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VOC treatment facilities section SS stage P

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Reconstruction of surface runoff treatment facilities for the facility

Section: Communication networks

Stage P

Project's Content

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Additional information



1. Source Data

2. Key Technical Solutions

2.1. Information on the capacity of the connected communication network of the capital construction facility to the public communication network

2.2. Characteristics of designed structures and communication lines, including line cable, for production facilities

2.3. Description of structure and structure of structures and communication lines

2.4. Information on technical, economic and information conditions of connection to the public communication network

2.5. Substantiation of the method by which communication network connections are established (at local, intra-zone and long-distance levels)

2.6. Connection point locations and technical parameters at connection points of communication networks

2.7. Substantiation of traffic accounting methods

2.8. List of measures to ensure interaction of control and maintenance systems, including justification of the method of organization of interaction between control centers of connected communication network and public communication network, interaction of synchronization systems

2.9. List of activities to ensure the sustainable operation of communication networks, including in emergency situations

2.10. Description of technical solutions for information protection (if necessary)

2.11. Characterization and substantiation of the adopted technical solutions with regard to process communication networks designed to support production activities at the capital construction facility, process control of production processes (internal communication system, frequency monitoring, radio testing (including local warning systems in areas where potentially hazardous facilities are located), television monitoring systems of technological processes and security television surveillance), - for production facilities

2.12. Description of internal communication system, frequency classification, radio, television - for non-production objects

2.13. Justification of the used switching equipment, which allows to record outbound traffic at all connection levels

2.14. Characteristics of the received local area network (if any) - for production objects

2.15. Characteristics of the protected object

2.16. Automatic Fire Alarm System (AFS)

2.17. Security Alarm System

2.18. Video Surveillance System (VCS)

2.19. Access Control and Monitoring System (MCDS)

2.20. Communication system (SS)

2.21. System power supply

2.22. Requirements for production and organization of works

2.23. Installation Instructions

Source Data

This section of the project of communication networks "Reconstruction of facilities for surface runoff treatment for the facility" Construction of an understudy Borovsky Shosse in the area of ​ ​ LCD Rasskazovka "Section 4. Buildings, structures and structures included in the infrastructure of a linear object. Subsection 2. Local treatment facilities. Part 5. Information on engineering equipment, engineering and technical support networks, list of engineering and technical measures, content of technological solutions. Book 5. Communication Networks "is developed on the basis of:

- General Technical Requirements No. 1862/19 of 02.12.2019;

- Specifications (S) No. 0411 RSPIETTs/2020 of 15.05.2020 for the radio channel system of transfer of notices on the fire on "Remote controller 01";

- architectural and construction drawings;

- tasks of adjacent sections (process).

The project was developed in accordance with the following regulatory documents of the Russian Federation:

PUE "Electrical Installation Rules" of 6 and 7;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87 "Regulation on the composition of sections of design documentation and requirements for their content";

SP1.13130.2009 "Fire protection systems. Escape routes and exits ";

SP6.13130.2009 "Fire protection systems. Electrical equipment. Fire safety requirements ";

SP5.13130.2009 "Fire protection systems. Fire alarm and fire extinguishing units are automatic. Design Codes and Regulations (with Change N 1);

SP3.13130.2009 "Fire protection systems. Warning and management system for evacuation of people in case of fire. Fire safety requirements ";

RD78.14593 Manual to the guidance document "System and complexes of security, fire and fire alarm. Rules of Work Execution and Acceptance ";

RD25.95390 "Automatic fire extinguishing, fire protection and fire alarm systems. Symbol of schematic graphic elements of the system ";

VSN 60 89 "Design Standards for Communication, Signaling and Dispatching of Engineering Equipment of Residential and Public Buildings";

SP 132.13330.2011 Ensuring anti-terrorist security of buildings and structures. General design requirements;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 23.12.2016 No. 1467 "On Approving Requirements for Anti-Terrorist Protection of Water Supply and Sanitation Facilities, the Form of a Safety Passport for a Water Supply and Sanitation Facility, and on Amending Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation"

Key Technical Solutions

Information on the capacity of the connected communication network of the capital construction facility to the public communication network

The section does not provide for the construction of a cable sewer. Data transmission is carried out on a wireless communication channel, according to the LTE standard, according to the specifications of VimpelCom PJSC.

