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WSC-1 worm machine

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Course work in the discipline Calculation and design of machines and apparatus of food production on the topic Wort machine WSC-1.

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icon Тех схема пива.cdw
icon РПЗ по РиК МиАПП.docx
icon Спецификация ВСЦ-1.spw
icon Спецификация перемешивающее утсройство.spw
icon Вал.cdw
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icon Сусловарочный аппарат ВСЦ-1.cdw

Additional information



1 Beer Production Flow Chart

1.1 Malt reception and storage

1.2 Cleaning and crushing of malt

1.3 Preparation of beer wort

1.4 Wort cooling

1.5 Preparation of pure culture yeast

1.6 Main fermentation

1.7 Addition and clarification of beer

1.8 Beer bottling

2 Wort boiler

2.1 Purpose

2.2 Device

3 Design part

3.1 Calculation of Volume and Geometric Dimensions of the Weighing Machine

3.2 Calculation of heat transfer surface area

3.3 Determination of steam flow rate

3.4 Calculation of stirrer motor power

4 Installation and maintenance

4. 1 Installation

4.2 Maintenance

5 Occupational Safety and Safety Measures

5.1 Industrial Sanitation Activities

5.2 Emergency Prevention Activities


List of literature used


The brewing industry is a successful industry, as evidenced by an annual increase of 2023 per cent in production since 1995.

Currently, Goskomstat has registered more than 400 beer-producing enterprises. 70% of the output comes from the 30 largest enterprises [1].

In 2000, about 549.4 million dal of beer was produced. Its per capita production reached 36-37 dm3, an increase of 27% compared to 1999 [1].

The prospect of fully meeting demand, taking into account climatic, social and national characteristics, is estimated at 63-75 dm3 per year per capita. [2]

Recently, the brewing industry has been characterized by a significant increase in the range of products produced. Now almost every plant produces its own beers, and there is a tendency to increase the share of dark beer [2].

Today, about 60% of the products are inexpensive beers, high-quality beers (12-13% beer) - 12%, cheap beers (10-11% beer) - about 30% [2].

It should be noted that the distribution of enterprises in Russia is uneven. Most breweries are located in the European part of the country, and in Siberia and the Far East the brewing industry is represented only by single enterprises.

Most breweries operate equipment that is mentally and physically obsolete and makes it impossible to produce competitive products. Urgent reconstruction of a number of breweries is needed. However, there is a need to demolish the buildings of many existing breweries, since they are not subject to reconstruction. It is advisable to build new plants with the introduction of new technology and new equipment, in-line mechanized lines.

For brewing beer wort with hops and evaporation of part of the water to obtain wort of a certain density, wort machines are intended. In terms of design, these devices are a welded cylindrical tank with a steam jacket, a spherical bottom and a cover, which provides intensive circular circulation of boiling wort. In open type devices of the open type WHCC 1A and VK5 (per 1000 and 5000 kg of jam), the evaporation intensity is 5... 6% per hour with a boiling time of wort of 1.5... 2 hours. When the wort is boiled under a pressure of 0.03... 0.05 MPa in boilers WHCC 1.5 and VK3 (per 1500 and 3000 kg of jam), more complete coagulation of proteins is achieved, the coefficient of beer is increased .

The intensive circulation of wort is ensured by the operation of the stirrer and uneven heating at the walls and in the middle of the boiler. Since the wort near the walls is more heated due to the larger heat transfer surface than in the middle, steam bubbles are formed near the walls, displaced by a denser and colder liquid from the middle of the boiler. In this way continuous mixing of wort is ensured.

Secondary steam can be used to heat the pressure dryer, which reduces the overall heating steam flow rate. The easiest way to use secondary steam is to evaporate with thermal compression.

In this work, we will calculate the geometric dimensions and heat exchange surface of the lumber apparatus in accordance with the initial data, since these parameters are essential for the proper conduct of the technological process. We also calculate the steam consumption required to boil wort with hops and the power of the stirrer motor.

1 Beer Production Flow Chart

Beer production consists of the following stages: 1) reception and storage of malt; 2) purification and crushing of malt; 3) preparation of beer wort; 4) wort cooling; 5) preparation of pure culture yeast; 6) main fermentation; 7) after-treatment; 8) beer lightening; 9) bottling beer into bottles and barrels.

1.1 Malt reception and storage

The dry malt cleaned of sprouts enters the receiving hopper 1, from where the norium 2 rises to the automatic scales 3. After weighing with screws 4, malt is distributed over silos 5, in which it is kept for at least 4-5 weeks. The moisture content of malt during storage increases due to its hygroscopicity to 56%.

