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WP for masonry

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PPR on the masonry of an apartment building

Project's Content

icon ППР на кладочных стен перегородок.doc
icon Стройгенплан.dwg

Additional information


Table of contents

1. Work Execution Project Approval Sheet

2. General Project Data

3. Main Design Solutions

4. Organization of works at altitude

5. Procedure for performance of works at altitude

6. Procedure and organization of works performance

7. Metal roof arrangement

8. Quality and Acceptance Requirements

9. Need for machines, machinery, tools, equipment and accessories

10. Safety and health, environmental and fire safety

11. Fire safety measures

12. Environmental protection activities

13. Environmental protection and waste management

14. Noise protection

Explanatory Note to Work Project

This Work Execution Project (hereinafter referred to as WDP) is developed on the basis of:

Technical assignment for execution of stone works (internal partitions). Object: "Residential complex of the 1st stage of construction consisting of:" Corps 1, 2 with an underground parking lot for adapting buildings for use under the renovation program "" at: Moscow, intersection of Aminyevsky highway with the Kiev direction of the Moscow railway, on a section with cadastral number 77:07:0012010:15272 (ZAO, Ochakovo Matveevskoye)

Inspection of the construction area in kind, existing repair technologies, data of the construction organization on equipment with machines and mechanisms.

The following regulatory, guidance documents and state standards are used in the development of the PDP:

SP 48.13330.2019 Organization of construction of SNiP 12-01-2004

SP 70.13330.2012 "Bearing and enclosing structures. Updated revision of SNiP 3.03.0187 ";

SP 15.13330.2012 "Stone and Armstone Structures. Updated version of SNiP II2281 * "(with Revision No. 2);

SP 71.13330.2017 "Insulation and finishing coatings. Updated revision of SNiP 3.04.0187 ";

GOST 313602007 "Wall products not reinforced from cellular concrete of autoclave hardening. Specifications ";

- SP 28.13330.2017 "Protection of building structures and structures against corrosion. Updated version of SNiP 2.03.1185. "

GOST 2801398 * "Construction solutions. Specifications ";

GOST 1104290 "Steel building hammers. Specifications. "

GOST 1959687 "Shovels. Specifications. "

GOST 2425888 "Scavenging Means." Specifications. "

GOST 2732187 "Rack frames for construction and installation works. Specifications. "

GOST 42775 * "Metal measuring line. Specifications. "

GOST 750298. "Metal roulettes. Specifications. "

GOST 794880 "Steel building plumbs. Specifications. "

GOST 941683 "Construction levels. Specifications. "

GOST 953381 "Cells, blades and cuts. Specifications. "

GOST 12,4.08784 "SSBT. Construction Helmets construction. Specifications. "

SP 71.13330.2017 Insulation and finishing coatings. Updated revision of SNiP 3.04.01-87

"Rules for labor protection in construction" Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of 01.06.2015 №336;

SP 121362002 "Labor Safety in Construction. Decisions on labor protection and industrial safety in construction organization projects and work execution projects ";

FZ No. 123FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements";

Decree No. 390 of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 "Rules of the fire regime in the Russian Federation";

CTEEP "Rules for technical operation of electrical installations of consumers";

SP 52.13330.2016 "Natural and artificial lighting. Updated version of SNiP 23-05-95 * "

GOST 12.0.0042015 SSBT. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions;

GOST 12.1.0462014 SSBT. Construction. Lighting standards for construction sites;

GOST 12.4.01189 "SSBT. Means of protection of workers. General requirements and qualifications ";

GOST 12.4.0262015 SSBT. Signal colors, safety signs and signal markings. Purpose and application rules. General technical requirements and specifications. Test methods (as amended);

GOST 2340778 Fences inventory of construction sites and construction and installation work areas;

Order of Rostekhnadzor dated 12.11.2013 N 533 "Safety Rules for Hazardous Production Facilities Using Lifting Facilities."

