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Project of overhaul of psychotuberculous department N21 SPbGUZ Pschiatric hospital N1 named after P.P. Kashchenko


Ventilation project of the psychotuberculous department No. 21 of St. Petersburg State University "Psi-Chiatric Hospital named after P.P. Kashchenko."

Project's Content

icon 06-П-2010-ОВ.ПЗ ПОСЛЕДНЕЕ ОТ 18.07.docx
icon 06-П-2010-ОВ.С.docx
icon GOST 2.303-68.shx
icon gost_1.ttf
icon isocpeur.ttf
icon ltypeshp.shx
icon romans.shx
icon simplex.shx
icon spds.shx
icon plot.log
icon Default Windows System Printer.pc3
icon ОВ кащенко ов ПОСЛЕДНЕЕ от 21.07.2010.bak
icon ОВ кащенко ов ПОСЛЕДНЕЕ от 21.07.2010.dwg
icon Опросные листы П1-П4.pdf

Additional information

3. Heat supply

3.1 Heating supply of ventilation systems is assumed from the individual heat point of the building.

3.2 Water with temperatures of 90-70С is used as coolant for ventilation systems.

3.3 Consumers of heat in the systems are air heaters of at-precision systems.

3.4 Air heaters of plenum systems are equipped with automatic freezing protection system, which includes control valve, circulation pump, check and disconnection valves.

3.5 The heat supply system is supposed to be linked at power of manual balancing valves installed at heat consumers.

3.6 Balancing valves, regulating and disconnecting valves are supposed to be used by DANFOSS.

3.7 Steel electric welded and water and gas pipes shall be used as pipelines.

3.8 Insulation of pipelines is supposed to be performed by cylinders and semi-cylinders with mineral wool, coughed with aluminum foil, manufactured by Rockwool.

4. Fire protection requirements

4.1 To prevent fire propagation in case of fire on air ducts when they cross fire barriers, the installation of normally open fire-retarding valves with electromechanical drive is provided

4.2 Automatic ventilation control systems provide for their disconnection in case of fire at the signal of automatic fire alarm control unit.

4.3 According to the architectural and construction characteristics of the building, the design of smoke ventilation systems is not required.

5. Automation of ventilation systems

5.1 Automation of ventilation systems is provided in the following scope:

- automatic maintenance of supply air temperature;

- protection of air heaters of plenum systems from freezing;

- disconnection of ventilation systems in case of fire;

- control of fan rotation speed;

- monitoring of filters contamination;

- monitor fan operation and disconnect when alarms are received.

6. Noise protection

6.1. To prevent the propagation of noise from ventilation equipment, the air ducts of ventilation systems are provided with silencers.

6.2 Ventilation equipment is equipped with flexible inserts. Centrifugal fans are installed on vibration isolators.

6.3 Air velocity in air ducts is accepted not more than 5 m/s

7. Technical and economic indicators:

7.1 Total electric power of electric motors of ventilation systems - 25.4 kW

7.2 Ventilation Heat Load - 1

Drawings content

icon ОВ кащенко ов ПОСЛЕДНЕЕ от 21.07.2010.dwg

ОВ кащенко ов ПОСЛЕДНЕЕ от 21.07.2010.dwg