Characteristics of designed structures and communication lines, including line cable, for production facilities

Section does not provide for construction of cable sewage system. Data transmission is carried out on a wireless communication channel, according to the LTE standard. To do this, the 4G modem of VimpelCom PJSC and the L2 access layer switch are used.

Description of structure and structure of structures and communication lines

The designed communication cables are not provided in the design.

Information on technical, economic and information conditions of connection to the public communication network

No additional equipment is required to connect to the public city telephone network.

Substantiation of the method by which communication network connections are established (at local, intra-zone and long-distance levels)

The design decision was made due to the distance of the object from the city cable networks.

Connection point locations and technical parameters at connection points of communication networks

The cable line is not provided in the design.

Substantiation of traffic accounting methods

At this stage of design, this network is not connected to the Internet and other information systems. Therefore, network traffic accounting is not provided.

List of measures to ensure interaction of control and maintenance systems, including justification of the method of organization of interaction between control centers of connected communication network and public communication network, interaction of synchronization systems

The specified list of measures is determined by the operating organization in accordance with departmental norms of operation and control of equipment and communication networks.

List of activities to ensure the sustainable operation of communication networks, including in emergency situations

The adopted design decisions comply with the current design and construction codes and regulations. With appropriate installation of communication networks, the possibility of mechanical damage to conductors and installation equipment is minimized. For the public telephone network, no additional complex equipment is installed at the facility, the failure of which would lead to a long-term disruption of communication.

Description of technical solutions for information protection (if necessary)

There are no special measures to protect information in the project.

Characterization and substantiation of the adopted technical solutions with regard to process communication networks designed to support production activities at the capital construction facility, process control of production processes (internal communication system, frequency monitoring, radio testing (including local warning systems in areas where potentially hazardous facilities are located), television monitoring systems of technological processes and security television surveillance), - for production facilities

The section develops a video surveillance system based on IPvideo cameras manufactured by Beward.

The section does not provide for the construction of a cable sewer. Data transmission is carried out on a wireless communication channel, according to the LTE standard, according to the specifications of VimpelCom PJSC.

Description of internal communication system, frequency classification, radio, television - for non-production objects

The section does not provide, since the structures are an object of production purpose.

Justification of the used switching equipment, which allows to record outbound traffic at all connection levels

At this stage of design, this network is not connected to the Internet and other information systems. Therefore, network traffic accounting is not provided.

Characteristics of the received local area network (if any) - for production objects

The local area network on the site is not provided.

Characteristics of the protected object

Structure category by explosion and fire hazard - D;

Fire resistance degree - II;

Structure class by functional fire hazard - F5.1;

Structural fire hazard class of the building - C0;

Object significance class according to SP 132.13330.2011 "Security

anti-terrorism security of buildings and structures. General requirements

design "- III;

The category of significance of the object according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 23.12.2016 No. 1467 (ed. From 29.06.2017) "On Approval of Requirements for Anti-Terrorist Protection of Water Supply and Sanitation Facilities, the Form of a Safety Passport for a Water Supply and Sanitation Facility and on Amendments to Some Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation Federation" - IV.

According to SP 132.13330.2011, the project provides for access control and accounting system for third class production buildings.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 23.12.2016 No. 1467, the object, regardless of the established category of significance, is equipped with a security television system and a security alarm system, which are provided for in this project.

The operating mode of the station is year-round, but periodic, as well as the operating mode of the on-duty personnel temporary stay.

Automatic Fire Alarm System (AFS)

The project provides for the use of Russian certified equipment of the Orion address-to-analog fire alarm system.

Central equipment is located in the fire alarm cabinet. This cabinet is equipped with a built-in power supply and includes:

two-wire communication line controller S2000KDL;

control and starting S2000KPB block;

address signal and start-up unit C2000SP2;

signal-starting unit S2000-SP1, 01

Interface converter that transmits the RS485 interface over the C2000Ethagnetic Ethernet.

