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A course project on the topic: the basis of the organization and management of a separate construction facility. SSTU named after Gagarin Yu.A.

  • Added: 27.04.2017
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The course project was carried out in the discipline of Fundamentals of Organization and Management in Construction. Handed over to the cast. Teacher Zobkova N.V.

Project's Content

icon Ариз поясниловка.doc
icon Ариз ген план.dwg

Additional information


1. Source Data

2. Requirements calculations for basic construction materials, products, structures, prefabricated design specification

3. Selection of methods of basic construction and installation works with calculation of demand for basic machinery and transport

3.1. Selection of methods of production of main construction and installation equipment, with calculation of demand for main machines and mechanisms and their feasibility study

4. Calculation of initial data for construction plan design and its brief description

4.1. Calculation of requirements for temporary buildings and structures

4.2. Calculation of construction demand for water, electricity, compressed air

5. Calculation of the in-line method of work execution

6. Measures to control and improve the quality of construction

7. Health, Fire and Environmental Measures

8. Calculation of the main technical and economic indicators of the construction of the facility

9. List of literature

Calculation of initial data for construction plan design and its brief description

The construction plan is being developed at the stage of erection of the above-ground part of the building, during the installation of the coating plates. Executed at a scale of 1:500. On the construction plan, this industrial building is designed, as well as temporary structures: a foreman's office, a passage room, a dressing room with a washbasin, a shower, a control room, a room for eating and relaxing, heating workers, drying clothes, a restroom, a pantry, a temporary repair shop, a first-aid post .

The construction plan shows roads, sewage networks, water; electro -; heat supply, communications; location and parking of the installation crane and mechanized installations, ways of their movement, objects of fire fighting equipment.

The development of the construction plan is preceded by calculations of temporary buildings and structures, water, energy and other resources. Storage facilities on the construction site are not provided, so the installation of structures is carried out from vehicles.

Measures to control and improve the quality of construction

The required quality of performance of all types of construction and installation works shall be provided by the construction organization, by implementing a set of technical and organizational measures of control efficiency at all stages of the work.

The objectives of the quality control system of construction and installation works are:

ensuring compliance of performed works and applied materials, products and structures with the requirements of design documentation, SNiPam and other applicable regulatory documents, contracts for the performance of all types of construction and installation works of capital construction facilities;

prevention of violations of requirements of regulatory documents and legislation regulating technological processes in construction;

ensuring compliance of built construction products and services with consumer requirements;

Tasks of the quality control system of construction and installation works:

determination of compliance of quality indicators of construction materials and works performed with the established requirements;

improving the quality of construction and installation works;

timely elimination of comments detected as a result of inspections of technical supervision bodies;

improvement of production and technological discipline, responsibility of employees for ensuring quality of construction and installation works.

The construction quality control system consists of the following elements:

Production quality control of construction and installation works shall include:

- incoming control of working documentation, materials and equipment;

- operational control of individual construction processes and production operations;

- inspection control;

The organizational structure of the quality control system of the construction organization with the distribution of responsibility and authority;

Monitoring of ITR qualification;

Maintenance of as-built documentation for execution of construction control results (logs, acts and other documents stipulated by the legislation and regulatory documents);

If facts of violation of the work technology, SNiP requirements and other regulatory documents are identified, disciplinary measures are taken.

Responsibility for the organization and execution of construction control, provision of regulatory documents is recommended to be stated in the following documents:

- job description of the specialist;

- order on fixing of ITR for performance of types of works;

- other documents adopted in the practice of the organization.

Requirements for professional composition, work experience, number of engineering and technical workers responsible for the organization and implementation of construction control are established in legislative acts, in regulatory documents of municipalities, supervisory authorities, self-regulatory organizations and regulatory documents developed in the organization.

Drawings content

icon Ариз ген план.dwg

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