Process diagram of cement production

1.4 Summary of cement silos separation


2.1 Feasibility study of the design solution

2.2 Patent Research

2.2.1 Substantiation of the need for patent research

2.2.2 Patent Search

2.2.3 Overview of analogues

2.2.4 Evaluation of advantages and disadvantages of analogues

2.3 Solution of design problem

2.3.1 Description of the utility model

2.3.2 Utility Model Formula

2.4 Experimental studies

2.4.1 Research Methodology

2.4.2 Research results

2.5 Calculation of aspiration system

2.5.1 Calculation of local suction capacity

2.5.2 Determination of Dust Properties

2.5.3 Calculation of disperse composition and dust concentration in aspirated air

2.5.4 Dust Collector Selection

2.5.5 Hydraulic calculation of aspiration network

2.5.6 Selection of traction apparatus


3.1 General characteristics of the control object

3.2 Functional diagram of automatic control system for regeneration of hose filter

3.3 Selection of automation devices and tools

3.4 Construction and description of the general functional and structural diagrams of the automation system


4.1 Organization of aspiration system installation

4.2 Insulation works of steel pipelines

4.3 Aspiration System Tests

4.4 List of works on aspiration system installation

4.5 Bill of Quantities

4.6 Calculation of labor costs


5.1 Construction Estimate Documentation

5.2 Technical and economic indicators

5.3 Calculation of reduction of dust discharge and prevention of economic damage


6.1 Safety precautions

6.2 Production sanitation

6.3 Electrical Safety Assurance

6.4 Monitoring of protective grounding




The problem of nature conservation at the present stage of the development of the productive forces of society is an acute problem affecting the fate of all people. This problem is caused by adverse changes in nature due to intensive human economic activity. The cement industry [7] is no exception in this regard.

Addressing environmental protection is related to scientific, economic, social and political issues. The correct solution of these problems requires society to understand what has happened on Earth in the past and the upcoming changes in the future. Nature is a holistic system with many balanced connections. Disruption of these bonds leads to changes in naturally established cycles of substances and energy. The development of industry has caused serious irregularities in the cycle, such as carbon, sulphur, nitrogen and others. Currently, as a result of the large amount of waste of industrial, agricultural and domestic origin, conditions are being violated that allow nature in the past to successfully cope with the disposal of waste with the help of bacteria, water, air, exposure to sunlight.

Today, the production activities of mankind are associated with the use of a variety of natural resources, covering most of the chemical elements. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 500 thousand chemical compounds are used in practice (more than 6 million compounds are known in total); of these, about 40 thousand have harmful properties for humans, and 12 thousand are toxic.

250 million tons of dust, 20 million tons of nitrogen oxides, 150 million tons of sulphur dioxide, 50 million tons of carbon monoxide, more than 50 million tons of various hydrocarbons and 20 billion tons of carbon dioxide are emitted into the Earth's atmosphere every year. As a result, in 102 cities of the country with a population of 50 million people, the concentration of harmful substances in the atmosphere is often 10 times or more.

Cement production is a source of pollution of the atmosphere by dust: 53.37 million tons of dust per year are emitted as a result of the production process. Oven units, mills, drying and also crushers, warehouses of raw materials, fuel, additives, clinker, cement, packing machines of cement, knots peresypok and dumping of the raising dust materials at their transportation, posts of loading of cement in railway cars and motor transport are sources of a pylevydeleniye.

Special dust collecting units are used to ensure the discharge of exhaust gases and aspiration air into the atmosphere, which prevent air pollution. In addition to creating sanitary and hygienic working conditions, dusting reduces the loss of cement, fuel and raw materials; provides normal operating conditions of the equipment. All units and associated transport devices, during the operation of which dust is released, must be sealed and included in the aspiration (dust suction) system.

This diploma project provides for the reconstruction and optimization of the aspiration system of the cement silos department of the Belgorod cement plant located at the new mill.

Brief description of the enterprise

In the Belgorod region, by order of the MPSM of the USSR No. 10 of April 18, 1946, the construction of a plant with a design capacity of 300 thousand tons per year was planned.