1.2 Cleaning and crushing of malt

The deposited malt, as necessary, from the silos, is sent by a pneumatic conveyor for further processing. The vacuum pump 8 creates a vacuum in the unloader 7; atmospheric air is sucked through funnels 6, grabs malt and lifts it into unloader 7. From here, through the lock gate, malt is poured into the polishing machine 9, where it is cleaned of dust and random impurities. The purified norium malt rises to the automatic scales 3, passing through the magnetic separator 10 to remove metal particles. After weighing, the malt is ground in the roller crusher 11 and then poured into the hopper 12.

1.3 Preparation of beer wort

Crushed malt is mixed with warm water (about 600 C) in a sludge boiler 13. At the end of mixing (mashing), part of the congestion mass (about 40%) is pumped by pump 14 to another nearby congestion boiler 13. Here, this part of the jam is heated to a saccharification temperature (68700C), and then, after the completion of saccharification, to a boiling point. After a short boil in order to boil large particles of malt, the mash mass (the first boil) is returned to the mash boiler by the same pump. When mixing the boiling part of the mash with the mash left in the boiler, the temperature of the whole mass reaches 700C. The mash is left alone for saccharification.

Upon completion of saccharification, part of the jam is again pumped by pump to the boiler (second boil) for heating to boil and boil the grits. The second boil is returned to the boiler 13, where after mixing both parts of the jam, the temperature rises to 75800C. Then the whole mass from the boiler is pumped to one of the filtration units. The turbid wort produced at the beginning of filtration is returned by the pump 16 to the filtration apparatus; the transparent wort flows through the filtration battery or through the pressure regulator 22 into one of the bulk boilers 18.

Washed malt shotgun from the filtration apparatus is lowered into a pump 20, which pumps it to a distribution bin for sale to cattle. Washing water containing a small amount of extractive substances flows into the collector 17, from where it is pumped to the boiler 13 to prepare the next jam.

Wort and hops are boiled in the wort boiler 18. When the wort is boiled, some water is evaporated, the wort proteins are partially denatured and sterilized. Hot crushed wort is lowered into the hop separator 21; boiled hop petals are retained here, and wort is pumped by pump 19 to hot wort collector 23.

The described method of preparing wort is not the only possible, but it has become most widespread.

1.4 Wort cooling

The hot wort from the collector 23 flows into a weighty centrifugal separator 24 in which it is purified from suspended particles of coagulated proteins. Wort is pumped from separator into plate heat exchanger 25 where it is cooled to 5-6 0C. From the collection wort is pumped into brooding tanks.

At some old enterprises, wort cooling is carried out in non-sterile conditions due to self-evaporation in open tanks and then in irrigation refrigerators.

1.5 Preparation of pure culture yeast

To ensure the purity of fermentation, seed yeast is periodically replaced by pure culture yeast obtained from one cell under sterile conditions.

To propagate pure culture yeast, the crested wort after cleaning in separator 24 is sterilized in sterilizer 27 and then pumped to fermentation machines 28 and 29, to which a pure yeast culture is set from the laboratory. Further reproduction of yeast takes place in tank 30.

1.6 Main fermentation

The cooled wort merges into the closed fermentation tanks 31 and 32, and yeast from the fragmentation tank 30 is set here. At the end of the main fermentation, which flows for 6-8 days, young beer is pumped by pump 33 to camp tanks 40 and 41. The yeast remaining at the bottom of the fermentation tanks 23, by means of the vacuum created by the vacuum pump 35, is sent to the receptacle 34 for reuse or to the receptacles for sale 37. From the collectors, under the pressure of compressed gas (carbon dioxide), yeast is pumped to the filter press 38, beer filtered in the filter press is drained into the processing tank 39. Yeast is washed from beer residues and cooled with water cooled with brine in tank 36.

1.7 Addition and clarification of beer

Beer addition takes place in camp tanks within 1190 days, depending on the type of beer prepared and the adopted method of technology. Upon completion of the post-fermentation process, the carbon dioxide-pressurized beer flows from the tanks 40 and 41 into the mixer 42, then the beer is pumped into the separator-illuminator 44 by the beer pump 43.

In the separator-clarifier, beer is freed from yeast and other microorganisms and various fine particles suspended in it. Sometimes, after separation, it is filtered in filter press 45 to give the finished beverage complete transparency and gloss. The clarified beer is cooled with brine in plate heat exchanger 46 and saturated with carbon dioxide in carbonizer 47. After that, the beer is drained into the collection 48.

1.8 Beer bottling

The filtered beer from the carbon dioxide collector 48 is supplied to the dispensing compartment. Boxes of dirty bottles are fed from the warehouse to the machine 60, which removes the bottles from the boxes; by plate conveyor 62, the bottles are routed to bottle washer 49; empty boxes after cleaning from garbage in the machine 61 are fed by the belt conveyor 56 to the machine 55 for placing bottles of products in them. Washed bottles from washing machine 49 are transferred by plate conveyor 59 to light screen 50 for rejection, and then to machine machine line 51, closure 52, marriage semi-automatic 53, labeling 54 and to bottle stacker 55. Finished products are transferred by transporters to the expedition.