Technical solutions adopted in the project comply with the requirements of environmental, sanitary, fire and other laws, norms, rules and standards in force in the territory of the Russian Federation, initial data, as well as technical specifications and requirements issued by state supervision bodies (control) and interested organizations in the coordination of the initial permit documentation, and ensure the safe operation of facilities for life and health, as well as the protection of the population and the stability of the facility in emergency situations, subject to the measures provided for in the draft.

General Project Data

The project for the performance of work on the facility "Residential complex of the 1st stage of construction consisting of:" Buildings 1, 2 with an underground parking lot for the adaptation of buildings for use under the renovation program "at the address: Moscow, the intersection of the Aminyevsky highway with the Kiev direction of the Moscow Railway, on the site with cadastral number 77:07:0012010:15272 (ZAO, Ochakovo MatKameni) work) provides for work.

The sequence of work on stone works (internal partitions) of this object is carried out in the following order:


The works considered in the map include:

- installation of remote lifting platform;

- delivery of cargo to the remote site;

- supply of building materials and products for masonry of walls and installation of prefabricated lintels above doorways, masonry mortar with tower crane to masons workplaces;

- laying of internal partitions made of aerated concrete, concrete stones CRC PRPS, PK-160, bricks;

- laying of reinforced concrete lintels, as well as partition stones of doorways manually above doorways in the course of masonry;

Organization and procedure of works execution

- Masonry of partitions made of aerated concrete shall be made of blocks of grade by average density D500, compressive strength B2.5, frost resistance F50, thickness 200mm;

- carry out masonry in order on M75 adhesive solution, with chain dressing of small blocks with overlapping of seams by not less than 100 mm;

- through each 750 mm on height (3 rows of a laying) in a laying to put 2 reinforcing cores of ∅10 AIII;

- attach blocks to cast-in-situ walls and floors using 6x40 dowel nails through galvanized LSP 20 mm wide, b = 0.8 mm;

- attach to the LSP aerated concrete block with a construction galvanized 4x100 nail;

Main design solutions.

Removal and installation of the roof is carried out by the method of element-by-element disassembly using manual mechanisms and a crane. Cranes are used for dismantling of rafter system structures with subsequent restoration.

All dismantling and installation works shall be carried out by gentle methods. During removal and installation works spatial rigidity and stability of roof bearing structures shall be ensured. Places threatening collapse or loss of load-bearing capacity shall be braced and reinforced during operation.

From the moment of commencement of works until their completion, the Contractor shall keep a work log, which reflects the progress of work, as well as all facts and circumstances, relevant in the Owner's and Contractor's production relations, such as the commencement and completion date, date of provision of materials, services, notification of acceptance of works, delays, failure of construction equipment, Owner's opinion on private issues as well as all that may affect the final completion date.

All works shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SP 48.13330.2019 Construction Organization (updated revision of SNiP 12012004 "Construction Organization"), SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the organization of construction production and construction work," SNiP 12.032001 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. " and SNiP 12.042002 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 2, "SP 45.13330.2012" Earthworks. Foundations and Foundations, "SP 70.13330.2012" Load-bearing and enclosing structures, "SP 121362002" Decisions on labor protection and industrial safety in construction organization projects and work execution projects, "SP 121352003" Labor safety in construction. Industry Standard Instructions on Occupational Safety, "" Safety Rules for Hazardous Production Facilities Using Lifting Facilities, "RD 11062007" Methodological Recommendations on the Procedure for Development of Work Projects for Lifting Machines and Process Lists for Loading and Unloading Operations. "

Construction Site Organization

Domestic premises for the needs of installers must comply with the requirements of the decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 11.07.03. No. 141 "On the enactment of sanitary regulations and standards - SanPiN" Temporary heat supply and sewerage for the construction period are not designed. Heating of temporary buildings will be carried out using electricity.

Water for drinking needs is supplied in bottles.

