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180-seat school - AR

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Internal power supply of the school for 180 places Content: - common data-single-line diagram of distribution network of GRF-schemes of group networks-plans with networks of electric lighting-plans with outlet networks-plans with networks of power electrical equipment

Project's Content

icon Общие данные лист1.cdw
icon Общие данные лист2.cdw
icon Однолинейка ГРЩ.cdw
icon Однолинейка ЩО1,ЩОА1.cdw
icon Однолинейка ЩО2,ЩОА2.cdw
icon Однолинейка ЩО3,ЩОА3.cdw
icon Однолинейка ЩО4,ЩОА4.cdw
icon Однолинейка ЩО5,ЩОА5.cdw
icon Однолинейка ЩО6.cdw
icon Однолинейка ЩО7,ЩОА6.bak.cdw
icon Однолинейка ЩО8,ЩОА8,ЩОА7.cdw
icon Однолинейка ЩО9,ЩОА9.cdw
icon Однолинейка ЩП1,ЩП2.cdw
icon Однолинейка ЩР1.cdw
icon Однолинейка ЩР2.cdw
icon План на отм. 0.000. Заземление.cdw
icon План на отм. 0.000. Разводка магистральных сетей .cdw
icon План на отм. 0.000. Разводка силовых сетей оборудования и силовых розеточных сетей.cdw
icon План на отм. 0.000. Сети освещения .cdw
icon План на отм. 3.600. Разводка силовых сетей оборудования и силовых розеточных сетей.cdw
icon План на отм. 3.600. Сети освещения .cdw
icon Разводка силовых сетей вентиляционного оборудования.cdw
icon Спецификация лист1.cdw
icon Спецификация лист2.cdw
icon Спецификация лист3.cdw
icon Спецификация лист4.cdw
icon Спецификация лист5.cdw
icon Спецификация лист6.cdw
icon Спецификация лист7.cdw
icon Спецификация лист8.cdw
icon Условные обозначения.cdw
icon Школа №63. Пояснительная записка ЭМ,ЭО.doc

Additional information

Project Description

This project provides power supply of the extension to SHH No.

Power supply voltage 380/220 V. Design power metering is carried out by meters installed on FTC as per specification.

The project was executed on the basis of the tasks of the customer and the executors of adjacent parts of the project.

Technical indicators of the project:

Ru = 125.67 kW, Pp = 57.23 kW, Ip = 96.73 A.

According to reliability of power supply, electric receivers belong to category III.

Power is supplied om of one designed input.

Distribution of electric power to consumers is carried out from boards of set assembly.

Electric lighting

The design provides for working, emergency lighting, as well as the installation of "Exit" light indicators with storage batteries. Food of networks of a working light is carried out from nine guards of ShchO1ShchO9, emergency lighting from nine guards of ShchOA1ShchOA9.

Voltage of electric lighting network 220V .

Calculation of lighting is made according to the method of usage factor taking into account

characteristics of rooms according to PUE and DBN B.2.5282006 "Natural and artificial lighting." Room lighting, type, lamp power, number and

suspension height is indicated on the plans.

The network of operating and emergency lighting is performed by IWGng grade cable.

Perform electrical wiring in the rooms in the bars and voids of the floor slabs. In

rooms with internal surface of sandwiches shall be laid as per

surfaces of panels in corrugated PVC pipe of flammability group G1. In the fire and

explosive rooms in metal pipes.

Power electrical equipment

Power supply of the power equipment is provided from boards ShchP1, ShchP2, ShchR1, ShchR2

installed in rooms 114, 125, 114 and 144, respectively. Types of boards, start-up

equipment, grade and section of wires are indicated on calculation diagrams and plans.

Power electric receivers are process equipment and

plumbing equipment.

The design provides for automatic shutdown of ventilation in case of fire through additional contact units.

Overload and short-circuit currents are protected automatically

switches with design current setpoints. Set-points of protection equipment shall be specified before installation according to manufacturer's technical documentation.

Perform electrical wiring in the rooms in the bars and voids of the floor slabs. In rooms with internal surface of sandwiches, gasket shall be performed on panel surface in corrugated PVC pipe of flammability group G1. In the fire and

explosive rooms in metal pipes. When cables cross pipelines, bypasses shall be made at a distance of not less than 50 mm from them in PVC pipe. The equipment of ventilation is powered from boards ShchR1, ShchR2 established in rooms 114, 144.

Grounding and grounding

The project adopts the TNCS type earthing system, i.e. zero operating "N" and

protective "PE" conductors are combined into parts of the system. Conductors "PE" and "N" are combined in one conductor "PE" in the area from the FTP to the switchgear of the RPS building. After GRF the conductors "PE" and "N" are separated throughout.

All metal non-current-carrying parts of the equipment that may be

energized, shall be occupied and grounded by using zero and

grounding (protective) core of supply and distribution networks.

