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Water supply and drainage

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Water supply and drainage

Project's Content

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icon 02.10.05 - Чертеж.dwg
icon 02.10.05 - ПЗ.pdf
icon 02.10.05 - Чертеж.pdf

Additional information



1. Source Data

2. Internal Running Water Calculation

2.1. Determination of estimated costs at the sites

2.2. Hydraulic calculation of internal water supply

2.3. Select and Calculate Counter

2.4. Determination of required head in design direction

2.5. Calculation of booster unit and selection of typical pumps

3. Calculation of internal sewage system

3.1. Select Tap Lines

3.2. Calculation of risers

3.3. Calculation of issues

3.4. Calculation of yard sewage system

4. Specification of internal water supply and internal sewerage


List of used literature


The sanitary-technical device and equipment of modern buildings is a complex of engineering equipment for cold and hot water supply, sewerage, heating, drains, garbage removal, gas supply. This complex is necessary for the life support of the population and determines the degree of improvement and comfort of buildings, as well as cities and settlements in general.

The cold water supply system of the building is called the internal water supply. The internal water supply is designed to supply water from the external water supply network to the water collection devices inside the building. System of internal water supply consists of inlet (one or several), water metering unit (one or several), main lines, risers, connections to water discharge valves, water discharge, shut-off and control valves. The internal water supply system can also include pumping units, water tanks and other equipment located inside the building.

Internal sewerage - a system of engineering devices and structures that provide reception, local treatment and transportation of contaminated effluents inside and outside the building to the sewerage network of the settlement. The internal sewerage system consists of the following main elements: sewage receivers (sanitary devices - washes, sinks, baths, toilets, etc.); sewage networks (risers, branch pipes, exhaust pipes and outlets, headers, etc.); Local wastewater transfer and treatment plants. A hydraulic gate is installed after each instrument.

The calculation of the sewage network consists in determining the total number of drains and selecting the diameters of the risers and the outlet.

The project is being developed on the basis of baseline data corresponding to option 5.

Source Data

1. The purpose of the building is a residential building;

2. Floor plans and plot plan for the location of buildings on the site with indication of street network routes - see the graphic part of the project;

3. Number of floors - 6;

4. The height of the premises in the floor is 2.9 m;

5. The thickness of the intermediate floor is 0.3 m;

6. The height of the premises in the basement is 1,9 m;

7. Absolute elevations, m:

7.1. 1st floor, 54.0;

7.2. land surface at the building, 53.6 ;

7.3. the surface of the earth at the well of the city water supply, 53.3;

7.4. the surface of the earth at the well of the city sewerage system, 53.3;

7.5. bottom of the city water supply pipe, 51.1;

7.6. urban sewage pipe tray, 50.0;

8. Pipe diameter, mm:

8.1. urban water supply system, 300 mm;

8.2. urban sewage system, 400mm;

9. Free head in the city water supply, 35m;

10. Ground freezing depth, 1,3 m;

11. Distance from red line to building L1, 3m

12. Distance from building to yard sewer L2, 7m

Water supply system

2.1. Selection of cold water supply system diagram

The development of the internal water supply scheme includes solving the following issues: choosing the network style in the plan (ring, dead end), determining the number of inputs, determining the need for vertical zoning of the network and choosing the type of zoning. The basis is the following factors: storey and building dimensions of the building, its purpose, requirements for uninterrupted water supply, guaranteed head at the inlet, the presence of fire water supply.

In this course work, an internal water supply for a six-story residential building with a floor height of 2.9 m was designed. In the building, one input from cast-iron water pipes with a diameter of 50 mm from the existing water pit on the city water supply network is designed. The input is routed at a slope of 0.005 towards the existing structure .

The system of domestic drinking water supply is dead-end with lower mains wiring under the ceiling of the basement, made of steel water and gas pipes. Pipe is attached by hooks to the basement capital wall.

The guaranteed head in the network is 35m.

2.2. Cold Water Internal Water Supply Networks

The horizontal distance in the light between the inlets of the drinking water supply and the outlets of the sewers and drains is taken to be at least 1.5 m, since the diameter of the input is less than 200 mm. Crossing of the inlet with the basement walls is performed with a gap of 0.2m and with sealing of the hole with waterproof elastic materials, since the soils are dry.

Risers are laid in niches in plumbing cabins. Connections to sanitary devices are made openly along the wall at a distance of 30 cm from the floor. Cold water supply network is located below hot water supply network with thermal insulation device. Pipeline laying is provided with a slope of 0.002.

2.3. Valves on cold water supply network

The design provides for the installation of shutoff valves in the following places [I]: at the inlet; on all branches from the main line; upstream of external watering cranes; on branches to each apartment; on connections to flush tanks. Pipeline valves of valve type are installed at pressure of 0.6 MPa.

Water separation valves are installed with each sanitary-technical device at a height that ensures its convenience of use.

Since the perimeter of the building is more than 70 m, we design two watering cranes, which are located in the niches of the external walls of the building at a height of 0.35 m from the pavement of the building.

2.4. Selection of input site, water metering unit

and their description

Input is a section from the external network to the water metering unit.

At the point of connection of the inlet to the external network of the city water supply, a well with a gate valve installed in it is arranged, and at the diameter of the inlet 50 mm and less - a valve.

Inlet is laid with slope not less than 0.003 towards external network. The depth of entry to the top of the pipe near the foundation of the building is taken to be 0.3 m below the depth of ground freezing, but not less than 0.7 m from the condition of protection of the pipeline from mechanical damage by ground transport .

