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4-storey residential building on the street. Builders in the city of Gavrilov-Yam - diploma

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PSG diploma project 4-storey 16-apartment residential building

Project's Content

icon Архитектур раздел.dwg
icon Календарный график окон.dwg
icon Плита раскладка плит.bak
icon Плита раскладка плит.dwg
icon Пояснительная записка начало.doc
icon ПОЯСНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ЗАПИСКА окончание без приложен.doc
icon ПОЯСНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ЗАПИСКА окончание.doc
icon Стройгенплан окон с изм.dwg
icon СТРОПИЛА.dwg
icon Техкарта оконч.dwg
icon Фундамент оконч.dwg

Additional information


Drawing List


1 Architectural and construction section

1.1 General part

1.2 Development of Master Plan

1.3 Geotechnical engineering, geodetic engineering

and hydrometeorological engineering construction conditions

1.4 Space-planning solutions

1.5 Architectural and structural solution of the building

1.6 Thermal design of the outer wall

1.7 Thermal engineering calculation of attic floor

1.8 Conclusion

2 Design section

2.1 General part

2.2 Rafters Calculation and Design

2.2.1 General part

2.2.2 Load collection

2.2.3 Static calculation

2.2.4 Calculation of rafter system components

2.2.5 Calculation and design of rafter system units

2.3 Design of reinforced concrete multistage slab

Eco slabs

2.3.1 General part

2.3.2 Determination of loads and forces

2.3.3 Calculation of plate strength by section, normal

to the longitudinal axis

2.3.4 Calculation of slab by limit states of the second group

2.3.5 Determination of pre-tension losses of reinforcement

2.3.6 Calculation by crack formation normal to longitudinal axis

2.3.7 Calculation of plate deflection

2.4. Calculation of stone structures

2.4.1 Calculation of brickwork strength in the window

2.5. Foundation Calculation and Design

2.5.1. Assessment of engineering and geological conditions

construction sites Physical-geographical and man-made conditions Analysis of the geological structure of the site,

construction of geotechnical section Determination of design characteristics of soils Description of geotechnical elements

2.5.2. Design of shallow foundation Determination of foundation depth Collection of loads on the foundation Calculation of shallow foundation for the most 68 loaded wall axis AND Calculation of shallow foundation for outdoor

walls, axis L

2.5.3. Pile Foundation Design Determination of pile depth and selection of piles Calculation of pile foundation by the first group of limiting 77 states Foundation calculation along AND axis Calculation of the foundation along the L axis

3 Economic section

3.1 General part

3.2 Collection of input data for estimates

3.3 Local estimates for comparison of foundation structures

3.4 Comparison of options

3.4.1 General provisions

3.4.2 Calculation of Economic Effect

3.3 Object Estimate

3.4 Consolidated cost estimate for construction

4 Organizational and technological section

4.1 General Part

4.2 Development of the schedule

4.2.1 General provisions

4.2.2 Selection of the method of basic works and leading machines

4.2.3 Calculation of house construction scope

4.2.4 Determination of duration of works performance

4.2.5 Technical and economic indicators according to the schedule

4.3 Development of Object Building Plot Plan

4.3.1 General provisions

4.3.2 Calculation of requirements for office and sanitary buildings

4.3.3 Calculation of Warehouse Requirements

4.3.4 Calculation of power demand

4.3.5 Calculation of Water Demand

4.3.6 Calculation of heat demand

4.4 Development of Job Instruction for Assembly

reinforced concrete structures of underground part

4.4.1 Scope of application

4.4.2 Logistical resources

4.4.3 Methods of organization and execution of installation works

underground part of the building Selection of load grippers Determination of required parameters of mounting machines Justification of the method of organization of works and methods

installation of structures Selection of devices for installation of structures

4.4.4 Determination of labour intensity and duration

installation works Calculation of labor costs, machine time and

wages Calculation of professional and numerical qualification

of the brigade Technical and economic indicators for

Job Instruction

4.4.5. Work Instructions

4.4.6. Operational quality control measures

installation works

4.4.7. Safety Instructions

5 Occupational and environmental protection

5.1 Occupational Safety

5.1.1. General provisions

5.1.2. Earthworks

5.1.3. Installation of underground prefabricated reinforced concrete structures

parts of the building

5.1.4. Waterproofing of foundations

5.1.5. Construction of stone and installation of precast reinforced concrete

of building structures

5.1.6. Construction of rafters and roofs from

metal tiles

5.1.7. Finishing works

5.1.8. Installation of engineering equipment

5.1.9. Ensuring electrical safety

5.1.10. Calculation of site lighting

5.2. Fire Safety

5.3. Environmental protection

List of sources used

Common part.