Organization of preparatory works

In the preparatory period prior to the commencement of work, organizational and preparatory measures shall be performed in accordance with SP 48.13330.2019 "Construction Organization" (updated revision of SNiP 12012004) and SanPiN, as well as the following works:

- not later than two weeks before the start of work, the general contractor together with the customer to conduct a thorough inspection of the buildings in order to clarify the technical condition of the structural elements. Based on the results of the survey, draw up an act. At the same time, clarify the design solutions on the spot; the degree of wear of structural elements of the building, their strength qualities and stability; scope of work to be carried out and set of measures to ensure labor safety and environmental protection. If it is determined that the condition of the inspected structures is emergency, it is necessary to immediately take measures to temporarily attach them before the dismantling work begins. All hazardous areas shall be enclosed and provided with appropriate inscriptions and warning posters. Based on the results of the survey, decisions are made to prevent possible collapse of structures at the stage of development by the general contractor of the work execution project, as well as in the process of dismantling work;

- to obtain the agreement of all interested organizations;

- install a fence enclosing the site with warning signs.

- provide lighting of the construction site with spotlights;

- to equip domestic premises for workers and pro-slave;

- install a railing around the dismantled buildings and structures defining the hazardous area. Boundaries of hazardous area of possible fall of cargo moved by excavator or crane shall be set according to Table:

height of possible fall of objects, m of hazardous area boundary, m

up to 10 4

up to 20 7

20 to 70 10

- bring the necessary materials, tools and equipment to the facility.

- organize access roads to the construction site and temporary roads inside the site.

- arrange temporary water supply and power supply networks to meet construction needs;

- provide the construction site with fire-fighting water supply and equipment, lighting and alarm equipment;

- draw up an act on the end of the preparatory period and obtain permission to carry out work.

It is strictly forbidden to find people in the premises over which dismantling and installation works are carried out!

Organization of works at altitude

Outfit design - release

Work permit is issued in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

• Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated June 1, 2015 N 336n "On Approval of Rules for Labor Protection in Construction";

• Order of Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of 28.03.2014 N of 155 N "About the Approval of Rules on Labor Protection during the Work at Height" (an edition of 17.06.2015).

Works related to increased danger, carried out in the places of action of harmful and hazardous industrial factors, must be carried out in accordance with the work permit in the places of action of harmful and hazardous industrial factors (hereinafter - work permit), which determines the content, place, time and conditions of work, the necessary safety measures, the composition of the team and persons responsible for safety of work.

High risk activities include:

• Performing routine repairs, dismantling of equipment, as well as performing repair or any construction and installation works in the presence of hazardous factors of the existing hazardous production facility;

• work in areas where there is or may be a danger associated with hazardous work in adjacent areas;

To perform these works, the responsible work manager must issue a work permit on a special form.

An inspection of the workplace is required prior to the start of the concurrent work to identify the risk associated with a possible employee fall.

The work center shall be inspected by the responsible work manager in the presence of the responsible work contractor.

During the inspection of the workplace, the reasons for the possible fall of the employee should be revealed, including:

a) unreliability of anchor devices;

b) the presence of a slippery working surface having unfreezed height differences;

c) destruction of structure, equipment or their elements when performing works directly on them.

If violations of measures are detected that ensure the safety of work at the height provided by the work permit or if other circumstances are identified that threaten the safety of the workers, the team members should be removed from the site of work by the responsible work contractor. Only after the elimination of the detected violations can the members of the brigade be re-allowed to work.

After completion of the work, the responsible work contractor shall remove the team from the work place, remove temporary fences installed by the team, restore permanent fences, remove portable safety posters, flags, anchor devices, check the cleanliness of the work place, lack of tools, issue a complete completion of work in the work permit with his signature and inform the employee who issued the work order about the completion of work.

Completion of the work on the work permit after inspection of the place of work shall be documented in the corresponding column of the work log on the work permit.

The list of works related to increased danger, performed with the execution of the work permit, and the procedure for carrying out these works are established by the order of the employer in accordance with the requirements of labor protection and the Rules.

