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Airport complex reconstruction project

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Construction Organization Project for the Reconstruction of the Airport Complex

Project's Content

icon 1) Фундамент под контейнер с ДГ ( Лист 1).dwg
icon 11) Фундаменты (Лист 11)_.dwg
icon 12) Аккумулирующая емкость объемом 1800м3 (Лист 12).dwg
icon 13-15) Каркас АС1(Лист 13-15).dwg
icon 16) Плита фундаментная ФПМ1 под блок глубокой очистки. Армирование (Лист 16).dwg
icon 2) Фундаментная плита под ТП-2 (Лист 2).dwg
icon 3) Общий вид фундаментной плиты ТП-2 ( Лист 3).dwg
icon 4) Фундамент под контейнер с ДГ ( Лист 4).dwg
icon 5) Фундаментная плита под ТП-8Н (Лист 5).dwg
icon 6) Общий вид фундаментной плиты ТП-8Н (Лист 6).dwg
icon 7) Схема установки посадочных и рулежных огней (Лист 7).dwg
icon 8) Схема установки аэродромного знака ( Лист 8).dwg
icon 9) Схема установки колодца для светосигнальных огней (Лист 9).dwg
icon Графические материалы.docx
icon ПЗ по КР.doc
icon Приложение.docx
icon Графические материалы.doc
icon Приложение А. Расчет сезонных деформаций морозного пучения грунтов основания фундаментов ДГ и ТП.doc
icon Приложение Б. Блок глубокой очистки. Изм1.doc
icon Приложение Б. Расчет каркаса блока глубокой очистки.doc
icon Приложение Б.doc
icon Приложение В. Теплотехнический расчет накопительной ёмкости.doc
icon Содержание_4.3 нов.doc

Additional information

Design Part

4.2. Information on special natural climatic conditions of the territory on which the land plot provided for the location of the capital construction facility is located.

Seismicity belongs to the special natural climatic conditions of the territory.

4.3. Information on strength and deformation characteristics of the soil at the base of the capital construction facility.

List of engineering and geological elements located at the base of OS-1 treatment facilities and storage tank along the SLE well 1/1, 3/1

• IGE-5 - Bulk soil (density - 2.05 g/cm3, the angle of internal friction φ=38 ºС, the module of elasticity of E =30 MPas);

• EGE-1a - Pebble soil with gravel-sand aggregate up to 30%, low moisture, (humidity - 5.8%, density - 2.05 g/cm3, porosity coefficient ~ 0.55, internal friction angle A = 28 ° C, specific adhesion with = 17 kPa, modulus of elasticity E = 28 MPa);

• IGE3a - Solid soup, practically unpowered with crushed stone (up to 30%), (density - 1.89 g/cm3, humidity - 12.3%, porosity coefficient - 0.61, humidity at the yield boundary - 20.1%, at the rolling boundary - 14.9%, ductility number - 5.17%, yield index - 44 Mpa, angle of internal friction

• IGE4v - Gravel soil with sand aggregate up to 30% water-saturated (humidity - 12.1%, density - 1.85 g/cm3, porosity coefficient ~ 0.76, internal friction angle A = 20 ° C, modulus of elasticity E = 19 MPa);

List of geotechnical elements located in TP2 base; TP-8

• IGE2a - Loam is hard, highly sandy, with crushed stone (up to 30%) (gIIIst), (density - 1.92 g/cm3, humidity - 15.0%, porosity coefficient - 0.63, humidity at the flow boundary - 25.2%, at the rolling boundary - 16.6%, ductility number - 8.2%, yield index calculated - 0.2);

• EGE-1b - Pebble soil with gravel-sand aggregate up to 30% wet (fIII) (humidity - 9.1%, density [26] - 2.10 g/cm3, porosity coefficient ~ 0.57).

4.4. Groundwater level, their chemical composition, aggressiveness of groundwater and soil in relation to materials used in the construction of the underground part of the capital construction facility.

There are no groundwater in the places where the objects are located. Groundwater supply due to atmospheric precipitation, unloading to the local hydrographic network. Fresh waters, with mineralization up to 0.4 g/l, sulphate magnesium-calcium, moderately hard, mainly non-aggressive with respect to concrete .

4.5. Description and substantiation of structural solutions of buildings and structures, including their spatial diagrams, adopted during calculations of building structures.

OS-1 Deep Cleaning Unit

The frame of the deep cleaning unit is adopted with steel columns of wide-beam I-beams and rafters with a span of 9 m. From beam I-beams with a roof slope of 6%.

The coating consists of a roof "sandwich" panel with a thickness of 150 mm.

External walls - wall "sandwich" panels with a thickness of 100mm. on steel wall girders.

Frame diagram is frame-link.

Storage capacity.