The first production line was put into operation on January 1, 1950, and the entire plant on April 20, 1951. The capacity for the clinker amounted to 385 thousand tons and for cement - 485 thousand tons. In 1953, it was decided to increase the plant's capacity to 600 thousand tons of cement per year, in 1956 - to 800 thousand tons of cement per year.

In 1960, the construction of the seventh production line was completed, the plant's capacity reached 2 million 200 thousand tons of cement per year.

In 1976, it was decided to carry out a complete reconstruction of water without reducing the volume of cement production. 1985 - the reconstruction of the raw material compartment for the preparation of sludge was completed. 1990 - reconstruction of rotary furnaces with an increase in internal diameter to four meters is completed. The annual output of the clinker amounted to 2.2 million tons.

The plant equipment is constantly being reconstructed and updated. The development of domestic and foreign scientists is introduced into the technological line:

- 1991 - all electrofilters on rotary furnaces and bag filters on cement mills were replaced;

- 2001 - reconstruction of a cement mill with installation of a separator of the Belgian company "Magotto";

- 2002 - the concrete installation unit of the German company Stetter was installed and commissioned.

Over a quarter of a century, the plant's capacity increased 8 times, production per worker increased 14 times. Currently, the plant operates 7 rotary furnaces: 4x150 m - 5 pieces; 4.5х170 m - 2 pieces.

Belgorod cement is a high-quality product that is in great demand on the domestic and international market. The main types of cement produced by the plant:

400-grade Portland cement with mineral additives;

Portland cement of 400, 500, 600 brand;

500-grade Portland cement with asbestos cement additives;

slag portland cement;

hydrophobic Portland cement.

All products of the plant are certified according to the I quality category, and Portland cement of the 500 and 600 brand is assigned a quality mark. The cements passed very stringent tests and were certified according to the EN197 standard in the testing laboratory of the Quality Control Organization of the Union of German Cement Plants in Düsseldorf. In addition, cement certification was made in Canada, the USA, England, Hungary, Ukraine, Slovakia, Estonia, Israel, Poland, Spain, Portugal, Finland, France.

About 32% of products are exported to 25 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa. They are used in the construction of the most important structures. Assuan Dam in Egypt, Moscow Metro, Ostankino TV Tower, airfields, bridges, residential buildings and many other objects in the territory of the former USSR and in 45 countries of the world were built from cement of the Belgorod cement plant.

For high performance in production terms, the Belgorod cement plant in 1966 was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and in 1967 an honorary Lenin jubilee certificate.

1.2 Plant structure and composition of production shops

The workshops of the Belgorod cement plant are divided into: main, auxiliary and maintenance. The main workshops include: mining, raw materials, clinker firing workshop, cement grinding workshop, as well as a calibration and shipping workshop. Auxiliary workshops are: mechanical repair, steam compressor, electric workshop, instrumentation and automation workshop, laboratory. Transport and storage facilities form service shops.

Mining workshop

The chalk quarry is located 2.5 km from the plant. Mining is carried out by three working ledges (160 m, 150 m, 142 m) by ECG-4.6 excavators - 2 pcs., ECG-4 - 1 pc. and ECG-8M. Then cleaning of a roof is made by ESh5h45 and EKG-4 excavators. The clay quarry is located 6.5 km from the plant, it is developed by two ledges and two excavators. At the quarry there is a compartment with three clays (12 m diameter), clay sludge is delivered to the plant through pipes.

Raw Materials Shop

The raw material workshop consists of a separation of bolts with three technological lines, which consist of a toothed roller crusher with a diameter of 2000 mm and two bolts with a diameter of 12 m, a mill compartment with three mills, which have dimensions of 3x8.5 m.

Sludge is pumped by pumps 8GR and 6FSH7. Storage of clay sludge stock and correction after grinding is carried out in beams of 1000 m3 each, and storage of finished sludge in two rectangular and two round tanks with a diameter of 35 m (capacity of 5000 m3 and 6250 m3).

Firing shop

The firing shop contains two compartments: the first includes furnaces No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, and the second: No. 5, No. 6, No. 7.

The furnaces of the first compartment measuring 4x150 m with recuperators are equipped with electrofilters EGA4x183 and operate on two common conveyors that give clinker to the warehouse.

