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Finished Course Project for Water Treatment Plants

  • Added: 13.04.2012
  • Size: 976 KB
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Complete course work with all necessary drawings and calculations.

Project's Content

icon stanciya_vodopodgotovki.dwg
icon бланк заданий.doc
icon Записка по расчету и проектированию водоочистных сооружений.doc

Additional information



Measuring the Efficiency of the Treatment Plant

Determination of reagent doses

Storage of reagents

Dosing of reagents

Vortex mixer

Drum Nets

Contact clarifier

Water disinfection

Water chlorination

Water fluorination

Calculation of water tower for flushing of contact clarifiers

List of literature


Water supply is one of the most important branches of technology aimed at improving the standard of living of people, improving settlements, developing industry and

agriculture. Providing the population with adequate quantity of air-conditioned water is of important social and hygienic importance, protects people from epidemic diseases spread through water. Water quality shall meet the requirements of GOST R 5123298 "Drinking water. General requirements for the organization and methods of quality control. "

In this course design, the water treatment station from the surface source of the settlement was calculated. The calculation includes:

1. Measuring the Efficiency of the Treatment Plant

2. Determination of reagent doses

3. Determination of capacity of solution and service tanks

4. Vortex mixer calculation

5. Drum Mesh Calculation

6. Calculation of contact clarifier

7. Calculation of disinfection (chlorination and fluorination of water)

The graphical part of the course design includes the drawing of the general plan of the treatment facilities site, the plans of the first and second floors of the water treatment plant building and their sections, the purification process diagram.

Drawings content

icon stanciya_vodopodgotovki.dwg


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