Structural diagram of accumulating tanks is made of monolithic railway foundation slab t = 700 mm and monolithic railway walls t = 400 mm rigidly joined to each other.

Transformer substations.

Transformer substation buildings are designed from prefabricated reinforced concrete elements of full factory readiness, having a depth of 1.48 m into the ground. The floor elevation of the RP rooms and transformers is located 0.65 m above the layout mark.

Cast-in-situ reinforced concrete slabs 300 mm thick from concrete of class B15, F200, W8 are designed at the base of the bottom of the cable underground.

Diesel generator container (DG)

SDMO 100 kV container. Weight 3.5t, size 6.0x2.4 height 2.6 prefabricated

4.6. Description and substantiation of technical solutions ensuring the necessary strength, stability, spatial invariability of buildings and structures of the capital construction facility as a whole, as well as their individual structural elements, units, parts in the process of manufacturing, transportation, construction and operation of the capital construction facility.

Deep cleaning unit. OS-1

Frame diagram is frame-link. Frames with rigid conjugation of columns and girders and rigid fixation of columns with foundation providing stability of unit in transverse direction are made along numerical axes. The stability of the unit along the letter axes is ensured by the installation of vertical links along the columns .

Storage capacity.

Spatial stiffness and stability of the tanks is provided by the shape of the structure - a rectangular reservoir with rigid conjugation of internal and external walls with the foundation.

Transformer substations.

Spatial rigidity and stability of buildings is provided by external and internal bearing walls, rigid slab disks.

4.7. Description of structural and technical solutions of the underground part of the capital construction facility.

The project provides for the development of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete slabs:

Base plate under a container with DG with sizes in respect of 8050х2800, Ø12 AIII reinforced by two grids from fittings, B15 concrete, on concrete preparation from B7.5 concrete and a sandy pillow. Foundation walls are reinforced with Ø12 AIII, concrete B15.

Base plate under TP8N with sizes in respect of 9990х4640, Ø12 AIII reinforced by two grids from fittings, B15 concrete, on concrete preparation from B7.5 concrete and a sandy pillow. Foundation walls are reinforced with Ø12 AIII, concrete B15.

Base plate under TP2 with sizes in respect of 9990х4640, Ø12 AIII reinforced by two grids from fittings, B15 concrete, on concrete preparation from B7.5 concrete and a sandy pillow. Foundation walls are reinforced with Ø12 AIII, concrete B15.

Base plate under the block of deep cleaning OS-1 with sizes in respect of 25300х10300, Ø12 AIII reinforced by two grids from fittings, B25 concrete, on concrete preparation from B7.5 concrete and a sand-gravel pillow.

Foundation slab for accumulating vessel. with sizes in respect of 35800х13200, Ø14 AIII reinforced by two grids from fittings, B25 concrete, on a sand-gravel pillow.

4.8. List of measures to protect building structures and foundations from destruction.

The surfaces of walls, foundation slabs that contact the soil should be coated with hot bitumen in two times. Preparation under the bottom of crushed stone impregnated with bitumen to full saturation.

All steel elements to paint two layers of PF115 enamel on primer GF021, thickness of a complex covering of 55 microns .

Before applying protective coatings, the surfaces shall be degreased and

cleaned from contaminants and oxides in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9.40280 *.

Drawings content

icon 1) Фундамент под контейнер с ДГ ( Лист 1).dwg

icon 11) Фундаменты (Лист 11)_.dwg

11) Фундаменты (Лист 11)_.dwg

icon 12) Аккумулирующая емкость объемом 1800м3 (Лист 12).dwg

icon 13-15) Каркас АС1(Лист 13-15).dwg

13-15) Каркас АС1(Лист 13-15).dwg

icon 16) Плита фундаментная ФПМ1 под блок глубокой очистки. Армирование (Лист 16).dwg

16) Плита фундаментная ФПМ1 под блок глубокой очистки. Армирование (Лист 16).dwg

icon 2) Фундаментная плита под ТП-2 (Лист 2).dwg

icon 3) Общий вид фундаментной плиты ТП-2 ( Лист 3).dwg

icon 4) Фундамент под контейнер с ДГ ( Лист 4).dwg

icon 5) Фундаментная плита под ТП-8Н (Лист 5).dwg

icon 6) Общий вид фундаментной плиты ТП-8Н (Лист 6).dwg

icon 7) Схема установки посадочных и рулежных огней (Лист 7).dwg

7) Схема установки посадочных и рулежных огней (Лист 7).dwg

icon 8) Схема установки аэродромного знака ( Лист 8).dwg

8) Схема установки аэродромного знака ( Лист 8).dwg

icon 9) Схема установки колодца для светосигнальных огней (Лист 9).dwg

9) Схема установки колодца для светосигнальных огней (Лист 9).dwg
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