Furnace No. 5 is similar to furnace No. 4, but is equipped with an individual conveyor. The furnace size is 4x150 m. Furnaces No. 6 and No. 7 are equipped with grate coolers, horizontal electrostatic filters and individual conveyors supplying clinker to the warehouse.

Mill Shop

The grinding shop consists of two compartments, old and new. Both compartments are equipped with clinker warehouses, sludge dryer compartment, base warehouse and chopping bodies warehouse.

The first grinding station consists of 7 cement mills, which have dimensions of 2.6x13 m, six of which are made by the GDR and one by the industrial production. Mills are equipped with bag filters with cyclones and pneumatic pumps. The clinker warehouse is serviced by three 10t x 30m grab cranes.

The new grinding department consists of 3 grinding mills with dimensions of 3x14 m, two of which are open grinding cycles, and one is a separator equipped with vertical electrofilters. In addition, there is one 3.2x15 m mill. All equipment, except for pumps, was delivered to abroad from abroad. The clinker warehouse is equipped with two 20t x 31.5m grab cranes.

Silos & Packaging Shop

To store finished products, the company has 22 silos that provide storage of more than 70 thousand tons of cement.

There are two silo cement warehouses at the plant: the old one is a block of six metal silos with a diameter of 10 m and two blocks of 4 reinforced concrete silos with a diameter of 10 m each; new - a block of four silos with a diameter of 6 m and three blocks of two silos with a diameter of 15 m.

The packing compartment is equipped with two Czechoslovak packing machines with a transport system and a loading frame, a bag warehouse. The capacity of the packaging machine is 1,900 bags per hour.

Steam and gas compressor shop

The workshop consists of an old compressor (6 pipe compressors) and a new compressor (10 compressors). There are also 7 artesian wells with submerged pumps and a pump cooling water supply system with two spray-coal basins and three pumping tanks: main plant-wide pipelines, including a gas pipeline at a pressure of P = 35 atm.

Instrumentation & Automation Workshop

The electric workshop consists of:

- power supply section with three main substations and three substations of electric filters, six cables with 6 kV feeders of 2 3x185 mm2 cables, each with a length of 1.7 to 2.2 km, standby supply feeders of 3x240 mm2 with a length of 7 km, two supply air lines of 5 kV IVS 185 mm2 with a length of 1.7 km each;

- nine plant substations and 6 kV distribution network component; 0.5 kV; 0.4 kV are part of the main workshops.

The Instrumentation and Automation Shop has a 200-room Instrument and Automatic Control System and PBX Repair and Operation Department.

1.3 Process diagram of cement production

The basis of the selected cement production scheme at the Belgorod cement plant is that the raw material is directly located near the plant.

At the Belgorod Cement Plant, a wet production method is used, consisting in the fact that the raw material mixture is prepared by grinding and mixing raw materials with water, the resulting sour cream liquid contains 3245% water.

The main raw material is chalk and clay, as well as additives: charcoal, gran slag and gypsum. Chalk and clay are extracted from their own quarries. Removal to the dump is carried out by vehicles. Chalk is loaded by excavators on railway transport and delivered to the warehouse of the raw materials workshop, which is equipped with two grab cranes, receiving bunkers and silos for storing reserves.

The clay layer is opened by the scrapers of the plant. Clay mining is produced by excavators E2005 and supplied to the bunkers of the plant by road. Chalk from the hopper is supplied by a plate conveyor, ground and supplied to the clay bulb .

In the wet method of cement production, soft raw materials (chalk and clay), which can be dissolved (mixed) in water, when crushed and vigorously mixed in bolts and self-grinding mills "Hydrophol." In these mills, during ball-free grinding, pieces of raw materials act as grinding bodies. Grinding of soft rocks in the Hydrophol mill is carried out as a result of impact, crushing and friction, while dilution is not excluded.

Thus, in the Hydrophol mill, a simultaneous crushing and grinding process occurs. The residence time of the milled material in the "Hydrophol" mill is 3-5 minutes. The advantages of the "Hydrophol" mill are high productivity, simplicity of construction and maintenance, low speed of rotation of working elements, low specific power consumption.