It is also provided to install the C2000M console, to control the sections and carry out general monitoring of the system .

To transmit "Fire" and "Malfunction" signals to the fire department, the Sagittarius-Monitoring object station is used. Connection to the object station should be carried out in accordance with the regulations for connecting third-party organizations to the Streletsmonitoring software hardware complex, presented on the website of the main department for Moscow EMERCOM of Russia.

Alarms are transmitted to a single control room, which is located at the treatment facilities. Signals are transmitted via a wireless link, according to the LTE standard. Connection to the LAN of the data network is carried out through the C2000Ethetainterface converter.

Installation of devices of the APS system is carried out in a wall cabinet. The cabinet itself is located in om.102.

Location of fire detectors

At least two fire detectors are installed in protected rooms according to SP 5.13130.2009. When the controller of the two-wire communication line "S2000KDL" operates, the state of the PIA is constantly monitored and if the predetermined level of smoke is exceeded, the "FIRE" command is generated when two automatic fire detectors installed in each area (room) or from a manual fire detector are triggered. Actuation of detectors installed in one room is performed according to logic "OR."

The design provides for the use of the following types of detectors:

Fire smoke optoelectronic linear optical detector IPDL52M (IP21252M)

Announcer fire smoke optical-electronic address DIP-34A-03

Manual fire detector IPR 513-3AM

The design provides for the installation of manual fire detectors at a height of 1.5 m from the floor level. The detector design shall not be affected by electromagnetic or magnetic fields or other devices which may cause spontaneous actuation. The manual fire detector is installed in accordance with SP 5.13130.2009 item 13.13.2 at a distance of at least 0.75 m from other controls and objects that prevent free access to the detector.

Point smoke detectors shall be located taking into account air flows in the protected room caused by plenum and/or exhaust ventilation, the distance from the detector to the ventilation hole shall be at least 1 m.

When installing point smoke detectors, there shall be no more than 4.5m between the sensors and no more than 4.5m from the walls.

The horizontal and vertical distance from the detectors to the nearby objects and devices, to the electric vents, in any case, must be at least 0.5 m.

Fire detectors shall be placed in such a way that nearby objects and devices (pipes, air ducts, equipment, etc.) do not interfere with the effects of fire factors on detectors, and light sources, electromagnetic interference do not affect the detector's serviceability.

Line fire detectors shall be placed in accordance with SP 5.13130.2009 p.13.5, p.14.13, as well as with the technical passport for the device. Inclusion of announcers in an address loop is carried out through an address tag of C2000AP.

Fire alarm loops

The selection of wires and cables, how to lay them for the organization of loops and a two-wire communication line of AUPS was made in accordance with the requirements of PUE, the requirements of SP 5.13130.2009, SP 3.13130.2009, GOST R 533152012 and technical documentation for the devices and equipment of the system.

According to GOST 315652012 wiring of fire protection system:

signaling loops, address loops, control routes, RS485 information bus, power cables are made by FRLS fire-resistant cables.

Joint laying of cable lines of fire protection systems with other cables and wires in one conduit, pipe, bundle, closed channel of construction structure or on one tray is not allowed.

Fire alarm loops in protected rooms and along routes shall be laid separately from all power cables, lighting cables and wires.

In case of parallel open laying, the distance between the wires and cables of fire alarm loops and connecting lines with power and lighting wires shall be at least 0.5 m. If it is necessary to lay these wires and cables at a distance of less than 0.5 m from power and lighting wires, they shall be protected from aiming. Power circuits and system cables shall be crossed at right angles if necessary.

It is allowed to reduce the distance to 0.25 m from wires and cables of APS loops and connecting lines without protection from aiming to single lighting wires and control cables. At the intersection of wires and cables with pipelines, the distance between them in the light must be at least 50 mm. When laying in parallel, the distance from the wires to the pipelines shall not be less than 10 mm.

