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Water supply and sanitation of a residential building - coursework

  • Added: 17.04.2022
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Coursework on VIV. Explanatory note, drawings

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1. Design Input

2. Building water supply system

2.1 Hydraulic calculation of cold water water supply network

2.2 Selection of water meter

2.4 Hydraulic Calculation of Hot Water Supply Network

2.5 Calculation of circulation costs

3. Building sewage system

3.1 Calculation of internal and yard sewage systems

List of sources used


Water supply and sewerage are one of the important sectors of urban economy. The supply of the population with air-conditioned water in sufficient quantities, the disposal and treatment of wastewater before their re-use or discharge into the reservoir are of sanitary and hygienic importance, protect people from all kinds of epidemiological diseases, and make it possible to increase the level of improvement and sanitary condition of the settlement. One of the positive aspects of water supply and sewerage is not only a significant improvement in the sanitary living conditions of the population, but also a more effective use of urban land, since in these conditions the number of floors and population density are practically not limited.

Water supply is based on the use of natural raw materials - water, the reserves of which, like other natural resources, are limited. Ego raises the need for careful and reasonable treatment of water, the creation of re-and recycled water supply systems in industry, the development of water-free schemes, the use of clean-up wastewater for technical water supply

When performing course work, the student must learn to design and calculate cold water supply and drainage systems of a residential building. To do this, you need to know the basics of hydraulic calculation of pipelines, characteristics of pumps operation.

Drawings content

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