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Architectural and structural development of the industrial warehouse building

  • Added: 01.07.2014
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Course project on architecture - Industrial crane-free building. The file includes drawings and pp

Project's Content

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Additional information



Design Input

Characteristics of the construction area

Building classification

Volumetric planning solution

Constructive solution

Architectural and artistic solution

Thermal design of the outer wall and coating

List of literature used


Design and graphic work provides for the architectural and structural development of an industrial warehouse building. When creating it, the climatic factors of the construction area were taken into account and the thermal engineering calculation of the external walls was carried out.

The main tasks of the work:

development of techniques for development of volume-planning and structural diagrams of production buildings of industrial enterprises ;

mastering the principles of developing a structural solution of a building from large-sized elements of factory manufacture;

consolidation of skills with technical literature, standard projects, building codes and regulations, catalogues of construction products and other primary sources;

development of skills of graphic design of architectural and construction drawings and preparation of explanatory note to the project.

Design Input

1. Variant cipher: 18;

2. The purpose of the building is the production workshop;

3. Geographical construction area: Ulyanosk;

4. Space-planning parameters of the building:

Span dimensions, m: L1 = 48 L2 = 48 ;

Step dimensions, m: Sh1 = 8x8, Sh2 = 6x8 ;

5. It is assumed that the construction site has a calm relief. Groundwater lies below the foundation floor elevation. The soils of the base are heaving.

Characteristics of the construction area

Ulyanovsk is a large city in Russia, the administrative center of the Ulyanovsk region. It is located on the Volga Upland, on the banks of the Volga rivers (Kuibyshev reservoir) and Sviyagi in the place of their maximum approach. The population of Ulyanovsk, according to the 2010 census, is 613.8 thousand people.

The air temperature of the coldest days with a reliability of 0.98 - 38˚S

The air temperature of the coldest days with a reliability of 0.92 - 36˚S

Air temperature of the coldest five days with reliability 0.98 - 36˚S

The air temperature of the coldest five days with a reliability of 0.92 - 21˚S

Average monthly relative humidity of the coldest month - 82%, warmest - 50%

Rainfall for November - March - 220 mm, April - October - 520 mm. The average maximum air temperature of the warmest month is 25.8 ° С

Building classification

Building responsibility level (SNiP 2.01.0785 *) - II (norms)

Fire resistance rating of the building (SNiP 210197) - III

Class of constructive fire hazard of the building (Construction Norms and Regulations 210197) - C0

Functional fire hazard class of the building (SNiP 210197) - F5.2

Building category by explosion and fire hazard (NPB 10595) - B

Volumetric planning solution

The building is one-story square in shape, has 8 spans of 6 m each. It is divided into 4 parts: assembly, procurement workshop, repair tool group and warehouse. Height to the bottom of the supporting structures in two levels: 8,000 and 3,600 m.; column pitch - 6x6, 6x8 m; Dimensions in plan - 48x48 m.

The workshop is designed to manufacture, repair, place and store manufactured elements, prepare them for consumption and release to the consumer.

Constructive solution

The basis of the building is a frame that receives all loads.


Foundations for steel columns consist of a two-stage slab part: 1 stage - 2, 000x0.8x0.3, 2 stage - 1, 600x0.6x0.3, and from a solid sub-column 1, 200x0.4x0.9m. It is reinforced by typical rebar grids and flat frames .

Foundations for four-stage columns from a two-stage slab part: 1 stage - 1,400x0,8x0.3, 2 stage - 1,000x0,6x0.3, 3 stage - 0.600x0,4x0.9.

Combined foundations for steel and floor columns: 1 stage - 2.650x0.8x0.3, 2 stage - 2.250x0.6x0.3, 3 stage - 1.850x0.4x0.9


Use column KK120401. Series 1.423.3-8 Steel columns of single-storey production buildings without bridge support cranes. Issue 6. Columns for buildings from 9, 6 to 18. 0 m crane-free and with suspended electric cranes of general purpose with lifting capacity up to 5 tons.

Consisting of 2 I-beams of wide-beam No. 20B1 according to GOST 2602083 and angles of rolling equal-beam No. 2 according to GOST 8509-93


To cover the spans, steel trusses with parallel belts of round pipes according to the 1.460.210/88 series are used: FS36-74s (belts ∅180, braces ∅75).


We apply walls from light concrete panels according to the series 1.030.1-1 Issue 11: PS60.12.3.06.L; 2PS15.12.3,0L. They are attached to the frame columns through embedded parts.


The base for floors in one-story industrial buildings is soil, which excludes uneven floor settlement and has sufficient strength. The vegetation layer is removed from the soil. The structure of the chemically resistant floor includes the following elements: concrete base (on the ground); brace (leveling layer); impermeable sublayer (waterproofing); xylolite coating (upper floor element). The level of the floor laid on the ground is raised 150 mm above the level of the adjacent area.


Reinforced concrete slabs of the SG type are laid on rafters without openings in the slab shelf: PK40308 according to Series 1.1421 issue 64, PK42128 according to Series 1.1421 issue 63 according to which we lay insulation and waterproofing: steam insulation - pergamine, mineral wool slabs - 200, the main ruberoid carpet, the protective layer of ruberoid.


Windows - building elements designed for lighting and ventilation of rooms. Window openings are tape, 2,000, 2,100 mm high.


Provided for the entry of forklifts and accepted according to GOST 18853-73. Gate dimensions: 4,200x4,200 m.


Painting of the facade is required to protect against the aggressive action of the external environment and the influence of biological factors, the facade also performs decorative and aesthetic functions. The facade is painted with chemical resistant soil - SBE111 UNIPOL grade F1 enamel.

Architectural and artistic solution

Relatively large rooms are characteristic of an industrial building, the presence of devices and structural elements for the attachment and movement of suspended or support cranes, superstructures on coatings in the form of light and aeration lights.

The main compositional solution of an industrial building is to repeat the same element of the building, in this case these are windows located along the perimeter of the building.

The choice of architectural scale and proportions of the building was due to the design assignment.

Finishing is done with plaster.

Drawings content

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