The following cables are provided for in the design:

For address two-wire line

Cable: KPSng (A) FRLS 1 × 2 × 0.5

Cable-carrying, mounting element: steel bracket, flexible corrugated pipe made of polyvinyl chloride for electrical installation with external diameter of 20 mm

For an alert link:

Cable: KPSng (A) FRLS 1 × 2 × 0.75

Cable-carrying, mounting element: steel bracket, flexible corrugated pipe made of polyvinyl chloride for electrical installation with external diameter of 20 mm

Utility control cables:

- CPSng (A) FRLS 1x2x1.0

- KSBng (A) FRLS 1x2x0.8

The following cable routing methods are adopted in the design:

- fire alarm loops: by wall and ceiling in PVC pipe D = 20mm;

- warning communication lines: by wall and ceiling in PVC pipe D = 20mm.

Evacuation Alert and Management

Based on SP 3.13130.2009, Section 7. Fire safety requirements for equipping buildings (structures) with various types of warning systems and control of people evacuation in case of fire. there is a warning and evacuation control system for people in case of type 2 fire.

APS device generates command for fire warning system control: activation of siren, OUTPUT annunciator. Generation of control signals is performed at actuation of detector installed in protected area or room. With the help of manual fire detector, AUPS generates signal of warning system control at its actuation.

The audible annunciators are arranged to provide sufficient sound pressure at all points of the premises to be protected.

"EXIT" light annunciators are located above door openings.

The characteristics of the annunciators must meet the requirements of NPB 7798 "Technical means of warning and evacuation control firefighters. General technical requirements. Test methods. " The sound pressure level developed by the sounder at a distance of 1.00 ± 0.05 m shall be set between 85 and 110 dB.

Sound annunciators do not have a volume control and are connected to the device without detachable devices.

Place audible annunciators on the wall in place as specified in this project at a height of not less than 2.3 m from the floor level (distance from the ceiling to the top of the annunciator is not less than 150 mm).

Interaction with other engineering systems

In case of fire, this project provides for control of the following systems:

- Disconnection of plenum ventilation

- Start of warning and evacuation control system

- Fire retardant valve control.

The following devices are controlled:

Signal-starting unit S2000-SP2

Signal and start-up unit S2000-SP1 is.01

Test and start-up unit S2000-KPB

"BUOK-4" valve control unit

Control is performed when a "fire" signal is received, which is generated when at least 2 fire smoke detectors are activated.

Disconnection of plenum ventilation (systems P1, P2 B1, B2, B3, PV1, PV2) is carried out by transmitting the "dry contact" signal triggered by the "fire" signal to the independent disconnector, which controls the power supply of the ventilation system automation cabinet. The number of dry contact signals corresponds to the number of control cabinets. "Dry contact" signal is generated by S2000SP1 isp.01.

Control cabinets of vent systems P1.1, P1.2, P2.1, P2.2, B1, B2, B3, PV1, PV2 are taken into account in volume

Device C2000SP2 generates a control signal transmitted to the RSPI object station, which provides data transmission to the StreletsMonitoring monitoring system complex.

Control and start-up unit S2000KPB provides control of the ECSS system, as well as generates a control signal for fire response of fire-retarding valves. Control of these valves, as well as their actuation control, is carried out through the control unit BUOK4. Information on actuation of these valves is transmitted to the automatic control system panel.

Security Alarm System

The project provides for the use of Russian certified equipment of the Orion address-to-analog security alarm system.

Central equipment is located in the fire alarm cabinet. This cabinet is equipped with a built-in power supply and includes:

- controller of two-wire communication line S2000KDL;

- interface converter that transmits the C2000-Ethernet interface

The two-wire link controller is designed to protect the following facilities:

- sets of magnetic contact detectors with address expanders built into them are installed on all doors and windows;

- surface acoustic detectors or volumetric IKs of "curtain" type are installed above window openings.

Alarms are transmitted to a single control room, which is located at the treatment facilities. Signals are transmitted via a wireless link, according to the LTE standard.