The work permit is given to the direct works manager (to the foreman, the master, the manager and others) by the official authorized by the order of the employer. Prior to the commencement of work, the work manager is obliged to familiarize employees with the safety measures of the work and to conduct a targeted training on labor protection with the registration in the work permit.

When performing work in the protective areas of structures or communications, the work permit must be issued if there is a written permission of the organization - the owner of this structure or communication.

The work permit is issued for the period required to perform the specified scope of work. In case of hazardous or harmful production factors in the process of work, which are not provided for by the work permit, the work should be stopped, the work permit should be canceled and the work resumed only after issuing a new work permit.

The official who issued the work permit is obliged to monitor the implementation of the measures provided for in it to ensure the safety of the work.

Work at height

To begin the work, organizational and preparatory measures must be carried out in accordance with SP 48.13330.2019 "Construction Organization."

The basis for the start of work is an order from a construction organization indicating the dates for the start and end of work and the persons responsible for the performance of specific types of work. The following tools, equipment and scooping tools are used in the preparation period:

• Crane KS457171 (g/p 25 t);

Materials, as well as the necessary tools and equipment are brought at car dump trucks.

Analogues may be used.

Used construction machines and equipment must have a technical passport, a certificate of compliance with Russian norms and standards. Perform all installation work under the guidance of a foreman or foreman. Hazardous areas shall be protected by warning fences and shall be marked with warning signs.

Works are performed using PPE by types of works.

Work shall be guided by working designs as well as drawings which are an integral part of this WP.

The works are performed in accordance with the work diagrams. Materials are stored on the street near this facility.

The garbage is put into boxes, bags and containers, and taken to a temporary landfill for the territory agreed with the Customer. At the end of construction and installation work, garbage is taken to the landfill.

General provisions

The employee starting the work shall be familiarized with:

a) with an official instruction or instruction by profession, type of work, with other normative legal documents on labor protection in the scope of work performed accordingly;

b) with conditions and conditions of labor protection at the workplace, with the existing risk of health damage, with rules and techniques for safe performance of work;

c) with the state of industrial injuries and occupational morbidity, with measures to protect against the effects of harmful and dangerous industrial factors;

d) with the availability and condition of means of collective and individual protection;

e) with internal labor regulations and operating regime of the organization;

f) with rules of action for emergency structures

The main hazardous production factor when working at height is the location of the workplace at a significant height relative to the surface of the ground (floor), the associated possible fall of the employee or fall of objects on the employee.

During works at the height, fences shall be installed and the boundaries of hazardous areas shall be indicated in accordance with the established procedure.

In case of danger, the person supervising the works shall stop work and take measures to eliminate the danger, and, if necessary, ensure evacuation of employees from the hazardous area.

It is not allowed to perform work at altitude in open places at wind speed of 15 m/s or more, in case of ice, thunderstorm or fog, which excludes visibility within the scope of work front. When working with structures with high sailing, installation work should be stopped at a wind speed of 10 m/s or more.

Work at the height in the open air, carried out directly from structures, floors, equipment, etc., in case of changes in weather conditions with a deterioration in visibility, in case of thunderstorms, ice, strong wind, snowfall, stops, and workers are taken out of the workplace.

Overhead works are performed in accordance with the work execution plan, with mandatory instruction at the workplace with explanation of:

a) methods of safe operation at altitude; b) the procedure of approach to the workplace;

c) the state of the workplace;

d) the nature and safety of the forthcoming work; e) procedure for use of safety devices;

f) the order and place of installation of lifting equipment, etc.;

g) measures to prevent falling from a height, methods of safe transition from one workplace to another;

h) measures to ensure safety during installation in the design position or removal of the structure, units, parts, etc.;

and) ensuring that the working environment (illumination, temperature, humidity, air velocity, precipitation, noise, vibration, etc.) is acceptable to workers;

k) the state of forests, scaffolding, platforms, stairs, fences, safety ropes, etc.;

l) the need to use personal protective equipment - helmets, safety belts, overhead safety devices, catchers with a vertical rope, etc.

