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Zarya mine opening diagram

  • Added: 11.06.2017
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1. GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE MINE Legal status of the mine: Mine name: Technical unit "Zarya mine." Mine status: technical unit. Legal address: 86500, DPR, the city of Snezhnoye, st. Lenin, 32. Phone (06256) 56682. Fax (06256) 5-55-65 Name of RP which includes mine: RP Torezanthracite. General information about the mine: Year of commissioning - 1927; The year of the last reconstruction is 1972; Design capacity, thousand tons - 910; Annual production capacity as of 1.01.2015, thousand tons - 520; Industrial reserves for 01.01.2015, thousand tons. – 12885; Coal brand, purpose -A (anthracite), energy; Symbols and geological capacity of strata that are worked out - h6 (0.8-1.05), h7 (0.8-1.5); Angle of formation incidence, hail - 3 ° -16 °; Gas mine category (methane) - supercategory; Maximum development depth, m - 990; Formation preparation scheme - panel, horizontal; The development system is pillar in extension, in rebellion, fall, combined, continuous with workings behind the lavas. Operating mode: number of working days per year - 354; the number of shifts in coal production is 3. Planned coal production in 2016 amounted to 610.0 thousand tons. Carrying out preparatory workings of 3800 m, ash content of mined coal is 44.9%. As of January 1, 2015, the balance reserves of coal are 20.032 million tons, including industrial coal reserves - 12.885 million tons. The main part of the balance sheet reserves for the formations is located at depths up to 900 m. Currently, mining is carried out at a depth of 700 to 990 m. The weighted average depth of reserves development in 2016 was 850 m. Mined coals belong to brands A, which are energy in their quality characteristics, which determines the serious strategic importance of the Torezanthracite RP in the market of suppliers of raw materials for energy. Within the mine field, the formations are distinguished by the complexity of the geological structure. The capacity of the formations under development ranges from 0.8 to 1.25 m with incidence angles from 3 ° to 16 °. Planned ash content for 2017 - 44%. For 1.01.2017 the number of active treatment faces is - 2. The treatment faces are equipped with KD-80 mechanized supports. The scavengers of the UKD 200-250 are used. The annual volume of opening and preparing works in 2014 is 2,539 km. Preparatory bottoms are equipped with rock loading machines 2PNB-2B, 1PPN-5. Treatment works Currently, two lavas are in operation at the mine: lava No. 16 pl.h7 and 3 eastern lava pl. h6. The development of lava No. 16 is carried out according to a combined system for stretching. The 3rd eastern lava is worked out according to a continuous development system for propagation. Table 1.1 - Characteristics of the existing treatment bottoms Name of the bottoms Length of the lava, m UUgol of the bed, deg Mechanization in the lava Method of coal delivery from the lava Mechanization of cutting (combine, waypoint) Combine Conveyor Support 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 Lava No. 16 pl. h7 170 33 UKD 200-250 SP-26U KD-80 SP-26, 1L-80 winch 55LSU-2P 3 eastern lava pl. h6 195 110 UKD 200-250 SP-26U KD 80-80-80 P-1 L - Characterization of preparation bottoms Characteristics of excavation section Characteristics of preparation bottoms Name of excavation section Length of excavation field, m Length of lava, m Name of bottomhole Length of excavation, m Weighted average strength of rocks in bottomhole Weighted average abrasiveness of rocks in bottomhole Geologic capacity of formation in bottomhole, m Section of production in light, m2 Coefficient of side rocks% Watwatering%Type of workings attachment Mechanization of workings Average monthly rate of workings, m/m of soil roofing soil 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3 eastern lava 1300 250 3 east. walker 230 7 6 12-15 8-10 0.90 10.4 69 - AP-3-11.2 2PNB2 70 lava No. 16,925,180 Conveyor slope No. 2,280,7,6,12-15,8-10,0,10,4,100 - AP-3-11.2 2PNB2 60 Coal from lava is transported by conveyor and locomotive transport. As locomotives, battery electric locomotives 2AM-8D, AM-8D are used. Coal is transported in section trains PS-3.5, rock - in wagons VG-2.5. For inclined workings, the transportation of rock and coal is carried out using belt conveyors 1L100 and 1L80. Transportation of coal from the lavas is carried out by conveyors SP26 and SP250. State of stationary equipment Table 1.3 - Shaft lifting units Location Name of existing equipment GHod of acquisition Operating period, years Capacity, kW Podjmny vessels, GGlubin's loading capacity of rise, m Diameter of hl of a rope, mm Speed of rise, m/s Technical condition dvukhskipovy coal raising of TsSh-3,25h4 1986 25 AKH 2x1250 Skip No. 1 No. 2 CHM-15-223-1,1,870,33,11,0 satisfied two stand cargo-human MK-3,25x4 1972 39 AKN 2x800 Stand No. 1 No. 2 2KNM-4,0-150 800 33 9.0 ores Drainage plants Normal water inflow to the mine is 310 m3/h, maximum - 500 m3/h. The main drainage of the Zarya mine is two-stage from the horizons of 800 m and 344 m. On the horizon of 980 m, a district drainage is equipped. On the surface there is a pond-settler and a filtration station, which are in satisfactory condition. Information on the state of equipment of water drain horizons of the mine is given in the table: Table 1.4 - Equipment of water drain horizons Location Name of available equipment Year of acquisition Operating period, years Power, kW Product-efficiency Technical condition State of pressure pipe of wire Horizon 980 m CNS 300-360 2009 cap. repair of 3.5 500 250 vessels. ships. CNS 300-360 2007 cap. repair of 3,500,180 failures. ships. Horizon 800 m CNS 300-600 2010 2.5 800 250 udes. ships. CNS 300-600 2007 5 800 200 failures. failures. CNS 300-600,2008,4,800,200 failures. failures. CNS 300-600 2010 up to 2 1000 250 udes. failures. Horizon 344 m CNS 300-420 2010 up to 2,500,250 ships. ships. CNS 300-420 2009 cap. repair of 3,500,200 vessels. ships. CNS 300-420 2005 cap. repair of 7,500,180 failures. failures. CNS 300-420 2006 6 630 180 failures. failures. Ventilation and power supply 4 cable lines (total length 4000 m) have been laid along the skipcell shaft for power supply of the shaft, the condition of which is assessed as unsatisfactory (in operation since 1973). The total amount of active electricity consumed by Zarya Mine in 2014 amounted to 72.8 million kwt * hour. Table 1.5 - Information on GWP Location Name of available equipment Year of acquisition Operating period, years Power, kW bearing nomin/fact, m3/min Technical condition Vent shaft VTsD-3, 3,1966,47,1250,6840 vessels. Ventilation shaft VTsD-31,5S 1999,14,1600,9800 udok Failure 2 VTsO-2.5 1968,45,500,6120 udov. Failure of 2 VZO-2.5 1968 45 500 6120 uda. Table 1.6 - Design indicators of mine operation Name of indicators of 2013. (fact) 2014 (fact) 2015 2016. Industrial coal reserves, Mt 11,157 13,132 12,885 12,51 Mine production capacity, mln t/yr 520 520 520 520 Average reservoir capacity, m 1.20 1.25 1.25 1.25 Number of beds being developed simultaneously 2 2 2 2 Grade coal, which is mined A A A A Annual coal production, thousand tons 700,0,596,3,610,650 Average daily production, tn/d 1962,1673,1723,1836 Ash content of mined coal,% 44.4 43.6 44.9 44.9 Average annual col. treatment face including complex mechanized (KMZ) 2 2 2 2 Average daily load on the treatment face, t/d including complex mechanics., t/day 927 864 830 885 Average monthly movement of the treatment face line, m/month. 50.1 40.9 45 48 Scope of opening and preparing mine workings, km/year 2.6 2.54 3.8 4.2 Number of industrial and production personnel, persons 1806 1764 1958 1958 including workers from mining 1628 1591 1775 1775 Labor productivity per 1 employee, t/m. 32.3 28.2 26.0 27.7 per 1 mining employee, t/m. 35.8 31.2 28.6 30.5 Average monthly salary per 1 employee, UAH/month. 7410 7031 7747 7747 per 1 mining employee, UAH/month. 7305 6890 7670 7670 Cost of 1 ton of finished coal products, UAH 965.01 1193.72 1510.39 1378.49

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