2 Wort boiler

2.1 Purpose

Wort boilers serve to boil and boil wort after filtration.

2.2 Device

A typical bulk boiler is a cylindrical vessel with a double spherical bottom, forming a steam jacket intended for heating and boiling wort. Heating steam is carried into the jacket in several places from the annular steam line; condensate is removed from the jacket also in several places to the condensate drain. Non-condensing gases from the jacket are periodically removed to the atmosphere through the tube.

On the dome-shaped cover there is an exhaust pipe with an annular groove and a pipe for collecting and discharging condensate formed in the exhaust pipe into the sewer. Traction in exhaust pipe is controlled by rotary shutter by means of winch. On the boiler cover there is also a viewing hatch with sliding doors. Propeller stirrer is driven by electric motor through reduction gear.

The boiler is usually made of sheet steel. Sometimes, to increase the heat transfer intensity, the inner bottom is made of red copper.

To reduce heat loss side walls of boiler are insulated with layer of glass or slag wool over which protective casing made of thin sheet steel is reinforced. Boiler bottom is also covered with thermal insulation layer.

A typical wort boiler differs little from a shutter boiler. Since a significant amount of water (at least 812% per hour of the total volume of wort in the boiler) has to be evaporated in the bulk boiler, its heat transfer surface should be more developed; in addition, the boiler design should ensure intensive circulation of boiling wort and low heat losses. Liquid circulation can be provided by a propeller stirrer, uneven heating of the liquid in the boiler, or by combined operation of the stirrer and uneven heating.

The described wort boiler has a significant drawback: the secondary steam obtained in it when boiling wort is not used and is removed to the atmosphere through a exhaust pipe. The heat content of the secondary steam differs very little from the heat content of the heating steam, so the cost-effectiveness of the weighing boiler is very low. Attempts to utilize the heat contained in the secondary steam have been made repeatedly and are as follows.

1. A mixing condenser was installed on the exhaust pipe, in which the secondary steam, in contact with the sprayed cold water, condenses, heating the water to about 600 ° C. A disadvantage of this method is that the condenser drastically reduces the effect of the exhaust pipe and the resulting warm water is contaminated with hop volatiles.

2. The secondary steam was sucked by the fan from the bulk boiler and pumped into the surface condenser.

The resulting warm water in this condenser is not mixed with the steam condenser and can be used for any purpose. However, the operating costs of this unit are not justified by the warm water produced.

3.The temperature of the secondary steam can be increased by using a heat pump. However, for this purpose, it is necessary to install a compressor or injector operating on a high pressure steam.

All these attempts to use secondary steam heat did not yield the expected results.

Cooking wort in a sealed boiler allows you to produce secondary steam with a small overpressure; such steam can be used as a heating agent to produce warm water by directing it directly to water heaters.

Cooking wort under pressure is beneficial not only from a thermal point of view; at high boiling temperature, extraction of bitter hop substances and coagulation of wort proteins occur faster and more completely. Therefore, replacing existing bulky boilers with hermetic boilers is quite advisable.

Machine-building plant "Latpishchemash" makes boilers for cooking wort under pressure. A distinctive feature of these boilers is a hermetic domed cover. The cover is designed for an internal overpressure of 0.02 Mn/m2. On the cover there is a conical valve that hermetically closes the exhaust pipe; hatch with hermetic shutter; a pipe with a valve for bypass of secondary steam into the exhaust pipe when the valve is closed; pipe with safety valve and secondary steam supply valve to water heater: inspection window and illuminator. The taper valve is lifted and lowered by rotating the roller; at one end of this roller there is a flywheel and a ratchet wheel, and at the other end there is a lever for raising or lowering the valve and a counterweight urging the valve to the support ring of the exhaust pipe. The heavy hatch cover also has a counterweight in the form of a load lowered on the cable into the hollow pipe.

Recently, congestion and bulky boilers of rectangular shape with inclined bottoms have begun to spread abroad. Steam jacket is made in the form of narrow boxes welded to inclined bottoms. Steam supply to each section of the steam jacket and condensate discharge can be both individual (i.e., to each section separately) and group, which allows heating the boiler in parts as it is filled with congestion mass or wort. The sludge mass or wort is mixed with propeller mixers. The boilers described have a number of advantages over conventional cylindrical boilers with spherical bottoms and covers:

1) the manufacture of these boilers is somewhat easier, since they do not have spherical surfaces;

2) sectional steam jackets make it possible to use steam of higher pressure compared to pipes of spherical bottoms and to heat the bottom of boilers by gradually switching on sections;

3) propeller stirrers have an electric drive of a very simple design.

The disadvantage of these boilers is the inability to cook wort under excessive pressure.

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icon Тех схема пива.cdw

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