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3-storey 21-apartment residential building


The designed building has a rectangular plan shape with dimensions in axes of 33.2 × 12 m.

The building is three-story with attic space. Floor height 3.0 m.

The building has two entrances. The entrance to the entrance consists of two tambours, 1.5 x 1.5 m in plan size.

The entrance to the building is equipped with a ramp for people with limited mobility.

Under the living quarters there is a basement. Basement height in purity - 2.0 m.

The entrances to the basement are located under the staircases and separated from them by a blind brick partition.

The level of clean floor of the first floor is accepted as elevation 0.000.

In the basement there are basement rooms, a thermal unit, a water metering unit.

Project's Content

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Additional information




Chapter 1. Architectural and structural part

1.1 Initial data and climatic conditions

1.2. Master Plan

1.3. Design Solutions

1.4. Volumetric - planning solutions

1.5. Engineering equipment

1.6. External Wall Heat Engineering Calculation

1.7. Determination of foundation depth

1.8. Calculation of foundations bases

Chapter 2. Technology and organization of construction

2.1. Job Instruction for Installation of Floor Slabs

2.2 Job Instruction for Roofing Arrangement

Chapter 3. Economy, ecology and safety of construction

3.1. Economy

3.2 Environmental protection

3.3. Health and Safety


List of literature used



The most important branch of the development of the domestic economy is construction. This is one of the most important indicators of the development of society, as well as an indicator of the power of production. During the period of economic restructuring, the role of investment-building activities is growing. The construction will carry out the renewal of production funds, the development and restructuring of social types of spheres, as well as the improvement of the conditions for the production of material goods. Low-rise construction of residential buildings in small cities contributes to the development and modernization of the social sphere of Orenburg. The leading role in the construction is the development of the project, therefore special attention is paid to specialists-designers and architects. At the project stage, the main economic and technological characteristics of construction are developed and calculated. The correctness of the technical decisions taken in the future has a significant impact on the cost and duration of construction. I chose the topic related to the design and construction of low-rise houses.

In this work, it is planned to consider the following issues and tasks:

architectural design part, which includes the adoption of volumetric-structural solutions, heat engineering calculation, selection and calculation of foundations;

technology of construction production. Development of Job Instructions for installation of floor slabs, roof arrangement with crane selection;

economy, ecology and security of construction. It is planned to carry out a local estimate calculation for certain types of work, as well as reflect environmental protection measures, as well as ensure measures to ensure safe construction conditions;

The graphic part of the architectural building section contains:

building facades;

general plan of the development site, roads, landscaping and arrangement elements;

1st floor plan, 2.3th floor plan

roof plan, rafters layout plan, 3rd floor cover plan, basement slab layout plan, 1st and 2nd floors;

plan of monolithic reinforced foundation cushion, plan of basement walls;

layout plan of foundation blocks;

and corresponding structural units are developed.

The result of the works is the development of drawings for the construction of the facility according to the adopted technical solutions on the basis of calculations made in accordance with the construction codes and regulations in force on the territory of the Russian Federation

Design Solutions

Underground part

The foundation of the house is tape (prefabricated reinforced concrete cushions as per GOST 1358085).

Foundation depth is 1.9 m from ground level.

The structure of the building foundations should be clarified after engineering and geological surveys.

The basement walls are made of concrete blocks according to GOST 13579-78, mounted on cement sand mortar of grade M 100.

The walls touching the soil should be coated with hot bitumen in 2 times and glued with 2 layers of hydroisol.

At elev. - 0.250m perform waterproofing from cement sand mortar.

At elev. 0.250 m and - 2.650 m to perform reinforcement with a mesh of Ø 8 A I with a cell of 100 x 100 in a layer of thick cement mortar of grade M 100 with a thickness of 30 mm.

Walls below elev. 0.000 are made of ceramic bricks of KORPo 1NF/125/1.2/75/GOST 5302007 on cement sand mortar of M 100 grade.

Around the building there is a pavement with a width of at least 1.0 m according to part 52 of the 2.1101 series.

Above ground part

External walls of ceramic concrete blocks KCPPC3935F501400GOCT 6133-99,

ceramic full-thick thickened brick KURPo1.4NF/125/1.2/50/GOST 5302007 and ceramic full-thick ordinary brick of the brand KORPo1NF/125/1.2/50/GOST 5302007 with a thickness of 400 mm on a solution of the brand M 100, reinforce with grids from reinforcement 4Vp1 with a cell 50 × 50 mm through three rows of masonry in height.

Internal load-bearing walls shall be made of brick of grade KCPPC3935F501400GOCT 6133-99, on solution of grade M 100. Reinforce with grids from reinforcement 4Bp1 with cell 50 × 50 mm through three rows of masonry in height

Inter-apartment partitions shall be made of foam concrete blocks with volume weight of 400 kg/m3 .