The architecture of civilian buildings is created taking into account their purpose, structural features, urban planning requirements and climatic conditions of the construction area. Currently, in the design of civilian buildings, one of the main tasks is to create a harmonious architecture with the surrounding buildings, structures and landscaping elements.

The characteristic features of modern buildings are a technological, installation-friendly process, beautiful shapes, a high level of comfort, taking into account the requirements of the economy.

With the modern trend of creating civil buildings, the architectural and construction solutions of the construction site can be full-fledged if it meets its purpose and allows changing it. A four-story 16-apartment residential building on ul. Builders in Gavrilov Yam is designed using the SenarjPpC3 facade external thermal insulation system developed by Ledex M LLC, which allows you to perform thermal insulation of facades and decorative decoration according to the color solution, with excellent fire fighting, heat engineering, sanitary hygiene, physical properties of materials. The use of these materials reduces the cost of construction by reducing the mass of the enclosing structures of the building, reducing operating costs, in particular for heating the building.

1.2 Development of Master Plan

The construction site is located in the Yaroslavl region, Gavrilovyam, st. Builders 12. The location of the construction site was not chosen by chance: a fully developed infrastructure creates favorable prerequisites for civil construction.

The absolute elevations of the surface of the site are 89.7... 90, 6m.

The site allotted for construction is located on the site of the previously existing 2-story residential development. Currently, the open pit is filled with soil with construction and household garbage within the boundaries of the construction territory.

The project provides for the construction of access roads 7 m wide with asphalt concrete pavement to ensure the passage of vehicles parking cars. Access of fire-fighting car stairs to any window above the second floor is provided on all sides of the building.

Pavements with a width of 1 m with a hard coating were designed.

The vertical layout is solved in connection with the existing development, taking into account the terrain. Rain drains along the trays of roads are collected in rainwater wells with subsequent discharge into the rain sewer network.

Landscaping of the adjacent territory is carried out by planting trees, planting shrubs in groups and in order, by the arrangement of lawns from perennials.

The courtyard provides for the placement of a children's playground.

Lighting of the territories adjacent to the building with street lights is provided.

On the east side of the building is an economic courtyard. On the southeast side of the building is a children's playground. On the north side of the building are garbage collection containers

The building snaps to an existing geodetic coordinate network.

1.3 Engineering-geologic, engineering-geodetic and engineering-hydrometeorological conditions of construction

According to the report on engineering and geological surveys conducted by Stroyiznyaya LLC under contract No. I1086 in December 2007. - January 2008, soil on site is represented by the following section from top to bottom:

1 layer - yellowish-brown loam.

Power 0.4 m.

2 layer - yellowish-brown and gray-brown soup, plastic with seams of fine sand and loam.

Capacity 2.3 m.

3 layer - medium-sized sand.

Power 4.2 m.

4 layer - brown loam and grayish-brown semisolid, tugolastic in areas with inclusions of pebbles and gravel up to 1015%, desiccated.

Power 5.1 m.

Underground waters are opened at depths of 5... 5, 5 m, which corresponds to absolute elevations of 84... 84.5 m. The aquifer is fed by infiltration of atmospheric precipitation, additional supply with the waters of the underlying horizons, as well as leaks from water-carrying communications .

The normative depth of freezing of soils is 1.8 m.

1.4 Space-planning solutions.

The residential building has a "D" shaped in plan with maximum dimensions of 38.43x29.74 m and a height of 14 m.

The building has four floors, on each floor there are four three-room apartments.

On the southwest side of the building are two main entrances. The building has two staircases: at the main entrance in axes 45, B-E and at the main entrance in axes 68, D-J.

In the basement there are technical rooms: ventilation chambers, heat points, water metering units. The height of the floor half-basement is 1.9 m.

Gas, heat and water supply is carried out from existing utilities.

Technical attic - unheated, not operated.

Drainage from the roof - external, organized.

Drawings content

icon Архитектур раздел.dwg

Архитектур раздел.dwg

icon Календарный график окон.dwg

Календарный график окон.dwg

icon Плита раскладка плит.dwg

Плита раскладка плит.dwg

icon Стройгенплан окон с изм.dwg

Стройгенплан окон с изм.dwg

icon СТРОПИЛА.dwg


icon Техкарта оконч.dwg

Техкарта оконч.dwg

icon Фундамент оконч.dwg

Фундамент оконч.dwg