Movement along the safety cable of more than 2 people at a time, as well as oncoming movement of employees, is not allowed.

Do not wear the load on crane beams.

Supply of any items up and down shall be by means of lifting mechanisms or devices.

Scavenging equipment, packagings, lifting mechanisms and load-grabbing devices; devices for adjustment and temporary fixation of structures, trusses, etc. (hereinafter - process equipment); fences, protective nets, floors and other similar means of preventing the fall of an employee, materials, objects, etc. from a height; from electric shock; from the impact of moving parts of machines, equipment, from the influence of noise, vibration and harmful substances in the air of the working area (hereinafter - means of collective protection of workers) used in the performance of work at height, must comply with regulatory requirements for labor safety, and newly acquired standardized products must have a certificate for compliance with labor safety requirements.

It is not allowed to use random objects as technological equipment and means of collective protection.

Technological equipment and means of collective protection of employees should be used for their intended purpose in accordance with the requirements of labor safety set forth in the regulatory technical documentation put into effect in the prescribed manner.

Procedure for performance of works at altitude

This PPM provides for the use of a retaining, safety system, positioning system.

Work is prohibited:

• in open areas at wind speed of 15 m/s or more;

• in case of thunderstorms or fog excluding visibility within the work front;

• in case of icy ice from icy structures and in cases of ice wall growth on equipment and engineering structures.

All restraints shall be checked prior to performance.

Work Sequence:

Safety equipment, tools are checked.

Climbing the forests, workers put on equipment according to the instructions, attach carbines and slings to the fence structure.

It is forbidden to perform any work at height, using only safety slings or belts, without fixation in anchor points.

When entering the zone of increased danger of fall, you should immediately connect to the insurance system.

If it is necessary to perform high-altitude operations with a large deviation of slings from the vertical position or if the position of the performer is unstable, additional connection amortizing subsystem should be used.

The holding system consists of:

• - holding strap (strap-free safety belt), enclosing the human body and consisting of separate parts, which in combination with slings fix the employee at a certain height during work;

• - an opening device for connecting components, which allows the worker to connect the sling in order to connect himself directly or indirectly with the support (hereinafter - a connecting element (carbine);

• - anchor point of attachment,

• - Strap in strained condition to retain the employee;

Components and components of retaining systems shall withstand a static load of at least 15 kN and slings made of synthetic materials of at least 22 kN. Employees must be equipped with personal protective equipment (PPE): helmets, workwear and shoes, sleeves, insurance (fall protection), protective equipment corresponding to the task performed (eye protection shields, etc.).

Security system

High-altitude safety systems consist of:

a) anchor device;

b) tethers (safety, for holding, for positioning, for sitting position);

c) connection amortizing subsystem (slings, ropes, carbines, shock absorbers, means of protection of retractable type, means of protection against falling of slider type on flexible or on rigid anchor line).

Type and place of anchoring device of safety systems at height shall be specified in the work permit.

The anchoring device of the holding systems and positioning systems is suitable if it withstands a load of at least 13.3 kN without destruction.

The anchor device of safety systems for one employee is suitable if it withstands a load of at least 22 kN without destruction.

Anchoring points for the connection of the safety systems of two workers must withstand a load of at least 24 kN without destruction, and 2 kN for each additional employee is added.

It is allowed to use several anchor points as an anchor device, in accordance with the calculation of the load value in the anchor device.

Both the retention and safety bond may be used as a reference in restraint systems.

As slings of the connection amortizing subsystem of the holding system, slings can be used to hold or position a constant or adjustable length, including elastic slings, slings with a shock absorber and exhaust safety devices.

The safety bond is used as a reference in the safety systems. The use of strapless safety belts is prohibited due to the risk of injury or death due to impact on the employee's spine when the fall stops, the employee falls out of the safety belt or the impossibility of a long static stay of the employee in the safety belt in a hanging state.