Alarm loops

The selection of wires and cables, how to lay them for the organization of loops and a two-wire communication line is made in accordance with the requirements of PUE, the requirements of SP 5.13130.2009, GOST R 533152009 and technical documentation for the devices and equipment of the system. Alarm loops in protected rooms and along routes shall be laid separately from all power cables, lighting cables and wires. In case of parallel open laying, the distance between wires and cables of alarm loops and connecting lines with power and lighting wires must be at least 0.5 m. If it is necessary to lay these wires and cables at a distance of less than 0.5 m from power and lighting wires, they must be protected from aiming. Power circuits and system cables shall be crossed at right angles if necessary.

It is allowed to reduce the distance to 0.25 m from the wires and cables of OS loops and connecting lines without protection from aiming to single lighting wires and control cables. At the intersection of wires and cables with pipelines, the distance between them in the light must be at least 50 mm. When laying in parallel, the distance from the wires to the pipelines shall not be less than 10 mm.

The following types of cables are provided in the design:

- KPSVVNG (A) LS 1x2x0.75 is the two-wire communication line;

The following cable routing methods are adopted in the design:

- alarm loops: by wall and ceiling in PVC pipe D = 20mm;

- warning communication lines: by wall and ceiling in PVC pipe D = 20mm.

Video Surveillance System (VCS)

Video surveillance systems shall provide:

a) visual monitoring of security objects and adjacent areas (direct video surveillance);

b) operational control of the actions of the security personnel (security unit) and provision of the necessary information for the coordination of these actions;

c) recording video information in the archive for subsequent analysis of the state of the protected object, alarm situations, identification of violators;

d) programming of operating modes;

The project provides for a video surveillance system based on the Russian certified production of the Bevard NPP company. The depth of the archive is 12 days. The recorder is installed in the designed telecommunication cabinet together with the SKATUPS 2000 RACK uninterruptible power supply .

The image from the IPvideo cameras is transmitted to a single control room, which is located at treatment facilities No. 4. Signals are transmitted via a wireless link, according to the LTE standard.

CCTV communication lines

To transmit video information from video cameras installed on the facade of the building to the DVR, a cable of the U/UTP Cat 5e PVC 4x2x0.52 type is used.

The cable shall be marked at the beginning (end) of the cable, turning points, at the passages in the walls. Cable connection elements shall be marked in a location accessible for observation and shall be identifiable according to the documentation.

The following cable routing methods are adopted in the design:

- Communication lines: along wall and ceiling in PVC pipe D = 20mm;

Access Control and Monitoring System (MCDS)

The system is designed to organize authorized access of personnel to protected objects, with the issuance of personal identification cards, with the ability to store a database, register events and take into account working time.

The access controller is the production controller of NVP Bolid. The entrance doors of the building are equipped with the following devices:

proximitycart reader to input;

electromagnetic lock;

Door finisher;

exit button;

emergency door unlocking device.

The controller stores information about the configuration, operating modes of the system, the logic of the connected equipment, the list of people (passes) who have the right to enter the premises, as well as their rights of access to these premises (when and where you can go).

Operation in offline mode is achieved by backing up the controller database in internal memory: card numbers, reader modes, time zones and access levels.

MCDS communication lines

Installation shall be carried out in accordance with the design, taking into account the requirements of SNiP 3.05.0685, PUE *, RD 78.14593.

Access control and monitoring cables shall be laid separately from all power cables, lighting cables and wires.

In case of parallel open laying, the distance between MCDS wires and cables with power and lighting wires must be at least 0.5 m. If it is necessary to lay these wires and cables at a distance of less than 0.5 m from power and lighting wires, they must have protection against aiming. Power circuits and system cables shall be crossed at right angles if necessary.

It is allowed to reduce the distance to 0.25 m from MCDS wires and cables and connecting lines without protection from aiming to single lighting wires and control cables.

At the intersection of wires and cables with pipelines, the distance between them in the light must be at least 50 mm. When laying in parallel, the distance from the wires to the pipelines shall not be less than 10 mm.

