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Water supply and drainage of a 10-storey residential building


Water supply and drainage of a 10-storey residential building - Kursova project

Project's Content

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icon PZ_6428176.docx

Additional information



1. Source Data


2.1 Substantiation of the made decisions on the water supply system and scheme

2.2 Description and routing of the water supply network

2.3 Hydraulic calculation of internal water supply

2.4 Selection of water quantity measuring device

2.5 Determination of required head in the internal water supply network

2.6 Selection of booster unit


3.1 Substantiation of decisions on the building water disposal system

3.2 Description and tracing of sewage network

3.3 Hydraulic Calculation of Internal Sewer Network


4.1 Selection of internal drain system

4.2 Description of drainage device and pipe routing

4.3 Calculation of components of the drain



List of literature


Modern buildings and individual facilities are equipped with cold and hot water supply systems, sewers and drains, heating and ventilation, gas supply and garbage lines and are a complex complex of engineering plumbing equipment.

Systems of internal water supply and drainage of any building (facility): residential, administrative, industrial enterprises are a complex of interconnected elements designed to provide all consumers with water and remove it after use.

In general, the task of the internal water supply and drainage systems is to ensure the supply of water in the required amount, of the required quality and under the pressure necessary for the normal operation of sanitary and technical devices, as well as to remove waste water from the receivers, transport them through the site, discharge into the street (city) sewage network and, if necessary, provide local (partial) wastewater treatment.

The purpose of this course project is: selection and justification, design and calculation of selected systems of internal cold water supply with apartment water meters, household and storm sewage of a ten-story 2-section residential building located in the territory covered by centralized water supply and sewage.

Source Data

Design a water supply and sanitation system for a 10-storey residential building with the same floor layout. The number of sections of the building is 2. The basement is located under the entire building. Residential apartment building with water supply, sewerage and baths with gas water heaters.

Floor Plan Variant 19

Number of floors 10

Number of sections 2

Height of floors (m) 2.9

Basement height (m) 2.6

Ground elevation (m) 25.3

Seasonal freezing depth (m) 2.2

Warranty head in the network at the point of input connection (m) 24

City water pipeline diameter (mm) 200

City sewage diameter (mm) 250

Elevation of city sewage tray (m) 21.2

Water supply

2.1 Substantiation of the made decisions on the water supply system and scheme

The purpose of this course project is to design a potable water supply system.

We accept the internal water supply system as a dead end. Water risers and supply pipelines are laid openly. Supply pipelines inside the bathrooms are laid along the enclosing structures at a height of 0.3 meters from the floor surface. Main pipelines are laid in the basement at a distance of 0.3 meters from the ceiling. Main pipelines are fixed on hooks embedded in girders and floor slabs. The slope of the main pipelines is 0.003 meters towards the input. The water supply system is necessarily equipped with isolation valves: at all branches to the risers from the pipeline and at the beginning of each floor supply.

The internal water supply is installed from steel galvanized pipes, respectively. GOST 326275.

2.2 Description and routing of the water supply network

Connection of water supply pipes to the city water supply network is carried out by tie-in. Isolation valves - gate valve are installed at the tie-in point. A well is built above the tie-in point to facilitate access and possible repair of this unit. Inlet pipes are laid at the shortest distance to the building enclosing structures, that is, at an angle of 90 ° with a slope of 0.003 towards the city water supply. The depth of water supply is taken depending on the depth of ground freezing in the construction area and the depth of the city water supply: Hz = hprom + 0 .5m = 2 .2m + 0 .5m = 2.7 m.

The inlet is installed from steel pipes according to GOST 326275 with a diameter of 50 mm. Entry intersection with enclosing structure (foundation)

It is made with a gap of 0.2 meters between the pipeline and a steel sleeve with a diameter of 400 mm, which is embedded in the enclosing structure, subsequently thermal insulation is installed in this gap, on both sides it is sealed with fatty clay and masked with cement sand mortar.