The connection amortizing subsystem of the safety system must include a shock absorber. The connection amortizing subsystem can be made of slings, exhaust safety devices or slider-type protection devices on flexible or rigid anchor lines.

Anchor lines, ropes or stationary guides of specific structures must meet the requirements of the manufacturer's instructions, which determine the specifics of their use, installation and operation.

The plan of measures in case of emergency and during rescue operations should provide for the implementation of measures and the use of evacuation and rescue means that allow the evacuation of people in the event of an accident or accident during work at altitude.

In order to reduce the risk of injury to the employee remaining in the safety system after stopping the fall in the hanging state, the evacuation plan should provide for measures and means (for example, self-rescue systems) that allow the employee to be released from the hanging state as soon as possible (no more than 10 minutes).

Equipment requirements for high-altitude works

Employees must be equipped with personal protective equipment (PPE): helmets, workwear and shoes, sleeves, insurance (fall protection), protective equipment corresponding to the task performed (eye protection shields, etc.).

Means of protection against falling include: individual safety systems (ISS), ropes, repshnures, cables, safety loops and slings, carbines, clamps, trigger, lifting and safety devices, units.

Fall protection devices shall have documents confirming their strength properties and conditions of use (quality certificates, technical passports, compliance with GOST, EN, ISO standards, test certificates, etc.).

PPE can be provided by an enterprise or owned by an employee. In the latter case, the means of protection against falling and documents confirming their strength properties and conditions of use must be presented to the person responsible for compliance with safety requirements appointed by order of the enterprise and can be used according to the written permission of the latter.

The equipment used in the performance of production tasks is divided into: personal equipment, which is used and adjusted by each performer individually or is included in the individual set of necessary equipment, group equipment used anonymously by the link, brigade.

Personal equipment for high-altitude work includes an individual safety system (ISS), consisting of a safety belt with shoulder straps (chest lining) and a lower gazebo with leg straps, or having a combined structure, as well as self-insurance, jerk shock absorbers, carbines, catchers, helmets, PPE.

When performing work that eliminates a strong jerk during disruption, it is allowed to use ISS consisting of one gazebo.

In case of high-altitude operations with lower insurance or in conditions where the risk of failure of the operating one and the occurrence of dynamic loads during jerking is possible, the ISS must be connected to the safety chain through a damping device with a threshold of actuation of not more than 0.6 kN.

The ISS shall have devices for adjustment of parameters in accordance with the antro of the operating (height, completeness).

All ISS elements (made of natural and artificial fibers, leather, metal) must maintain their protective and operational properties at humidity drops up to 100%.

Metal parts of ISS and other means of protection against falling from height must have an anticorrosion coating or be made of metals (alloys) not exposed to corrosion.

During ISS operation, their metal parts should not be located with armpits, between the legs, in the areas of the employee's liver and kidneys.

The safety belt shall be subjected to a static load test prior to commissioning and every 6 months during operation. The damping device shall be tested at the same time.

ISS having a factory certificate and a life of guaranteed accident-free operation are not subject to testing.

SIS operability check shall be performed by visual inspection before commencement of each working shift.

In case of detection of one of the following defects on the chest strap, arbor or shock-absorbing device: leather and fabric elements and elements from leather substitutes have cuts, incisions, burns, crushed, stretched, flashy areas; metal parts are deformed, have cracks, dents, burrs, visually detectable hairlines, thinnings and corroded areas; belts, tapes, straps in the place of a stitching have the used-up and torn threads, the dispersed seams; rope elements have flattened, flattened or broken ends, strands, areas with thinned or thickened diameter, traces of mechanical action on the braid, traces of exposure to high temperature or chemical substances.

