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Apartment building with public premises and underground parking


This thesis project consists of a graphic part and an explanatory note.

The explanatory note includes a design development that covers the following sections: general architectural and construction design; design of building structures; organizational and technological design; labor protection and environmental protection.

In the architectural and construction part, a master plan has been developed, which includes the main objects, elements of landscaping and landscaping.

When designing building structures, the following competitive options for the structural solution of the building frame are considered:

  1. prefabricated frame according to the II-04 series;
  2. prefabricated monolithic frame (Cheboksary line);
  3. monolithic crossbarless reinforced concrete frame;

Based on technical and economic indicators, the most economical and aesthetic option was chosen.

In the construction organization project, a technological map has been developed for concreting the structures of a typical floor of a building.

For the rational organization of work on the construction of the building, a construction plan has been developed.

Safety and environmental protection measures have been developed.

Project's Content

icon 0. Задание на выполнение ДП.doc
icon 1. Состав дипломного проекта..doc
icon 2. Аннотация..doc
icon 3. Пояснительная записка.docx
icon 4. Приложение А.docx
icon Вариантное проектирование.dwg
icon Общее А-С проектирование.dwg
icon Проектирование строоительных конструкции.dwg
icon Технология и организация строительства.dwg
icon ситуационный.png

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