Other 200 mm thick inter-apartment partitions shall be made of ceramic concrete blocks

Intrawall 70 mm thick partitions shall be made of slot-shaped panels as per TU 5742-003-78667919-2005

Reinforced concrete bars according to 1.0381.1 series

Slabs of reinforced concrete multistage panels of 1.1411 series 60 and 64

Stairs from prefabricated reinforced concrete stages according to GOST 8717.184 for metal stairs.

The roof is rolled along wooden rafters. The water drain is unorganized.

Windows - plastic with double-chamber glazing (triple glazing).

External doors - metal, internal - wooden in the series 1.136 - 10

Corner grids from Ø8 AI reinforcement with cell 100 × 100 mm, through the masonry row of basement wall blocks, shall be made in places of internal walls adjoining to external walls and intersection of internal walls.

Diameter of mesh reinforcement is taken structurally as per series 2.110-1

Reinforcement belt of Ø10 AII (longitudinal reinforcement) and Ø4 Bp 1 (transverse reinforcement) shall be laid along the perimeter of external and internal walls at the level of the top of basement floors, 1st, 2nd, 3rd floors in a layer of thick M100 cement mortar 30 mm thick.

Meshes shall be laid at the bottom level of slabs above the basement, 1, 2, 3 floors.

Prostenki with a length of less than 1600 mm are reinforced with nets from reinforcement f4Bp1 with a cell 50 × 50 mm through two rows of masonry in height.

Strengthen sections of walls with ventilation channels with grids through three rows of masonry in height

Protection of building structures against corrosion in accordance with SNiP 2.03.1185.

Volumetric - planning solutions

The designed building has a rectangular plan shape with dimensions in axes of 33.2 × 12 m.

The building is three-story with attic space. Floor height 3.0 m.

The building has two entrances. The entrance to the entrance consists of two tambours, 1.5 x 1.5 m in plan size.

The entrance to the building is equipped with a ramp for people with limited mobility.

Under the living quarters there is a basement. Basement height in purity - 2.0 m.

The entrances to the basement are located under the staircases and separated from them by a blind brick partition.

The level of clean floor of the first floor is accepted as elevation 0.000.

In the basement there are basement rooms, a thermal unit, a water metering unit.

The width of the stairwell platform is 1.2 m, the width of the march is 1.2 m.

The areas of the premises comply with the requirements of SNiP 31012003 "Residential apartment buildings."

Technical - economic indicators of the building

Building volume - 7242.66 m3


- underground part - 1361.75 m3

- above-ground part - 5880.91 m3

Building area - 461.61 m2

Living space - 551.79 m2

Apartment area - 931.44 m2

Provision of thermal protection of enclosing structures

The outer walls are three-layer with flexible connections and slab insulation.

Facing layer of walls is made of facade plaster.

Inner layer of outer walls 400 mm thick shall be made of ceramic concrete blocks KCPPC3935F501400GOCT 6133-99 on solution of grade M 100,

Non-combustible mineral wool slabs of "Technovent" grade according to TU5762016179251622004 are adopted as insulation of external walls.

Insulate the floor of the 3rd floor with thermal insulation plates "Thermopol (PZH140)" with a thickness of 160 mm.

In the poles of San. perform glued waterproofing of the units.

Removal of excess heat is carried out through ventilation channels, open windows;

Interior decoration of rooms


- basement rooms - trellis, whitewash;

- stairwell - trellis, color of water emulsion

paint in two times;

- vestibules - trellis, acrylic color;

- living rooms, kitchens, bathrooms - keying, painting

water emulsion paint in two times;


- basement rooms - plaster, adhesive whitewash;

- stairwell - improved plaster, painting with water emulsion paint in two times;

- vestibules - improved plaster, acrylic painting;

- living rooms - improved plaster, pasting with wallpaper;

- partitions - trellis, lining with wallpaper;

- kitchens - 1.6 m from the floor (angle - "working wall") - ceramic tiles;

- walls - improved plaster, water emulsion painting

paint in two times;

- bathrooms - 1.8 m from the floor along the perimeter - ceramic tiles;

- top of walls - improved plaster, water emulsion painting

paint in two times.


- basement rooms - reinforced bracing from "Cresit CN87" - 30 mm, waterproofing "Cresit CR65," concrete preparation B7.5 - 80 mm,

compacted soil

- vestibules - floor ceramic tiles;

- staircase - floor ceramic tiles;

- living rooms, intra-apartment corridors - linoleum;

- kitchens, bathrooms - ceramic tiles;

Exterior decoration

Basement - natural stone finish

walls - facade plaster

roof - metal cut.