The following types of cables are provided in the design:

- KPSVVNG (A) LS 1x2x0.5 is connection of the sensor of opening of a door, the exit button ;

- SPECIAL U/UTP Cat 5e PVC 4x2x0.52 - reader connection;

- KPSVVNG (A) LS 1x2x0.75 is connection of the electromagnetic lock;

The following cable routing methods are adopted in the design:

- Communication lines: along wall and ceiling in PVC pipe D = 20mm;

Communication system (SS)

The section does not provide for the construction of a cable sewer. Data transmission is carried out on a wireless communication channel, according to the LTE standard, according to the specifications of VimpelCom PJSC.

All telecommunication equipment is installed in a wall-mounted telecommunication cabinet. Equipment composition:

- management. L2 level switchboard with support of PoE 802.3af/at, 24 ports;

- 2000Va uninterruptible power supply.

It is provided to allocate a number capacity of at least 1 number.

The 4G LTE modem Zyxel LTE 7460608M is installed on the antenna mast.

System power supply

Based on item 15.1 of the Code SP 5.13130.2009, electrical receivers of OPS, ECSS and MCDS are classified as category I according to PUE.

The object is classified as I category, therefore, the power supply RIP12RS with batteries with a capacity of 17 A/h is used as backup power. The total capacity of the batteries provides the required operation time of the automatic control system - 24 hours in standby mode, 1 hour in alarm mode.

The video surveillance system and communication networks are equipped with SKATUPS 2000 RACK uninterruptible power supplies. The cameras are powered by a DVR using ROE technology.

Requirements for production and organization of works

Installation and commissioning works are carried out in accordance with the regulatory and technical documents and requirements applicable at the facility, for which the Customer is obliged to familiarize the Contractor's team with the relevant documents.

To perform installation and commissioning works, the Customer shall provide the Contractor's team with a closing room for instrument and equipment storage.

The Contractor's Head of Installation and Commissioning shall inform the Customer about the need to use lifting mechanisms not later than one day before the start of high-rise works.

The Customer shall ensure the possibility of unimpeded installation and commissioning of the Contractor's team in the places indicated on the layout of the integrated safety system for installation of equipment during the working day installed at the Customer's enterprise.

Cable lines of other systems shall not be attached to the cable communication lines of the system. In case of non-fulfillment of these requirements, Owner shall be responsible for delay of works. In order to avoid damage to electrical wiring and other communication lines, the Customer shall submit to the head of installation and commissioning works the plan of wiring and other communication lines of the premises in which the installation and adjustment of the integrated safety system is carried out, and ensure the presence of a responsible power engineer for the period of installation works.

Connection to the 220V 50Hz network is made by the contractor, who has permission and a license to carry out the corresponding work.

In case of damage to wiring and other communication lines in case of non-fulfillment of the specified requirements, as well as in case of actual deviation of wiring from the position specified on the plan or by a specialist power engineer, damage is repaired by the Customer .

If this requirement is not fulfilled, installation works shall not be performed by the Contractor, and the Customer shall be responsible for the delay of works.

To ensure safe operation before the start of operation, it is necessary to ground the existing metal enclosures by connecting them to the grounding bar, at that the ground contact resistance must be not more than 0.5 ohms.

Connection of grounding protective conductors to parts of equipment is performed by bolting. Installation and installation works should be started only after safety measures are performed according to SNiP III480.

Operation with technical means of television surveillance must be performed in compliance with PUE. When working with manual power tools, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of GOST 12.2.01387 .

When working with a construction and installation pistol, observe the requirements of RTM 36.688 "Powder tools, types, technical data. Scope. Storage and repair. "

Only stairs or ladders shall be used when working at height. The use of improvised means is strictly prohibited. When using stairs, the presence of a second person is mandatory. The lower ends of the ladder shall have stops in the form of metal studs or tips.

During installation, adjustment and maintenance of the system hardware, it is necessary to be guided also by the safety sections of the technical documentation of the manufacturers, departmental instructions on safety during installation and adjustment of control devices and automation tools.

Installation Instructions

Erection, adjustment, testing and commissioning of the OPS shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of RD 78.14593 "Systems and complexes of security, fire and fire alarm. Rules for performance and acceptance of works "and according to technical documentation for equipment.

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