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Vice 00-


Vise is designed for clamping shafts and other cylindrical parts with a diameter of up to 29 mm when milling keyholes, foxes, etc. in them.
Column (1) shall be placed on the corner 10. Fixing the column to the angle is carried out using bolts 14, 15. Two sponges 2 shall be installed on column (1). Bushings 4 and 12 are inserted into the sponges, through which screw 3 passes with right and left threads. Each bushing is attached to the sponge by four bolts 13. A retainer 11 is attached to the column by means of diagonally arranged screws 16 and pin 28, which prevents axial displacement of the screw 3. Prisms 5 are installed on the sponges. Four screws 17 attach the cover 6 to the sponge 2.
Adjustment of the prism in the longitudinal direction is carried out using screws 19, after which it is fixed by the screw 18. At the end of the screw 3, a steering wheel consisting of a nut 7, four handles 8 with ball handles 9 is attached using pin 22. The handles 8 are inserted into the openings with a diagonal of 10 nuts 7 and are fixed with pins 21. When the steering wheel rotates clockwise, the bushings 4 and 12 move along the propeller 3 in the opposite direction and pull the sponges on which the prisms are installed. Prisms come together and clamp the product. When rotated counterclockwise, the prisms are pulled apart and the product is released.

Task No. 5 from the album of tasks for performing assembly drawings by V.S. Dukmasov, A.L. Reshetov, V.A. Krasnov, V.N. Kochetkov.

Project's Content

icon 00- - Рукоятка.m3d
icon 00- - Фиксатор.cdw
icon 00- СБ - Тиски Спецификация.cdw
icon 00- - Угольник.m3d
icon 00- - Втулка.m3d
icon 00- - Bтулка.cdw
icon 00- - Рукоятка.cdw
icon 00- - Ручка.m3d
icon 00- - Крышка.cdw
icon 00- - Призма.cdw
icon 00- - Губка.cdw
icon 00- - Bтулка.m3d
icon 00- - Тиски.cdw
icon 00- - Гайка.m3d
icon 00- - Угольник.cdw
icon 00- - Bинт.m3d
icon 00- - Втулка.cdw
icon 00- - Губка.m3d
icon 00- СБ - Тиски.a3d
icon 00- СБ - Тиски Сборочный чертеж.cdw
icon 00- - Колонка.cdw
icon 00- - Ручка.cdw
icon 00- - Крышка.m3d
icon 00- - Призма.m3d
icon 00- - Гайка.cdw
icon 00- - Колонка.m3d
icon 00- - Bинт.cdw
icon 00- - Фиксатор.m3d

Additional information

Drawings content

icon 00- - Фиксатор.cdw

00- - Фиксатор.cdw

icon 00- СБ - Тиски Спецификация.cdw

00- СБ - Тиски Спецификация.cdw

icon 00- - Bтулка.cdw

00- - Bтулка.cdw

icon 00- - Рукоятка.cdw

00- - Рукоятка.cdw

icon 00- - Крышка.cdw

00- - Крышка.cdw

icon 00- - Призма.cdw

00- - Призма.cdw

icon 00- - Губка.cdw

00- - Губка.cdw

icon 00- - Тиски.cdw

00- - Тиски.cdw

icon 00- - Угольник.cdw

00- - Угольник.cdw

icon 00- - Втулка.cdw

00- - Втулка.cdw

icon 00- СБ - Тиски Сборочный чертеж.cdw

00- СБ - Тиски Сборочный чертеж.cdw

icon 00- - Колонка.cdw

00- - Колонка.cdw

icon 00- - Ручка.cdw

00- - Ручка.cdw

icon 00- - Гайка.cdw

00- - Гайка.cdw

icon 00- - Bинт.cdw

00- - Bинт.cdw