Procedure and organization of works performance


Prior to construction of aerated concrete blocks walls it is necessary to:

- geodetic breakdown of the building axes on the ground (planned and high-rise), indicate the absolute elevation of the zero horizon (level of the ground floor);

- design the foundations for the walls and waterproofing according to the design (of the adjacent subcontractor);

- prepare areas for storage of blocks;

- to arrange a place for placing a closed warehouse of materials (for dry solution mixtures);

- bring to the facility aerated concrete blocks and dry solution mixtures based on five-day demand;

- bring to the facility and prepare for operation equipment, accessories, tools, equipment, as well as scavenging equipment;

- install installation crane or hoist;

- perform lighting of workplaces;

- conduct training on working methods of preparing solutions from dry mixtures and conducting wall masonry;

- instruct and familiarize workers with methods and techniques of safe work execution and workplace organization.

2.0.1. Preparation of glue mixture for wall masonry.

To prepare glue, the required amount of water is poured into a clean container in accordance with the instruction on the package.

Then, with continuous mixing with a mixer or drill with a special nozzle, the required amount of dry glue mixture is gradually added and stirred for 2 minutes until a uniform mass is obtained.

The glue should be so plastic that when applied with a toothed kelm, the grooves would retain their shape and not spread. At the same time, the glue should not be too thick.

The glue is maintained for 10 minutes, after which it is again thoroughly mixed and only then started to work. During operation, the adhesive is periodically mixed to maintain a uniform consistency.

2.0.2. First row masonry.

The quality of the entire house depends on the quality of masonry of the first row of blocks. It is performed especially carefully. Waterproofing shall be performed between foundation and masonry along the upper elevation of foundation.

Waterproofing is performed using either a roll waterproofing material or a solution made from dry waterproofing mixtures.

To ensure an even waterproofing surface of the first row, it should be laid on a leveling layer of cement sand.

Before the start of masonry, using a special tool, the maximum height difference at the corners of the erected building is determined. The maximum difference between the highest and lowest angle shall not exceed 30 mm. Otherwise, the base is leveled with grout.

Then at the corners of the building in a single horizontal plane, lighthouses are installed and the geometry of the erected perimeter is checked in accordance with the design.

To do this, using a roulette or another tool, the sides of the diagonals are measured. First, the length of the parallel sides of the building outline is matched. Then diagonals are compared and position of beacon blocks is corrected at their mismatch. After bringing the perimeter of the building in line with the design, the installation of mooring cords is carried out. The mooring cord is fixed at the corners of the building contour and pulled around the perimeter. If the length of the side exceeds 10 m, an intermediate block is installed in the middle.

Installation of each aerated concrete block is controlled by level and cord. The block is first aligned in a plane, then in height and after along the mooring cord.

To adjust the position of the gas concrete block, a rubber kiyanka is used.

In the process of masonry of walls, if necessary, voluntary gas-concrete blocks are used. Volunteer blocks are easily drank with a hand saw. To make the saw the most accurate, you need to make a marking of the cutting line with a pencil on two sides of the block - horizontal and vertical, as well as use an elbow.

When laying the first row, glue is applied to vertical (stamen) surfaces only in relation to rectangular aerated concrete blocks. During the use of slot-shaped blocks, glue is not applied to vertical surfaces, however, after installation of all blocks of the first row, the keys are filled with glue (key is a cylindrical cavity formed by slots of two neighboring blocks).

Before filling the keys, it is recommended that you check the horizontal surface of the first row with the rule.

There should be no level drop between adjacent units. If local elevations are identified, they must be removed using a special pipe for aerated concrete.

Once the leveling is complete, fine contaminants and dust are removed with a sweep brush.

2.1.3. Masonry of the second and subsequent rows.

The masonry of the second row can be started after setting the cement sand of the first row (i.e. after 1-2 hours). Masonry starts at an angle. Angular block is installed with seam dressing, which provides displacement of vertical seams of the second row relative to vertical seams of the first row by length not less than width of the block. In the future, it is recommended that you move the vertical welds of the next rows relative to the children by at least 10 cm.