Instructions for implementing the grounding device are given on sheet 22.

At cable entry into the building it is necessary to perform the potential equalization system by connecting the following electrically conductive parts to the grounding line: main (main) protective grounding conductor, metal structures of the building, steel pipes of utilities, steel ducts of ventilation,

metal wiring boxes.

For shower rooms, it is necessary to perform an additional potential equalization system by connecting the open conductive parts of all stationary electric consumers, PE conductors of electric consumers and PE conductors of plug sockets with metal shower pallets, sinks, steel pipes of communications, metal mesh covering heating cables, as well as connecting the surrounding conductive parts of the shower room with the same parts outside this room.

As an additional safety measure, the project provides for installation

protective shutdown devices.

Lightning protection

Designed building belongs to category III by lightning protection (Table 1 of RD

34.21.12287). The lightning receptacle is the metal roof of the building. As

current leads are used for steel structures of the building (section KM). As

grounding rails against direct lightning strikes use reinforced concrete foundation

school buildings and designed grounding loop (see sheet 22). The CM section provides for continuous electrical communication in the steel structure connections of the designed building.

Fire fighting measures

Selected settings of circuit breakers and fuses protect wires and cables of received sections.

Connect wires using screw or bolt compressions, soldering.

Instructions for Work, Installation and Safety

Erection works shall be carried out in accordance with applicable construction codes

SNiP 3.05.0685 "Electrical devices" and PUE with observance of health and safety measures according to SNiP III480 * "Safety in construction."

Equipment arrangement, cutting and routing of cables, wires and pipes shall be specified in place.

Drawings content

icon Общие данные лист1.cdw

Общие данные лист1.cdw

icon Общие данные лист2.cdw

Общие данные лист2.cdw

icon Однолинейка ГРЩ.cdw

Однолинейка ГРЩ.cdw

icon Однолинейка ЩО1,ЩОА1.cdw

Однолинейка ЩО1,ЩОА1.cdw

icon Однолинейка ЩО2,ЩОА2.cdw

Однолинейка ЩО2,ЩОА2.cdw

icon Однолинейка ЩО3,ЩОА3.cdw

Однолинейка ЩО3,ЩОА3.cdw

icon Однолинейка ЩО4,ЩОА4.cdw

Однолинейка ЩО4,ЩОА4.cdw

icon Однолинейка ЩО5,ЩОА5.cdw

Однолинейка ЩО5,ЩОА5.cdw

icon Однолинейка ЩО6.cdw

Однолинейка ЩО6.cdw

icon Однолинейка ЩО7,ЩОА6.bak.cdw

Однолинейка ЩО7,ЩОА6.bak.cdw

icon Однолинейка ЩО8,ЩОА8,ЩОА7.cdw

Однолинейка ЩО8,ЩОА8,ЩОА7.cdw

icon Однолинейка ЩО9,ЩОА9.cdw

Однолинейка ЩО9,ЩОА9.cdw

icon Однолинейка ЩП1,ЩП2.cdw

Однолинейка ЩП1,ЩП2.cdw

icon Однолинейка ЩР1.cdw

Однолинейка ЩР1.cdw

icon Однолинейка ЩР2.cdw

Однолинейка ЩР2.cdw

icon План на отм. 0.000. Заземление.cdw

План на отм. 0.000. Заземление.cdw

icon План на отм. 0.000. Разводка магистральных сетей .cdw

План на отм. 0.000. Разводка магистральных сетей .cdw

icon План на отм. 0.000. Разводка силовых сетей оборудования и силовых розеточных сетей.cdw

План на отм. 0.000. Разводка силовых сетей оборудования и силовых розеточных сетей.cdw

icon План на отм. 0.000. Сети освещения .cdw

План на отм. 0.000. Сети освещения .cdw

icon План на отм. 3.600. Разводка силовых сетей оборудования и силовых розеточных сетей.cdw

План на отм. 3.600. Разводка силовых сетей оборудования и силовых розеточных сетей.cdw

icon План на отм. 3.600. Сети освещения .cdw

План на отм. 3.600. Сети освещения .cdw

icon Разводка силовых сетей вентиляционного оборудования.cdw

Разводка силовых сетей вентиляционного оборудования.cdw

icon Спецификация лист1.cdw

Спецификация лист1.cdw

icon Спецификация лист2.cdw

Спецификация лист2.cdw

icon Спецификация лист3.cdw

Спецификация лист3.cdw

icon Спецификация лист4.cdw

Спецификация лист4.cdw

icon Спецификация лист5.cdw

Спецификация лист5.cdw

icon Спецификация лист6.cdw

Спецификация лист6.cdw

icon Спецификация лист7.cdw

Спецификация лист7.cdw

icon Спецификация лист8.cdw

Спецификация лист8.cdw

icon Условные обозначения.cdw

Условные обозначения.cdw

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