See the facade color solution certificate for details.

On the porches of the entrances: - Belaton plate F.7.8. on cement sand mortar M 150 (100mm).

Engineering equipment

The building is equipped with all types of engineering support:

Ventilation system - design exhaust with forced drive. The channels are provided separate from the place of air entry into the screen to its outlet into the atmosphere.

Heating system - designed central water. In terms of heat engineering, it is most advisable to place instruments in the window sill of the outer walls. To prevent unnecessary heat loss immediately behind the heating device, a layer of effective heat insulating material should be placed independent of the structural type of the outer wall.

Water supply and sewerage are centralized, guaranteed head in the network - 25 m.

Fire prevention measures have the purpose of preventing the occurrence of fires, localizing the fires and limiting the possibility of spreading fire throughout the building, facilitating fire extinguishing, maintaining the stability of structures under the conditions of high temperatures, fire and water, creating conditions for the safe evacuation of people from burning buildings.

In design solutions - the use of materials and construction products of the corresponding fire resistance groups and fire resistance limits, crack resistance of structures in conditions of fire impact on them.

Fire fighting measures

- the number of evacuation exits is provided in accordance with the current standards

- height of escape exits in the light is more than 2.0m

- fireproofing of wooden structures is provided

to achieve fire retardant REI 45

- interior decoration of rooms made of non-combustible materials

- provide installation of fire-fighting doors (electrical panel, roof exits)

- fire resistance rating of fire-fighting doors and hatches - EI 30,

- fire doors, hatches shall be certified in the field of fire safety

- doors on escape routes open in the direction of exit from the building

and do not have constipation that prevents their free opening from the inside without a key

- to cover linoleum floor, it is not allowed to use it with a higher

fire hazard, than V2, G2, RP2, D3, T2.

- external fire extinguishing is performed from the designed fire hydrant

- all construction and finishing materials shall have a fire certificate

safety and hygiene certificate.

- The facade insulation system complies with the fire protection requirements of the CTO 58239148-001-2006

- Plastering metal stairs on a metal grid.

The thickness of the plaster is 30-40 mm.

Technology and organization of construction

2.1. Job Instruction for Installation of Floor Slabs

2.1.1 Scope of application

A special technological map is being developed for the construction of a three-story building. For the construction of the facility we use the following PK plates 41128t, PK 36158t, PK 41158t, PK 59158t, PK 62158t, PK 63158t, 66-15-8t, 71158t, while taking into account the series of plates. In our case, this series is 1.141.1. The largest plate by weight is 3.1 tons.

Construction work is carried out in two shifts. The crane fully satisfies the lifting capacity, hook departure and boom length. The work that will be carried out on the project is in full compliance with safety procedures, ensures high productivity and quality of work performed.

The design uses the installation method "on the crane." This method ensures the strength and stability of structures at all stages of installation work.

Installation of structures is accompanied by constant geodetic control of their installation accuracy with determination of actual position, mounted elements with execution diagrams.

Prior to the completion of alignment and complete fixation of structures in the design position, it is impossible to rely on them overlying structures, if such support is not justified by the calculation and is not provided for by the work execution project.

2.2 Job Instruction for Roofing Arrangement

2.2.1 Scope of application.

A typical process plan has been developed for a rafter system with a grating.

The Process Map addresses the issues of roofing from domestic metal stock. The scope of application is recommended, a rational form of organization and technology of work, occupational safety and safety are developed.


The theme of my graduation qualification work is the organization of the construction of a three-story 21-apartment residential building.

The building is located on the territory of a residential microdistrict .

When solving the first task of VKR, the following sections were developed as part of the work:

architectural and structural part;

technology of construction production;

economy, ecology and safety of construction.

The graphic part of the architectural building section contains:

building facade;

general plan of the development site, roads, landscaping and arrangement elements.

1st floor plan, 2.3th floor plan.

roof plan, rafters layout plan, 3rd floor cover plan, basement slab layout plan, 1st and 2nd floors;

plan of monolithic reinforced foundation cushion, plan of basement walls,;

layout plan of foundation blocks;

and corresponding structural units are developed.

In the design design part, the physical and mechanical properties of the base soils are determined.

Type of foundation strip of precast reinforced concrete blocks

To solve the second task of VKR, in the section "Construction production technologies," 2 process charts, a work schedule and a work flow schedule were developed.

In the process part, two of those maps are developed: installation of slabs and roof arrangement

Issues of fire safety of the facility are considered, fire resistance of building structures is determined, safety technique during construction works is presented, issues of environmental protection and public protection from harmful impacts are considered.

On the basis of the solved tasks, the main goal of the VKR was fulfilled: to study the main features of the construction of residential buildings.

Drawings content

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