The water metering unit is used to measure the amount of water supplied to a building or a group of buildings. It is placed at the entrance behind the first capital wall of the building at a height of 0.5-1.0 m from the floor in a convenient and easily accessible room with artificial or natural lighting and air temperature not lower than 5 ° С. In course work, one water supply inlet is designed, on which a water metering unit with a bypass line is located. A gate valve is provided on the bypass line, which is sealed in the closed position during normal operation. The water metering unit consists of a water meter, shutoff valves - gate valves or valves (depending on the gauge of the water meter), installed on each side of the meter, a control valve with a diameter of 20 mm, connecting shaped parts and branch pipes.

The water metering unit at the entrance to the building is designed as a detail of the project and is shown in an enlarged scale of 1:20 in the graphic part .

2.8. Hot water supply system

According to the assignment, the residents of the house are supplied with hot water using fast-acting gas heaters with multi-point water collection. Water heaters are provided in each apartment, installed in bathrooms.

The flow rate for hot water preparation is taken into account in the norm of cold water consumption and is not separately calculated.

2.9. Fire fighting measures

The design of internal fire fighting is not required, since the building has less than 12 floors, the number of apartments is less than 400 pcs.

In the bathrooms of apartments, a separate crane is provided for the connection of the hose (hose) in order to make it possible to use it as a device for primary intra-apartment fire extinguishing at an early stage .

The hose provides the ability to supply water to any point of the apartment, taking into account the length of the jet 3 m, the length of the hose 15 m, the diameter - 19 mm, the hose is equipped with a sprayer.

Sewerage system

3.1. Selection of sewage system diagram

The internal domestic sewage system is designed to drain waste water from the building to the external sewage system. The internal sewerage network consists of discharge pipes from sanitary devices, risers with ventilation parts and outlets.

Discharge pipelines are located mainly above the floor rectilinear with slope of 0.03 towards risers. Risers are located open near the walls .

On the internal sewerage network, inspections and cleaning are provided, which are installed on risers no less than 3 floors, but necessarily on the upper and lower. Revisions are located at a height of 1 m from the floor .

For sewage ventilation, risers are brought above the roof of the building to a height of 0.5 m. Diameter of riser exhaust part is taken equal to diameter of riser drain part.

For internal sewerage, polyethylene sewage pipes and shaped parts are used for them as per GOST 22689.089.

Sewage from the designed residential building is discharged into the external sewage network in two outlets. The minimum depth of the outlet (at the building) is determined taking into account ensuring the mechanical strength of the pipes from the impact of ground transport and preventing network freezing. Depth of discharge tray (bottom) laying is taken to be less than maximum depth of ground freezing by 0.3 m at diameter of pipes up to 500 mm inclusive and by 0.5 m at diameter of pipes more than 500 mm, but not less than 0.7 m from top of pipe. The outlet with a diameter of 150mm is laid with a slope of 0.008.

Outlet is connected with pipeline of external network (yard or intra-quarter) in well by smooth rotation at angle of not less than 90 °.

Yard network is laid from external street network to building at the distance of not less than 3 m from building walls at gravity mode of waste water movement with slope towards external network. The slope of the pipes is determined by calculation, while striving for a minimum deepening of the pipes. The lowest allowable slope of pipes with a minimum diameter of the yard network of 150 mm is 0.008. The largest slope of the yard network should not exceed 0.15.

The yard network is mounted from ceramic pipes.

Equipment and Material Specification

The specification is the basis for carrying out the estimate and, therefore, determining the cost of the construction site. Therefore, it should best reflect the need for materials and equipment laid down in the project.

In the course design, the specification is drawn up only for internal networks of cold water supply and sewerage. The specification includes pipes, isolation valves, water metering units, as well as sanitary devices measured in sets. The set includes fastening parts of the sanitary device, siphon revision, etc.

To compensate for possible errors in finding the lengths of network sections and converting from scale to natural value, the obtained result in the length of pipes increases by 10%.


In this course work, the design of internal water supply and sewerage networks for a six-story residential building with a number of 180chel residents was carried out. City water supply and sewerage networks are located in the immediate vicinity of the designed facility. Guaranteed head in the street water supply network 35m.

The internal water supply system of the building is dead end with lower wiring. The conduit entry is below the freezing depth. When the basement wall passes, the pipeline is laid in the case. A water metering unit with a bypass line is provided at the inlet with a diameter of 50mm. To take into account the amount of water consumed, a meter with a diameter of 40mm is installed. The water supply system operates under the pressure of the city network.

Main pipelines from steel water and gas pipes are laid in the basement room along the inner walls at a distance of 20 cm from the basement ceiling on hooks or brackets. Each branch from the main line is provided with isolation valves.

On the water supply network there is a device for watering cranes with a diameter of 25mm, which are located in the niches of the external walls, the distance between them along the perimeter of the building does not exceed 60m.

The design does not provide for a centralized hot water supply. In the apartments there are fast-acting gas water heaters with multi-point water collection.

The building designed a network of household sewers from plastic pipes. Branch lines from sanitary and technical devices are laid in an open way, above the floor of domestic premises with a slope

0.03 towards risers. As shaped parts, oblique tees and taps at an angle of 45 degrees are used. Drains from all apartments along the main line located under the basement ceiling are transported to the exit from the building. The initial discharge depth of the sewer network is 0.3m above the freezing depth.

Thus, the building has developed a set of sanitary and technical measures to provide a comfortable habitat for residents.

Drawings content

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