The prepared glue is applied to the surface of 2-3 blocks with the help of a toothed carriage selected depending on the thickness of the blocks, or a spatula, without leaving free zones. The use of the carriage makes it possible on one side to ensure uniform distribution of glue on the surface of the unit, and on the other - to ensure its economical consumption. The latter is achieved due to the fact that when using a carriage, unlike a conventional toothed spatula, the possibility of glue flowing down the side surface of the gas concrete block is eliminated.

After installation of all corner blocks, laces are pulled, along which alignment and masonry of all remaining blocks of the row is carried out.

The technology of masonry of gas concrete blocks of the second row is the same as for masonry of the first row. The main difference is the need for masonry reinforcement.

2.1.4. Masonry reinforcement.

Reinforcement is performed every three rows of masonry in height, starting from the second. To perform the reinforcement, the rods 25x25mm are cut with the help of a manual or electric cutter. Since the thickness of the aerated concrete block is 200mm, two rods are made.

During cutting, the rod must be spaced from the edge of the aerated concrete block by a distance of at least 60mm. Further, it is necessary to remove the resulting contaminants and dust from the rod and thoroughly moisten it. At the corners of the walls, the bars are rounded. Before the reinforcement is laid, the rod is filled with glue.

For reinforcement, steel reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm is used. Glue shall completely cover the reinforcement. Excess glue is removed.

2.1.5. Installation of straps in the walls of aerated concrete blocks

Lintels (individual reinforcement bars (3 ∅12 AIII), steel angles L125x10, channels No. 20) are laid manually above window openings. Reinforcement bars shall be laid on M75 solution with provision of protective layer of reinforcement 20 mm in pre-installed wooden formwork. Support depth for load-bearing straps shall be not less than 250 mm on each side, for non-load-bearing straps - not less than 100 mm on each side.

Environmental protection activities

The fertile (vegetal) layer of soil in the base of the embankments and in the area occupied by various excavations must be removed before the main earthworks begin. The dimensions of the layer removal are established by the construction organization project. Removed soil is moved to the dump for its use during reclamation or increase of fertility of low-productive lands.

It is unacceptable to use a vegetation layer for the construction of bridges, backfills and other permanent and temporary earthworks.

Green spaces - trees, decorative shrubs, terrain, which is an exotic identity, should be protected and preserved as much as possible.

The noise limitation requirements of MU 443587 shall be strictly complied with.

Cement mixture and other wastes shall not be drained into sewage system or drains.

All fuel tanks and barrels shall be installed in trays capable of holding the full contents of the tank + 10% of the tank, closed to rain and pollution.

Do not discard hazardous, toxic waste or containers of such waste, as well as packagings from toxic materials to common open landfills. Such garbage is collected by the contractor in an agreed manner to a licensed landfill of the relevant toxic or construction garbage.

Do not use tropical wood, including plywood, unless specified in the project. All timber and plywood shall be supplied from established sources.

The equipment used must be properly and reliably fixed in order to reduce noise, fuel economy and reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Environmental protection and waste management

Waste and construction debris should be removed in a timely manner for further disposal. Burial of defective products and construction is prohibited. Incineration of combustible waste and construction debris at the construction site is prohibited.

Contaminated water must be trapped to prevent contamination of surface and above ground waters. All industrial and domestic effluents shall be cleaned.

It is not allowed to discharge water from the construction site directly to the slopes without adequate protection against erosion.

Environmental protection requirements must also be observed in GOST "Nature Protection. Hydrosphere.

The construction site shall be provided with a wheel washing station. The departure of vehicles that have not passed through the wash is categorically prohibited.

On the territory of the objects under construction, the reduction of shrubby vegetation and backfilling of root necks and trunks of growing trees and shrubs, which are not provided for in the design documentation, are not allowed. The trees to be saved must be fenced.

Noise protection

When performing construction and installation works on the construction site, follow the requirements of SP 51.13330.2011 "Noise Protection."

During the construction period, establish constant monitoring of the content of limit values of vibration and noise.

Work related to the use of construction machines such as cranes, compressor units, etc. should be carried out from 9.00 to 19.00 hour.

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