The raw materials are slightly clogged with rocky inclusions, therefore, undisturbed grains are separated from the sludge, which are second sent to the bolt for further grinding. Large grains (grits) are separated from the sludge using vibration rochot. A better separation of grits is carried out in two stages: first, the sludge is passed through a vibration rochot, where large grains are extracted from it, and then it is subjected to thorough separation in a hydrocyclone. The grains remaining on the vibration flow and settled in the hydrocyclone are fed into the bolt for additional grinding. Sludge from the hydrocyclone, whose humidity is 3940%, is sent to the sludge basins.

To obtain the clinker of the required mineralogical composition, the raw material mixture must have a certain chemical composition, which is achieved by adjusting it. Composition of raw material mixture is corrected by titre value (volume content CaCO in%), given saturation coefficient or simultaneously by saturation coefficient and one of modules.

The composition of the raw material mixture is corrected to a given chemical composition based on the results of its chemical analysis by adding a calculated amount of the correction component.

Batch correction according to the wet method of production is carried out in slimes, which are fed through pipelines from mills, it is mixed and averaged. Then, titer and chemical composition of sludge are determined to perform correction process.

Raw sludge in-line correction is prepared to prepare sludge in horizontal pool of large capacity. In round horizontal pools equipped with two-bridge pneumatic-mechanical stirrers, the sludge is averaged in composition throughout the mass. Sludge from pools is mixed in a proportion that depends on the chemical composition. Chemical composition of sludge is determined continuously by analysis of samples taken automatically by samplers and X-ray quantum meter. Based on the obtained data of chemical analysis, the computer, according to the program laid down in it, issues a control command to the control valves, which ensure that the required amounts of sludge flow through the pipelines.

Further, the cement production process goes into the most significant stage - the conversion of the carefully prepared raw material mixture of the corresponding chemical composition into clinker by controlled combustion of fuel in the calciner and its further cooling in the cooler of the furnace unit. Quality of clinker and properties of cement depend on physical properties and chemical composition of raw mixture to be fired, type and quality of fuel. The temperature and duration of the firing, as well as the cooling rate of the clinker.

Clinker is fired mainly in rotary furnaces, which are the main equipment of furnace units. In addition to the furnace, the furnace unit includes feeders, a refrigerator, fuel combustion devices, fans and smoke pumps, dust collecting devices, etc.

The granulation of the clinker in the furnace sintering zone is unsatisfactory, resulting in intense clinker dusting. This phenomenon is often found in powerful rotating furnaces with grate coolers. Clinker dust degrades the operation of the furnace, causing severe overheating of the refrigerator due to a sharp increase in spillage through the grates and disrupting its aerodynamic mode. To capture this dust, two stage gas purification is used, consisting of a group of cyclones and an electrofilter. Dust from the cyclones enters the poppet granulator, from where it is sent directly to the furnace in the form of granules.

Grinding clinker and additives is the final stage of cement production. Clinker is ground in open-cycle pipe mills. As additives, blast furnace slag is used, which is supplied to the clinker warehouse of the grinding compartment. Due to the shortcomings of dry sludge, it is introduced in a raw form. Before that, it is mixed in a warehouse, after which it is supplied together to the mill, which leads to instability in the composition of the mine. By rail, gypsum is supplied to the plant, unloaded by cranes and then continues to be ground together with the clinker in cement mills (in an open cycle).

Further, cement is supplied from the milling workshop to a silo warehouse, from where it can be shipped in bulk to railway cars, to railway tanks - cement trucks, to car cement trucks, as well as in packaged form - in bags weighing 25 and 50 kg. Cement is baked in special packing compartments equipped with high-performance carousel-type packaging machines. All operations for loading cement into vehicles and wagons are automated and controlled using automatic control systems and computer equipment.

The mechanized complex manufactured by the German company Möllers allows you to simultaneously calibrate cement into paper bags, form bags of cement into bags without pallets and tighten the finished bags into a shrink film using a counter-chute system. The capacity of this complex is 200 thousand tons of packed cement per year. According to this, there is equipment for packing cement in soft containers of the IPC type "Bigbag," with a carrying capacity of 1.0 and 1.5 tons, with a capacity of 120 thousand tons of packaged cement per year.

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