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Asphalt Concrete Plant

  • Added: 27.08.2014
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In this course project, the following tasks are set: - to familiarize yourself with the purpose, device, nomenclature of installations for the preparation of asphalt concrete; - to choose a basic model using modern domestic and foreign analogues, to calculate the main parameters of the basic model; - to get acquainted with the design and principle of the mixer operation, to carry out a patent-technical analysis of existing mixer structures; - based on the results of the patent and technical analysis, improve the design of the mixer, justify the feasibility of using the improvement; - calculate the improved design of the mixer, develop technical documentation; - draw a conclusion based on the results of the course design. Asphalt Concrete Plant (ABZ) is a complex of technological, energy and auxiliary equipment designed for the preparation of asphalt concrete mixtures (hot, cold and cast).

Project's Content

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Additional information



1 Purpose and classification

1.1 Purpose

1.2 Classification

1.3 Composition

2 Description of existing structures and patent-technical analysis

2.1 Description of existing structures

2.2 Patent and technical analysis

2.3 Description of the designed structure and its amendments


3 Selection of main parameters

3.1 Determination of main design parameters of drying drum

3.2 Determination of drying drum drive power

3.3 Calculation of the gear ring

4 Strength calculations

4.1 Calculation of drum shell strength

4.2 Calculation of bands

5 Metrology and standardization

5.1 Main tasks of metrology

5.2 Main Standardization Tasks

List of sources used


The following tasks are assigned in this course project:

familiarize yourself with the purpose, device, nomenclature of installations for the preparation of asphalt concrete;

choose a basic model using modern domestic and foreign analogues, calculate the main parameters of the basic model;

to familiarize yourself with the design and principle of the mixer operation, to carry out a patent-technical analysis of existing mixer structures;

based on the results of the patent and technical analysis, improve the design of the mixer, justify the feasibility of using the improvement;

- calculate the improved design of the mixer, develop technical documentation;

- to draw a conclusion based on the results of the course project .

Asphalt Concrete Plant (ABZ) is a complex of technological, energy and auxiliary equipment designed for the preparation of asphalt concrete mixtures (hot, cold and cast).

Purpose and Classification

1.1 Purpose

Asphalt concrete plants (ABZ) are the main production enterprises of the road economy and are designed to prepare various asphalt concrete mixtures for the construction, reconstruction and repair of asphalt concrete pavement layers.

However, the list of process operations performed at ABZ, and therefore the nomenclature of ABZ process equipment, is much wider than just the complex of operations for preparing mixtures and the list of necessary equipment for preparing them.

The list of process and support operations includes:

• Process operations (complex operations) for the preparation of mixtures, including pre-dosing of mineral materials, heating and drying of mineral materials, sorting (screening) and short-term storage of heated stone materials, accurate dosing of mineral materials, bitumen or other special binder, mineral powder and additives, mixing of components in a stirrer and unloading from a stirrer of a finished (commercial) asphalt concrete mixture;

• process operations to receive, store and supply stone materials to the silos, and, if necessary, to obtain the necessary crushed stone and sand fractions at ABZ by crushing and sorting larger crushed stone fractions;

process operations for reception, storage, heating and supply of bitumen to batchers;

technological operations for reception, storage and supply of mineral powder (aggregate) to the dispenser;

• Process operations for receiving, storing, heating and supplying surfactants to the metering device;

• process operations for storage, short-term storage and shipment of finished asphalt concrete mixture.

Metrology and standardization

5.1 Main tasks of metrology

One of the existing factors that ensure high quality of products is compliance with the specified accuracy of the product design in the presence of mass content. The desire to manage the quality of products requires knowledge of metrology, analysis of the accuracy of its implementation and control. The unity of measurements in all areas of national economy is evaluated by the State Standard, which is responsible for metrological institutes and laboratories.

The most important way to maintain the uniformity of measurements is the use of standards.

According to GOST 16263 ("State System for Ensuring Uniformity of Measurements. Metrology, terms and definitions "). A reference measuring means for reproducing and storing a unit in order to transfer its dimensions according to a verification scheme of measuring means. The standard is reproduced with the highest metrological accuracy, sufficient at this stage of science and technology.

The main tasks of metrology:

- development of general measurement theories;

- Establishment of uniform physical wells and their systems;

- Development of measurement methods and instruments;

- setting, standards

5.2 Main Standardization Tasks

Standardization - Establish and apply rules to streamline activities in a particular area for the benefit and participation of all stakeholders, in particular in compliance with operating conditions and safety requirements.

In advanced engineering, the organization of the production of machines and other products on the basis of interchangeability is of great importance. The standards are based on combining the achievements of science, technology, practical experience and determine the foundations not only of the present, but also of the future development of production.

When performing the diploma project, the following GOST are used;

- GOST 2.30595 ESKD. General requirements for text documentation;

- GOST OF 2.104 ST COMECON 104;

-ST CMEA 3657 ESKD. Title blocks;

- GOST 2.106 ESKD. Text documentation;

-GOST 2.106 ST CMEA 2516 ESKD. Specifications;

-GOST 2.109 ST SEE 858;

- ST COMECON OF 1182 ESKD. Basic drawing requirements;

-GOST 2.103 ST CMEA 118 ESKD. Formats:

-GOST 2302 ST CMEA 3187 ESKD. Scale;

- ST COMECON OF 1178 ESKD. Lines;

-GOST 2.305 ESKD. Images, views, sections, and sections;

-GOST 2.307 ESKD. Apply dimensions and limit deviations;

-GOST 2.508 ESKD. Specifies tolerances, shapes, and surface locations on drawings;

-GOST 2.308. ST CMEA 1632 ESKD. Surface roughness symbol;

- GOST 2.3 P OF ST COMECON OF 28.4 ESKD. Thread image;

-GOST 2.136 ST FEZ 856 VSKd. Rules for inscription of technical requirements and tables on drawings;

-GOST 2789 ST CMEA 638. Surface roughness. Parameters and characteristics;

-GOST 25346 ST CMEA 145. Unified system of tolerances and fits - General provisions, series of tolerances and main deviations;

-GOST 7796. Hexagon head bolts;

-GOST 6401. Washers;

-GOST 8752. Cuffs;

-STB 101495. Part drawing;

-STB 101696. Welded joints;

-STB 102296. Assembly;

-GOST 3002193. Limit deviations.

Drawings content

icon АБЗ мощность 100т-ч.dwg

АБЗ мощность 100т-ч.dwg