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Winter Triticale Process Plan

  • Added: 08.02.2018
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Calculation of parameters of the process map of winter triticale cultivation In column 2, all types of works that must be performed according to the technology are given in strict sequence. Column 3 shows the scope of work (ha, t, tkm, etc.). Agrotechnical period of operation (column 4) is selected from reference literature. The duration of the working day (column 6) is set based on the possibility of qualitative execution of the operation at night and the productivity of the agricultural equipment used. Ism. Sheet Sheet Document No. Signature Date Sheet DP. 1-08 01-06.05.PZ The composition of the unit (column 7, 8) is equipped with machines with high productivity, ensuring high quality of work with minimum labor and funds, according to the recommendations. The maintenance personnel of the selected unit (column 9) is determined according to the operating manual of the agricultural machine. Column 9 indicates the number of machine operators in the numerator, and the denominator indicates the number of auxiliary workers serving one unit. Replaceable capacity (column 10) and fuel consumption (column 11) per unit of work performed is selected from reference literature. The required number of normosmen to perform the scope of work for the process operation (column 12) is determined by the formula:, (2.4) where Uf is the scope of work for this process operation (column 3); Wsm - replaceable capacity, ha/cm, t/cm, tkm, cm (column 10). The required number of units for performing the specified scope of work (column 13) for this technological operation is determined: (2.5) where Dp is the duration of field agricultural work, days (column 5, numerator); Ksm is the replacement factor. (2.6) where Tsut - duration of unit operation per day, h (column 6); Tcm - the shift duration adopted in agriculture of the republic, h. (Tcm = 7 h). The fractional number of aggregates is rounded to a larger integer and the actual number of working days Df is specified (column 5, denominator). The required number of machine operators (column 14, numerator) is determined by:. (2.7) The required number of auxiliary workers (column 14, denominator) is determined by:, (2.8) Ism. Sheet Sheet Document No. Signature Date Sheet DP. 1-08 01 01-06.05 .PZ where m/, n/gsp is the number of machine operators and auxiliary workers serving one unit (graph 9, numerator and denominator). Labor costs are determined: - for machine operators (column 16) (2.9) - for auxiliary workers (column 17) (2.10) where Nmech, Nvsp - labor costs of machine operators and auxiliary workers, respectively, h. The cost of fixed assets is calculated for each operation separately for the energy medium (column 18, annex A) and agricultural machinery (column 19, annex A)., (2.11), (2.12) where Btr, Bshm - respectively the book value of the tractor and agricultural machine, thousand rubles. (Appendix B); Nh - time spent to perform the operation, h; Tg, Tg.shm - respectively annual operating time of tractor and agricultural machine, h. Salary (column 20) is calculated according to the formula:, (2.13) where Ch. M, Ch. C. - hourly tariff rates of machine operators and auxiliary workers, RUR, respectively; Kuv.m, kuv - increasing coefficient, taking into account all types of surcharges: for machine operators Kuv = 1.2; for auxiliary working kuv = 1.0 - 1.1.The costs of TSM (column 21) are determined by:, (2.14) where Q is the required amount of fuel, kg; Central - complex price of diesel fuel, rub ./kg., (2.15) Izm. Sheet Sheet Document No. Signature Date Sheet DP. 1-08 01 01-06.05 .PZ where Ct is the market price of diesel fuel RUB/kg. Depreciation costs (column 22) are determined by:, (2.16) where Ktr, Kshm - investments in energy and agricultural machinery, RUB, respectively; aatr, aashm - depreciation rate for tractor and agricultural machine respectively (Annex B),%. The costs of maintenance, repair and other costs (insurance and storage of machinery) (column 23) are determined by:, (2.17) where - rates of deductions for maintenance, repair and other costs (insurance and storage) respectively for a tractor and an agricultural machine (annex B),%. The total operating costs (column 24) for each process operation (columns 20, 21, 22, 23) are determined by the formula: Se = Szp + Stsm + Sa + STO. (2.18) Examples of calculations of two interconnected operations included in the technological data sheet for the performance of pre-sowing tillage and sowing of winter triticale Example of the calculation of the number of norm shifts (graph 12) for the performance of a given work (technological operation No. 5 "pre-sowing soil cultivation"): = 20/31 = 0.7 hour. Example of calculation of the number of aggregates (column 13): 1 aggregate. An example of calculating the required amount of fuel (for pre-sowing tillage) for the entire volume of work (graph 15) is determined: Q = 3 × 20 = 60 kg. Ism. Sheet Sheet Document No. Signature Date Sheet DP. 1-08 01-06.05.PZ Example of calculation of labor costs (columns 16 and 17) for machine operators and auxiliary workers during pre-harvesting: h; Ism. Sheet Sheet Document No. Signature Date Sheet DP. 1-08 01 01-06.05.ПЗ When performing this operation the auxiliary workers are not required. An example of calculating the number of norm shifts (graph 12) for performing a given work (technological operation No. 9 "seeding"): = 20/64 = 0.3 hours. An example of calculating the number of aggregates (column 13) during sowing: 1 aggregate. An example of calculating the required amount of fuel (for sowing) for the entire volume of work (column 15) is determined: Q = 3.7 × 20 = 74 kg. An example of calculating labor costs (columns 16 and 17) for machine operators and auxiliary workers in sowing:; No support workers are required in this operation.

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