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Water supply and sanitation - 10-storey residential building


Water supply and drainage. System design. Running water. Sewerage.

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Design Input


Facility water supply and drainage system

Cold water supply system

Rationale and Scheme Selection

System Design B1, B

3.2.1. Water discharge valves

3.2.2. Water supply network B1, B

3.2.3. Piping valves

3.2.4. Pressurization Plants

3.2.5. Water metering unit

3.2.6. Input

3.3. Calculation B1, B

3.3.1. Determination of estimated costs at the site

3.3.2. Calculation of system components per hour of maximum water consumption Input Water metering unit Hydraulic calculation of water supply network Determination of required network pressure Selection of booster pumps

4. Domestic sewage system

4.1. Rationale and Scheme Selection

4.2. System Design K

4.2.1. Waste Water Receivers

4.2.2. Hydrolocks

4.2.3. Sewage network

4.2.4. Cleaning Devices

4.2.5. Releases

4.2.6. Yard network

4.2.7. Inspection well

4.2.8. Exhaust (ventilation) part

4.3. Calculation K

4.3.1. Determination of estimated costs at the site

4.3.2. Calculation of system elements Struts Hydraulic calculation of yard sewage network

5. List of literature used

1 Introduction

Goal: Development of an elite water supply and sanitation system for a complex of buildings that meets promising requirements of Russian citizens.

Due to the rapid development and expansion of plumbing equipment and its installation methods, modern specialists, as well as designers, have great prospects and opportunities to introduce them in our country and increase the comfort of the life of our citizens and save water resources in the country.

Fulfilling the civil duty of a free citizen of Russia during design, I propose my own way on the prospect of developing VIV systems in our country to improve the housing conditions of any of our citizens. The future of our country depends on us - we will build it as we want to see it.

Modern systems supply water with significant losses of up to 50%, which adversely affects the environment, depleting natural water sources and contaminating them with excessive amount of waste water. High water consumption and losses lead to overloading of treatment facilities, deterioration of water quality, which negatively affects the health of the population.

When developing the project, we must apply modern resource-saving system and circuit solutions and equipment that allow the rational use of drinking water.

The federal program for providing the population with drinking water, aimed at restoring and developing water supply systems to a level that ensures that the water meets the new, more stringent requirements of SanPiN, requires improving the quality of water in the places of water collection.

Given the degradation of the environment, the depletion of natural water sources and the requirement of the Russian Water Code for the rational use of water resources in the project, it is necessary to organize the rational use of water and the reduction of average water consumption, at present it is 305 l/person * day.

In connection with the deterioration of the health of the nation and the decrease in the population of our country, each patriotic specialist is obliged to contribute to the correction of the current situation.

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