To take into account the amount of cold water consumed at the entrance to the building, near the internal surface of the NOC (bearing enclosing structure), a water metering unit with a bypass line is installed in an easily accessible place. Shut-off valves are installed in front of and after the water metering unit, as well as on the bypass line. A control valve is installed between the water metering unit and the second valve in the course of water movement. Then passes the main pipeline, from which the risers branch (a gate valve is installed on each branch), from the risers, in turn, there are connections to each apartment, which are also equipped with shutoff valves. Conduit pipes are welded to each other.

Water disposal

3.1 Substantiation of decisions on the building water disposal system

An internal domestic sewerage system is being designed in the building. Waste liquids are discharged from the building through closed gravity pipelines. The direction of the sewer piping is changed by means of special connecting parts. Sanitary devices are connected to the network by means of hydraulic locks (knees) to prevent ingress of foreign odors into the living room. Pipelines running from the instruments to the sewer risers are laid on the floor.

This sewage system is designed from cast iron pipes taking into account the requirements of strength, corrosion resistance, savings in consumables. Discharge pipelines with a diameter of 50 mm are laid with a slope of 0.03, 100 mm - with a slope of 0.02 towards the riser. All sewage risers are equipped with a ventilated exhaust part protruding over the roof by 0.3 meters, the diameter of this pipe is taken equal to the diameter of the riser itself. On the risers, on the first, fourth, seventh and upper floors, revisions are arranged, on the turns of the network, when the direction of flow of drains changes, at the beginning of sections of branch pipes with the number of devices 3 and more, on horizontal sections, cleaning is arranged. Sewage risers are laid open in sanitary units. The remaining sewer piping is also open.

3.2 Description and tracing of sewage network

Sewage discharge is carried out separately for each section towards the yard. Within the building, branch pipes from sewage risers and outlets are laid along brick columns above the basement floor. The intersection of the outlet and the external enclosing structure is carried out with a gap of 0.2 meters between the pipeline and NOC, which is subsequently sealed with greasy clay in the same way as water supply pipes. To monitor the operation of the sewage network and its operation, a viewing well is provided at the pipeline outlet from the building at a distance of 5 m from the NOC.

Internal drains

4.1 Selection of internal drain system

Internal drains are designed to divert rain and meltwater from the roofs of buildings. The system of internal drains consists of:

- gutter funnels (Bp10)

- branch pipelines (prefabricated lines, risers, headers);

- devices for inspection and cleaning of pipelines and outlets

4.2 Description of drainage device and pipe routing

The release of rain water from the system of internal drains is arranged openly in trays near the building, while it is necessary to provide for measures that exclude erosion of the ground surface near the building. A 100 mm high hydraulic shutter (as well as a special T-joint with a plug installed on the ground floor or in the basement to supply warm air to the gutter and funnel) should be provided for the installation of an open outlet on the riser to protect the internal drain and gutter from freezing. The hydraulic seal shall be located in a room with a temperature not lower than + 5 ° С. The height of the discharge above the ground level must be at least 200 mm.

Gutters are installed one for each section, based on the fact that the roof of the residential building is flat. Connection of gutters to risers is provided by means of compensating funnels with elastic sealing.

Minimum slopes of drain pipelines shall be taken at least 0.005. On the gutter riser on the first floor, at a height of 1.0 m from the floor, a revision is established.


In this course project, internal water supply and sewerage systems for a 10-story residential building were designed.

Cold water supply.

The internal cold water supply system is a centralized domestic and drinking water supply system. Diagram of cold water supply with lower wiring.


A domestic sewerage system has been designed - for the removal of sewage from sanitary and technical devices (toilets, washbasins, baths and washes) and internal drains - for the removal of rain and meltwater from the roof of the building. Internal sewage scheme - gravity, providing self-cleaning speeds of sewage.

Drawings content

icon chertezhi_6428177.dwg
